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Participantu can keep them until they breed ste mate coz i aint guna b able to get them sorted till nxt year at least lol
im sure ull have em cracked soon lol,
the dwarf gouramis u give me have really coloured up this week lol
but i doubt ill get them to go…n athough i want them to
i havent got the room so hopefully they do n dnt if u get me lol
i suppose that if they do…its 1 more reason for ma dad to get a tank at his lyk hes bin saying for the past 2-3 months :lol:
speak 2 ya soon m8shepherd_690
Participantsound m8 ill take a look….
lets just say u could completely carpet buckingham palace with all your books and ,magazines lol
im guna start buying them from 2 morrow…(practcal fish 1)
n i am always looking 4 them on ebay lol
so ill try and catch up with your collection lolshepherd_690
Participanti agree, i myt be popping in 2 morrow…so ill take 1 then if i go n send it u in a email coz i aint got a photo account yet lol
Participanthe/she…ill call it it lol duz..thats why i am going to see if the good ppl @bold heath will take it of me lol :lol: its really annoying :roll: …but he does all the damage at nyt n sleeps during the day lol…..
funny thing it is lol :lol:shepherd_690
here is some news…….my tiger barbs have attacked me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was sorting out ma java fern (spliting it up) 4 ma new bogwood n wen i was positioning it in ma tank all 4 ov em were on me like sharks….
1 more minute with them and i would be handless lol :lol:
i made ma own bs hatcher…it worked…used a cycle bottle (bit small)
but it worked.
ill have 2 call in 1 nyt soon with ma dad…but working most nyts dis week n av footy tues n thurs…..i can ring ya agen 2moz coz ma credit comes back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
speak 2 ya l8a if u on here m8shepherd_690
Participantlol i only siphon it every few weeks jus 2 get rid ov any excess waste lol
but wen u have a 1ft plec in ya tank that leaves big 1-2ft poos in ya tank u need it lol :lol: (hes or she is called hatty-dnt ask why coz i dnt even know g/f n sista made it up:lol: )
I know the t5’s are really dear….thats why i am going to try n buy them off ebay for a 3-5 quid discountshepherd_690
Participantif you have largish gravel then like 1 of my tanks, i use a proper gravel syphoner(not just a peice of hose) i pick the gravel up in it get the ‘sludge’ from it and drop it back on the plant in seconds…lol
MARINA do lots of different sizes for each and every tank…
also for the plants…if you want them to take over so you are cutting them a lot… i would use fluvals (HAGEN) new range the t5’s they are suppost to be brilliant at growing plants and bringyour fishes colours out..they might be a bit more pricy but they may be well worth it.
I am defo guna use them on ma next tanks or in my fish room:lol:
Participantim defo da best looking lol :lol: yeh well i guna build it at ma mums for now…until ma dad gets a proper building on his house…he wants a nissan figaro +garage…so ill have half the garage apparently to work with.I’m going to start the actual building after christmas(skint at the moment lol)
ma mums friend is an electrician and sed he will do it cheap…god knows what his cheap is though. ill put loads ov pics up so every1 can build there own little room lol.Got no cred till 11th wen ma minutes come so i havn’t been ABLE to ring ya…i believe ya internet is going to be back within a 6-10 days… email me wen it is m8 cheersshepherd_690
ParticipantI would introduce more females, i have my platies at 1 male to every2 females,i have water lettuce in my tank and the fry hide in the long roots, but any floating plants with roots or that dnt know how to say it but goes under a inch or two in the tank with space for fish to swim between if you get me is a goos idea as most of my platies before i added the water lettuce got eaten unless i caught them
keep us updated :lol:shepherd_690
Participantanother name for it is crystalwort n the leaves on it catch oxygen bubbles lol here a pic for it if u havnt heard or seen it b4
and thanks to ste12000
i cant get enough of fish
cheers m8y.
by the way…hes my cousin :lol:shepherd_690
Participantwhen my platies first bred there was only 3-4 fry, they were fat for about a month…and still are,i can now get more fry by giving them a variety in what they eat…live bloodworm always does the trick with my platies and mollies, they usually give birth within 3 days of feeding them(this could just be because they were ready to go though) :lol:
ur best bet is to just feed them well and keep the tank clean…syphont the dirt out of the gravel and if they are pregnant(which is more than likely, then they will go and you should get more then 3 fry….
my platies have more and more each time they breed,
(now its becoming rediculus with the amount of fry i have….so im making a fish room lol)shepherd_690
ParticipantHey ste, ow nigerians doin???? is there any way u can get molly neuted lol
just had another big batch…..cant cope lol :lol:
starting to clear my shed……for my fish room…wahoooooooooooo
…but putting elec in is guna set me back a bit :shock:
it will defo b woth it tho…
mumnot moaned at me since i moved ma tanks around so shud b able to get a new 1( with a decent lid
ill put sum pics up ov me makng it lol…wen i get a photobuk account lolshepherd_690
Participantooopppppssss meant 2 zebras…cant imagine trying to count 21 lol
ParticipantAt the moment i have:
2 blue gouramis(dwarf 1 male 1 female)
2dwarf hoeny gouramis(1 male 1 female)
1 golden and 1 three spot gourami,
6 leopard danios
21 zebra danios
3 white mollies+ 50+ fry
2 black mollies+50+fry
4 sunset platies+ 20+ fry
3 guppies (1 male cant remember name)
2 red kribs( starting to breed as i type lol :wink: )
2 nigerian red kribs In front of the mirror ready to breed
1 betta splenden(fighting fish)
4 peppered corydoras
(soon to be 5 sterbai)
3 neons
1 clown loach
and 2 long finned leopards
i think thats them allthese are kept in one 150ltr tank
a 50 ltr tank
and the nigerian reds are kept in there own breeding tank( roughly 17.5 ltrs) until they breed -