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ParticipantSo far i have tried, eco-complete, fluval stratum, generic black aquarium(not so good for plants but works if u use ferts).
i’m debating either eco-complate or florite black for the big tank in a few weeks.
IF you really want to get the plants to grow do an inch or so of miracle grow organic potting mix capped with one of the dark substrates and the plants will grow like crazy
ParticipantThats a good call. They all seem to have shrimp in them but i’m sure they will be safe.
I found one pet store with a tank full of rummy nose tetras that all looked healthy. The lady said they have been really hard and havent lost any. They also run all their tanks on air filters so there isnt any cross contamination between the tanks so i actually think it may be one of the safer places to buy fish.
ParticipantNew as in i wont physically have it for another 2 weeks.
It will be an 84G with mainly CPDs and some shrimp. I was thinking of add some rummy nose tetras to mix it up.
THis will be my main stock of CPDs from my breeding efforts
ParticipantEven in a brand new tank? How long do you qt for? Do you do anything special or just keep them on their own for x# of days?
ParticipantGood point. Ill do one big one. and just shoot the output at a tank wall or something to diffuse it (or a spray bar if needed.)
ParticipantIt looks like they are just over 2mm.
There were egg dots through out so i am quite certain they fell thorough the holes. Not bad considering its only been in there 2 days
ParticipantIf i do the canister route would you do one large one (fluval fx5) or two smaller ones (404)?
ParticipantThanks Dennis,
Ill stick to small danios and rasboras
ParticipantI will have to put a few smd led strips into the tube housing..
I’m picking up a Fluval osaka in a few weeks!
ParticipantWell it looks like my breeding trap works, i just pulled it out and spotted a few eggs in the bottom, so i swished the trap moss and bottom into the fry tank and set it back in the tank.. hopefully the systems works.. just rinse it out every few days
ParticipantLooks like a nice simple design, Thanks for sharing.. it would be good for the breeding tanks! However I do want something hidden for the main “show” tank. which is why i was thinking a canister
ParticipantNo other known compatible tank mates? (ideally shrimp safe).
Do you guys have yours in a species or community tank?
ParticipantMain tank – 12 CPD’s (minus the ones working on breeding), 4 neons, nerite snail and 8-10 shrimp
And the breeding tests…
First attempt – yield 15-19 fry
Left parents (3f/2m) in a 5.5g planted tank for about 2 weeks
Second attempt. – only 5 fry so far (maybe more i havent seen as the tank is full of random plants floating around at the moment.
Current not so pretty state as i wait to see if any more fry hatch before i vacume the muck off the bottom and add some nice subtrate for a fry/shrimp baby grow out tank.
Eggtrap i made last night for the next attempt. its in a tank with a few shrimp and 2f/2m.. i wanted 3f but i gave up trying to catch them in my planted 12g edge tank
i’m curious to see how this one turns out.. hopefully they go for it and do the mating dance!Do you guys have photos of your setups?
ParticipantWell he seems to be more level, kinda a bull riding motion rather than upwards spirals, so it looks like hes improving!
ParticipantWell the parrents have been removed from the mesh bottom/mop experiment for a little over a week. saturday i spotted 3 fry, today i’m up to about 5… so it didnt work nearly as well as i hoped.
I build an egg trap version of the mop and placed it into the shrimp tank with 2f/2m in it.. to see what happens
Dennis – Do you find it more effective to move the parents rather than the eggs? I have started to think it would stress them out and delay breeding
Piotr K. – 1000/month! damn you must have one big grow out tank! I recently picked up a 17Gallon tub for 8$ that i am currently using as a reservoir for water changes, but was thinkign that it could make a good fry/grow out pond if i ever run out of tank space.