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Participant@Tom2006 wrote:
freezer is a very bad method I my opinion. Water expands when it freezes slowly and so your fish will die slowly and from a quite nasty death as all the cells freeze and expand!
Didn’t think of that! I guess it’s kind of hard to tell what exactly happens. Fish do go dormant when it gets cold, but maybe freezer gets cold too fast, I don’t know.
Either way, freezing seems like a “cope out” of sorts to me. Hard to explain, but I feel if your going to kill a fish you should be aware of the fact that they are living creatures, and you are taking their life. Nothing nice or clean about death.
ParticipantWhen I worked at the pet shop in the fish room I cut off or smushed their heads. Freezer is alright if it’s just yours. But a nasty shock to open the freezer to get something and it’s full of bags of dead fish. :evil:
People say they dont feel themselves getting cold and dying, but I think it must still suck for the fish. Even if it’s just the being stuck in a small bag of water for so long before death.
I cut off the head and destroy the brain. The fish’s head still seems alive for quite a while after, and it’s really un-nerving.
ParticipantBeen a long whiles since the gars…
Anyways, here are some pics finally. Forgive my forgetful nature. :roll:¤t=DSC_2165.jpg
– Atlantis
ParticipantHow do we join?
– Atlantis
ParticipantThe little guys died when I was away.
One by one over a week. No blaming her, but my sister couldn’t take care of them like they needed.
Most baby fishys aren’t exactly easy to take care of.
– Atlantis
4 of 5 good eggs (2 went bad) hatched. Woke up to 4 little guys just hanging out in the breeder net. They weren’t swimming, so I poke my finger close, and they moved somewhat reluctantly.
Put some crumbled tubifix and mysis shrimp in before rushing to work. :wink:
They’re much more active now, and I swear they’re bigger already (they’re about 1 cm big)
Gave them some finger-mushed frozen brine shrimp, but am off to start hatching brine shrimp now.
– Atlantis
ParticipantI went away for the weekend, and coming back now I was shocked at how much they’ve grown. You had see the little fry in those clear eggs.
Well, not so much fry as little gars…
Except for the bug-out eggs and curve of the body to fit inside the eggs they look just like the adults! So cute!!!
Two squiggled around in their eggs for me after I gently picked out so white goo which probably wasn’t fungus, but I didn’t want to take the chance.
My dad was able to take some good pictures with his much better camera and camera skills. Will upload some, I promise. :wink:
– Atlantis
ParticipantI don’t think I’ll be able to take pic’s quite yet. My camera is ridiculously bad at closeups. :roll:
– Atlantis
ParticipantOk now , though I lost half (5) my celestrials due to ich recently. Half the rest of my 20 g fish too.
Renovated the tank setup after that. It’s sort of a rocky stream with some plants kinda setup now. They seem to like it fine. ALso did other tank to Amazon. I’m considering swaping the zebra danios for the cestrials for the amazon tank, but I fear I’ll hardly see them in the plants and driftwood, as they tend to swim lower down.
And I’ve enough botton dwellers with my 11 corys…
(Just got a albino pair, Starlet and Moonshine)
The buenos aires tetra might spook them too, I don’t know.
– Atlantis
I’d say the bigger one. More hidey room for eggs to hatch in peace without being all gobbled, and fry to be found and taken out without being gobbled too.
Bigger is almost always better with aquariums.
(And not saying that only because I work at a petstore in the fish room…)
– Atlantis
ParticipantMight not have unusual fish, tedre, but it sounds like one stunning tank!
Cardinal tetras are total beautys, runnys too.
Forgot to mention, I got a hunking big apple snail almost the size of my fist in my catfish tank too. Doesn’t touch the algae on the sides of the tanks at all, just algae wafers. Catfish wafers too, I think, considering his shell changing real nice color. :wink:
– Atlantis
ParticipantI’ll update… Many new and different fish since last post.
“Planted Rocky River 20 g Tank”
– 5 celestrials
– 1 neon tetra
– 1 otto
– 2 (hastatus) pygmy catfish
– 1 white cloud
– 1 long fin zebra danio
– 1 betta“Amazon Sandy, Planted, Driftwooded Catfish 22 g Catfish tank”
– 2 buenos aires tetra
– 2 white cloulds
– 2 zebra danios
– 1 bristlenose pleco
– 1 betta– 2 (or 3. forget which :roll: ) green gold catfish
– 2 peppered catfish
– 1 elegans catfish
– 1 panda catfish
– 3 bronze catfish
– 1 melanitus catfish“Quarantine 5 g”
– female betta (currently treated for fin rot)
Going to move around the white clouds and zebras soon as I can catch ’em without ripping the tanks apart
– Atlantis
ParticipantSucks about the plants and otto. Glad your galaxies are ok.
Now in a shamless thread jack (I didn’t really want to start a new thread)
I just lost half of my due to an Ich infestation in my tank.
All it takes is 1 little neon with a spot on his nose…
And then a month later when it finally clears I’m left with less than half my fish total. :cry:
I lost:
3 pygmy catfish
2 (purchased with the neons) whiteclouds
3 (2 new and iched up neons)
1 otto
2 or 3 juvi dwarf platies
5 galaxiesI have left:
1 whitecloud
1 neon tetra (tough bugger!)
1 juvi dwarf platy
1 otto
1 pygmy catfish
5 galaxiesThe strangest thing happened with the ich. My betta in the other tank got ich too, out of the blue. He was the only one to get it. I put him in the tank being treated in a breeder net box, but when he got worse and worse he got the 5 gallon to be treated in.
He was totally covered and not moving, but made it through. Then had a little fin rot ( :roll: ) but is fine now.
Totally awesome little guy.
– Atlantis
ParticipantYeah…long as my 7 cm peppered doesn’t gobble them up first.
Actually, I remember the poor little guy doen’t have barbels too. That probably doesn’t help at all.
– Atlantis
ParticipantHmm… My Julii cat doesn’t seem to be growing any more. He’s about 3 cm I think, maybe even 2.5