Forum Replies Created
Participantwhat other fish do you have with them altlantis???
sorry to hear about your deaths :cry:shepherd_690
Participanti know have 2 3 spots (my first one was a male…i found out due to him building loads of bubble nests,lol, so today i bought the biggest female in my lfs, they are being seperated at the moment but i will let them swim freely tomorrow lol….i hope it all goes to plan(ill film it if they breed but it think it will be a while from now
Participantwell i got 5 smaller ones off ebay…ste sed they are good for tanning water and lowering gh so i bought some lol they are still a float but thanks for answering that i thought i might have to weight them down im well chuffed now lol
ParticipantHappy new year everyone :lol:
Participantgreat m8 lol
how many of each breed do you think you have?????
did the fish get to that man in the end?????
i will call in one night with ma dad (be after christmas now lol)
when is he sending you his fish??????????????
speak 2ya soon m8shepherd_690
Participantthe y might be miracle platies…and be born on christmas day :lol: lol
hope they arrive soon!shepherd_690
Participanthappy christmas every1,
i got a new phone..(with a good camera on it)
and am hoping for money or vouchers 2 buy a new or lots of new tanks with :wink:shepherd_690
Participantwhat i could do with them hey……..thats ryt keep on dreaming
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Participant:shock: oops sorry dnt know what happened then it just appeared twice
Participantid b happy with that tank m8 i think it looks good…better than mine at the moment :lol:
Participanthey simon….u may remember me…u gave me ur number 2 give 2 ste in the shop..? just wondering the peice of bogwood in ur tank thats got the big cave like think in the middle, is that the 1 i sold u lol
very nice tank mate
Participantsorry lol keeps freezing and letters not apperin lol :wink:
ParticipantHahaha Ste’s fish library, lol :lol:
top quality tank that ste… just tested ma ph n its between 5.5-6.5,
got the mirror in front ov ma tank agen tryin to get ma red kribs 2 go lol
hows everything going down ur end m8….:
Participantits Water Lettuce (Pistia Stratiotes) i think…
it eed a lot ov light n spreads like mad, it also out competes algea so its a good plant…well worth havingshepherd_690
Participanti cnt eva remember seing it lyk that lol
i lyk the way u have it now tho with loads ov java fern n moss!!!!!
i bidding on sum plant n fish books at the moment on ebay lol hopefully ill win them!