Forum Replies Created
Participant@River wrote:
Hello! I just wanted to say hi; I am new to this site. I kept fish when I was younger for 7 years, and it took me that long to figure out how to do it, because I had no way to do any research. I am now a senior in college, and just getting back into the hobby. I came across this site and fell in love with Celestial Pearl Danios – I don’t have any yet, and don’t have the means to get any at the moment, but as soon as I am no longer in school and have a place where I can keep two tanks (grr dorm rules), I intend to get one set up especially for them.
It seems like most of the posts here are from quite a while ago. Where did all the excitement go? How are peoples CPD’s doing? I for one am really excited. Surely there are others out there who are still excited… right?
Hello and welcome to the forum. I am still excited but as you can see I am pretty new to these fish.
It took me quite awhile to get some CPD’s because they are not available locally.
I recently made a egg trap but have not had any luck yet. I don’t think it’s the fish, I think the problem is me. :lol:
There is so much information here that you will most likely graduate before reading it all. :lol: Good luck and please let us know when you get some of these beautiful fish.
ParticipantTotally missed where you posted about mixing shrimp and fish. :oops:
I agree 100% with Dennis.
Fish and dwarf shrimp do not mix well and the shrimp are either eaten by the fish or stressed to the point of death. IMHO
ParticipantThanks for the updated information Dennis. I appreciate you help and advice. It sounds like a uncomplicated method to keep the parents from eating the fry and keeps me from worrying about moving the adults to different tanks.
I’ll let you know if the dry peas work. :lol:
ParticipantTwo questions I need to ask.
Do your remove the trio from the tank? I assume that you don’t since you remove the fry. Also….did you ever hear of using dehydrated split green peas to make green water?
Someone told me it is something that a Killie breeder does to create green water, just wondering if it will work?
Thanks in advance!
Participant@ballpc wrote:
In bare bottom tanks I use air line tubing, in planted tanks I put a piece of filter foam over the end of the hose… like a pre-filter on a power filter.
Great suggestion for the planted tank. Not that I have any fry yet. :cry:
ParticipantJust wanted to say hello and welcome to the forum!
ParticipantNice idea and it looks so easy to make!
Thanks for posting the link.
Participant@OoglyBoogly wrote:
I bought CPDs yesterday and they already started doing the courtship dance which reminds me of an old Star Trek episode where spock and kirk fight eachother!!!
Here is the video where they move around eachother in a circle like the CPDs! haha
:lol: Too funny, I remember seeing that episode many times!
I guess your a Trekkie? Nice video’s, thanks for sharing!
I should also mention that I am now the proud owner of 12 CPD’s. I was able to get 6 each time from two different locations.
Two from the first batch I received also did the dance of love in under a 1/2 hour in the tank.
ParticipantNice lighting difference, I’m sure that the plants will appreciate the extra lighting.
I just got my CPD’s today. Accumulated the first group and within 10 minutes of them being released into the tank they colored up nicely and a pair were performing the dance of love. I guess they like their new home. :lol:
Participant@OoglyBoogly wrote:
@AquaGirl wrote:
Wow, your tank, and pictures are awesome. Love that outside pond and I am very jealous!
Thanks for giving us a peek at your setups.
Thank you for the kind words!
Here is a video of some of the endlers and CPDs…
They are hanging around by the moss that covers the canister filter spray bar.
Nice healthy looking fish! You have a ton of gravid Endlers, lol. I have tiger Endlers and just love them, they are the hungriest fish that I ever saw. :lol: Do you move your CPD to breed them?
Thanks for sharing the video, I enjoyed it!
ParticipantThank you for the education Dennis, I appreciate the information.
I have cultured both Micro and Walter worms in the past. Looks like I need to get a starter culture again because all my cultures crashed. Shame on me……lack of care during the summer! :oops:
ParticipantWow, your tank, and pictures are awesome. Love that outside pond and I am very jealous!
Thanks for giving us a peek at your setups.
Participant@Dodode wrote:
Hi all.
Well i got same wierd swimming CPD’s. He’s 6 month old now, smaller then other’s CPD’s from same spawn, still swimming vertically but still alive and alwas hungry. So was thinkin that is genetic weakness potentially caused by some condition’s in breeding aq. So in mine r few factors i was suspect – low oxygen level (have only sponge with air stone), there was also hydra, maybee high water level (about 25 cm) or hard, tap water i use (forgot kh and gh). Was guessing that’s not bacterial or fungal diseas becose from 16 CDP’s from same spawn just one swimming vertically. And at the end i dunno what was wrong… Now with new spawn i put RO water, low water level, dont have hydra, have good filter in breeding aq and still one CPD swimming vertically….Hello,
Seems like you have tried all the right things. Sorry to hear that one is still not swimming right! :cry: I also use a sponge filter w/air stone and have no issues with keeping fish in these tanks. The dreaded hydra, hate it! :twisted:
Genetics might indeed be a factor in these beautiful little fish. Since these fish are fairly new to the hobby there is not much information compiled yet.
Hopefully, because of this forum and others sharing their experiences and information we will all have a better understanding of these fish. I can’t begin to tell you how much I have learned at this forum already.
ParticipantA LFS, (that I help out with free inverts advice
) just ordered me 6 at $4.00 @. I am in heaven! They gave me a price break.
Picking up 6 more tonight from a friend who purchased them for me from her LFS. These were $6.00@.
ParticipantThank you for the link, I checked that thread out the other night and was amazed that he could get such nice photo’s of small babies. It is a great record of their growth rate.
My camera is great but I still can’t take good photo’s. I really need to take the time to learn how to use it the right way! :oops:
Thank you for the information on the breeding! Haven’t even thought that far ahead but was curious when I read that.