Asian biotope

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  • #10505

    Okay, I’ve had my eye on some sparkling gouramis at the lfs. I saw some black kuhli loaches today too! All this has me thinking of setting up an asian biotope with them and the CPDs. they are outgrowing their 20 gallon though and I would probably move the whole thing to a 29 gallon.
    I already have crypts, java fern, and vals…
    How does this sound? Any suggestions?


    Sounds like fun! I had looked at biotopes as well some time ago… however, I concluded that I wouldn’t be able to resist the temptation to add other “non-indigenous” species… so I scrapped the idea… so now I mix and match, but within reason of course. But still, I’m sure it can be implemented well with good results.


    I agree — sounds like a fun tank! I’d expect the kuhli’s to root around and scavenge any CPD eggs though, so maybe not a successful breeding setup?


    You are right.. I want as many fry to hatch and survive as possible so perhaps I should forgo this set up right now.
    I might just put the gouramis and kuhlis in the endler’s livebear’s tank though, they sure don’t need any help in fry production.

    Participant should help with the plant biotope profile…

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