My new plant….

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    :D hey ive just bought a plant of ebay…not come yet but its called riccia fluitans, it was originaly a floating plant but the one i have bought is w8d dwn. :) I was just wondering has any1 ever kept this plant, and what are the cool exotic plants that every1 i want to make a planted tank…..but full of weird n wunderful plants lol


    another name for it is crystalwort n the leaves on it catch oxygen bubbles lol here a pic for it if u havnt heard or seen it b4


    It was a plant made famous by Takashi amano.

    Its a bit of a nitrate sponge so to speak, but given the right conditions grows well as a carpet.

    If you actually get the conditions correct it can almost take over the tank!

    I generally have quite normal plants.. the rarer ones I have are fissidens moss, the petite version of anubias, and maybe pogostemon helferi.


    Aha yes Riccia fluitans! I’ve had some experience with this plant.

    The problem with it is that it doesn’t really stay rooted, and is more of a floating plant. You need lots of constant maintenance to get it to stay as a carpet, using some kind of weight mesh, with the Riccia sandwiched.

    After some time I gave up on the idea and got rid of most of my Riccia (too much work). There is still some floating in my tank, which grows very quickly and needs removal (I leave some behind so it’s not all gone). There’s also some that got caught in my Java moss and grows nicely in it, being a lighter green too.

    If anyone has any good tips on how to best care for this plant, please share!


    my experience w/ riccia involves it floating and giving up.

    I keep lots of plants some odd some not:

    limnophila aromatica
    phoenix moss (fissidens sp.)
    flame moss
    peacock moss
    stringy moss
    ludwigia senegalensis
    giant hygro
    rubin swords
    italian val
    sunset hygro
    blyxa japonica
    anubias coffefolia
    anubas nana “petite”
    java fern
    windelov fern


    Riccia fluitans is a floating plant.. Many people try and weigh it down and for a while it will grow rapidly if given excessive CO2 and strong lighting. However it is a floating plant and always finds its way to the surface. Floating plants always get the strongest light as obviously they are on the water surface, they also get more Co2 as they use it straight from the air. If you sink the plant to the bottom of your tank then they are automatically receiving less light and Co2 than when floating in the surface layers. It is then upto the aquarist to provide increased levels of light and Co2.
    Richard i dont want to sound negative but creating a Planted tank costs money…At the very minimum you will need at least 2 T8 flourescent bulbs (preferably more) Good Nutritious substrate, i used API laterite covered with a 2inch layer of sand, this substrate is rich in iron which plants need to thrive. Co2 is also a good idea because without it you really wont see much growth..And last but not least a good book.. I keep saying it but the only way to get the knowledge you need to succeed in this hobby is to read read read and then read a bit more…You have been to my house and seen for yourself the amount of books and magazines in my collection, they have been essential for me to learn the skill of fishkeeping and also planted tank keeping..Look at it as though it is a school subject, if you dont do your homework and dont read the books and dont listen in class then you fail that subject…same with keeping fish and plants. You have to understand the basics. Iv got a few planted tank books you can borrow if you like.


    sound m8 ill take a look….
    lets just say u could completely carpet buckingham palace with all your books and ,magazines lol
    im guna start buying them from 2 morrow…(practcal fish 1)
    n i am always looking 4 them on ebay lol
    so ill try and catch up with your collection lol


    I would recommend Greenline for your aquatic plants when you get your tank setup properly..
    Iv bought tons of plants from these over the years and never had a problem.


    Greenline are very good. The only other plants I would buy are from Tropica (sometimes seen in pets @ home and other shops).

    As to your planted tank education… I might be able to point you in the right direction.

    The forum is a hot bed of information. It can get a bit technical side, but there is a forum dedicated to talking in plain english :-)

    Another option would be a new forum I heard about yesterday:

    Not sure how long it has been set up, but sounds about right for ya :-)

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