29 Gallon Substrate Question: CDP + Plants!

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    The substrate I have now is too big and sharp to even keep anacharis rooted down. The fish don’t seem to mind but I’d like to have a nice planted environment for them.

    What substrate do you guys use for planted tanks that still brings the color our in the CDP? Any inexpensive ideas? I know a lot of people use pool filter sand, but that is a drab beige color and I always hear darker substrate for fish color.


    So far i have tried, eco-complete, fluval stratum, generic black aquarium(not so good for plants but works if u use ferts).

    i’m debating either eco-complate or florite black for the big tank in a few weeks.

    IF you really want to get the plants to grow do an inch or so of miracle grow organic potting mix capped with one of the dark substrates and the plants will grow like crazy :)


    I use either the generic black gravel from Wal-Mart or in a few tanks black “Tahitian Moon” sand. I don’t grow anything but easy “low light” plants though. No ferts or additives… I hate to put chemicals into my tanks.



    My current 10 gallon has fluval plant stratum and their colors are coming out quite nice. I’ll be upgrading to a 20 gallon long tank soon; so, for that I am going to use ADA amazonia, it’s still dark but I’m hoping it will further benefit the plants that I have. Just experimenting! :lol:

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