Forum Replies Created
Participant should help with the plant biotope profile…
Participantcorrect its dwarf hair grass. Echiolaris parvula (i think.. probably a big typo.. but its ages since i bought it
Participantmine floats for 1-2 days ten settles.
It degraded after 10-14 days.
Participanthi and welcome,
congratulations on being a dad!!!
I also keep my CPD’s with Boraras…. they make a nice combination and even shoal together on occasion.
Good luck on rearing your fry!
ParticipantNikon D40
ParticipantBack at work, and still reeling from Christmas!
Participanti’ve been running around like a lunatic over christmas. I think I have around 10 fry, but I counted that in about 30 seconds and they are quite small.
I’ll try a proper head count tommorow and see what I have.
Ste – christmas was good. Its also my eldest sons Birthday on Boxing day, so it has been hectic to say the least. Kids are all partied out!
Anyway, must dash… need to sort out tea. I’ve got a new camera so I hope to pop on some more pics soon!!!!
ParticipantHurrah.. i have fry. I dont beleive it, but whilst I was away for christmas I return to fry in my breeder tank.
ParticipantMerry Christmas and a happy new year everyone.
I’ve asked for a digital camera… you can all look forward to really good pictures of my tanks now
i hope!
ParticipantThe rams are settling in great. Their colour was a bit off for 2 days, but is much improved now.
After 24 hours the 2 males had a little ‘disagreement’ but that seems to have settled down now.
Participantinitally good. I got 40 eggs. Then it went bad.
I was using red ramshorn snails to keep the tank free of detritus, as recommended by another fish breeder.
I now know to my detriment, that ramshorn love to snack on danio eggs. All eaten overnight!
I’ll be repeating an attempt in the new year.
Older and wiser every day.
Participantyup.. thats the peice of wood!
I’m still not happy with the tank atm, but am currently waiting until the pogostemion grows in to see how it looks. I’ll be pluming in pressuriesed co2 soon so that should help things.
ParticipantGreenline are very good. The only other plants I would buy are from Tropica (sometimes seen in pets @ home and other shops).
As to your planted tank education… I might be able to point you in the right direction.
The forum is a hot bed of information. It can get a bit technical side, but there is a forum dedicated to talking in plain english
Another option would be a new forum I heard about yesterday:
Not sure how long it has been set up, but sounds about right for ya
ParticipantWas after 2 sexed pairs Steve… Happy to pay the going rate as I know they are good stock.
I’ll call you at some point over the next few days – btw if I dont, ring me.. my head is up my ass at present. Am completely run down after a virus I had a few weeks ago. I seem to forget loadsa stuff. Good news is that I’ve taken a good few days off work to try and rest. I think I’ll rest and play with my tanks a little.
Oh, and as a complete aside – if you are heading up to Bold health let me know… if you have the time you could pop round to mine…. One of my vaillants has a funny white spot on his nose and I’d appreciate an experienced pair of eyes. To my mind it looks a little like lymphocytosis (but I’ve never seen it before) or fungus. I’m currently treating with pimafix just in case.
Unfortunately my mobile phone cant take good enough pictures of it for the internet. The good news is that I’m getting a new camera for Chrismas
Anyway.. I digress.. I’d better get back to cleaning the Kitchen before the wife catches me skiving!