Forum Replies Created
ParticipantAww…so cute
ParticipantAnd of course, congrads for getting fry!
ParticipantI tried basically what the guy in the website that Aquaseafoam posted and hardly got any at all. Only about 20 the first 24 hours and maybe double after 48.
Don’t know what I did wrong. Will try again though. It might have been the salt I used. It’s got some weird chemical in it (as well as sugar, for some strange reason…)
Here’s a good website I came across (too late) about fish diseases and such.
Wish they sold fish first aid kits…You know, like a bit of everything you need in an emergency.
ParticipantSorry to hear your fish are dieing Elly. That really sucks
ParticipantThanks for that, Crazedpuffer.
I’ll keep a close eye on the others anyway. Especially my beloved betta, who considers himself king of the tank
and none argue. He’s really smart and awesome. He does laps of the aquarium, back and forth along the front and always checks out new critters to the tank, even if its just a snail. His tail was always a bit ragged.
Anyways, I hope I haven’t introduced any other diseases and stuff either.
ParticipantI bought those Hikari Wafers too a few days ago, but have only seem them eat them once. The vegetation is too dense, most they just float down to the java moss.
And whenever I do see them they are too busy chasing each other to notice anything else. Single-tracked fish… :roll:
-Atlantis Child
ParticipantAre they wild-caught?
ParticipantIt’s being looked into.
– Atlantis Child
Participant@Elly wrote:
At night, my females’ gravid spots turn pink and in the morning they become black again. Is that normal/okay?
Why “don’t buy top fin”?Because they sell a huge number of defect products that could potentially kill fish.
See my rant under “Heaters”
ParticipantAww, that’s too bad Chris. I was so looking forward to seeing pics.
– Atlantis Child
ParticipantOh, now I see it…
cool! Can you post the picture on the “What do the eggs look?” like thread in the Breeding section please.
Lots of people want to know what they look like and might not find it here. :wink:
ParticipantI was recently readng a book by this Axelrod dude whose written lots on aquarium fish and breeding them and he said the result of breeding wild guppies and fancy guppies didn’t turm out good. They were really dull-colored and didn’t have the good qualities of each.
Mind you, the book was written a while a go and it might of been a diferent strain of guppies.
Slightly off-topic, I saw these “feeder” goldfish that were absolutely gorgeus. They were slim, comet looking ones, but a lovely silver color. I so have to get one for my 20 gallon. It was love at first sight!
– Atlantis Child
ParticipantAccording to what I’ve heard, snail eggs (at least apple snails eggs ) are laid above water level anyways