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ParticipantI think I have just over twenty. I don’t know how old they are. They look like little fish, not the fry big head and little tail guys. They’re about 3/4 cm each.
I have 3 fake grass flats, a handful of algaed gravel, and a little fake hidey ‘log’ for them.
I don’t plan on keeping them, or raising them till totally mature, just enough till I can get them back to the store to be kept like the others and not needing so much care and attention.
Right now not even big evough to be “feeder cichlids” if they had such a thing. :roll:
I don’t have the space for them to grow out, or keep them, though I probably can’t help but get a little attached. I suppose I could convince the boss to add some to the new ciclid tank display I guess. THat way I could look in on them every week day, like my happy donated rainbowfish in the other display tank…
But that’s far off.
Been asking at a specified cichlid subforum elsewhere, but responses far between.
Mostly what I want to know what to feed the little buggers. Thinking I need a variety of foods, just not sure exactly what.
– Atlantis
ParticipantAlberta girl here. Not trying to breed at moment. Have other fisk babies to look after and raise.
Doesn’t help that I broke my 10 gallon galaxy tank so they’re in with the corys, neons and whiteclouds in the ‘Amazon’ 22 gallon. They love it though. Color has really brightened.
To be honest I’ve too many fish to breed proper. Thinking of donating a non breed worthy dwarf platy and almost the two almost grown up ones from the first birthing, and shuffling tank divider(s). That’d do alot to clear up space.
But some day, some day I’ll do it and raise some galactic babes I swear. :wink:
Maybe a month or some, dunno.
– Atlantis
ParticipantThe water around here is about 7.5. From what I have learnt that’s on the low end, but still OK.
– Atlantis
ParticipantFound 5 little guys in the mass of Hornwort I have for the platy girls. My eyes are feeling stained now, so I’ll check back later if that’s all for now or not. :wink:
– Atlantis
ParticipantDunno, I’ve tried other methods, like smacking the head on something and stuff but it doesn’t always work. No need to cause pain, even in the last few moments of the fish’s life.
At least this way I know their pain gone in an instant.
And it’s not really that gross.
The clove oil sounds like it might be a better way though.
– Atlantis
ParticipantSounds like the fish is too far gone, and probably in pain. It sucks, but I think i’d be better if the fish goes quickly.
Cut the head off and destroy the brain (they can still be feeling pain with the head off. Not sure I believe)
I’ve quickened fish deathes at home like this. One zebra danio got neon tetra disease. This has no known cure, will spread, and the fish will die for certain.
I have to ‘pull’ fish at work every few days when the fish is almost dead and looking real bad. It’s not as tough as with my own fish, but still hate doing it.
Only fish I can never bring myself to kill is a betta. I always help them by giving them some hotnwort to rest on near the surface so they can get air, and treat them like the others.
Getting closer back to the topic, I’ve only seen a fish with dropsy once. It was a Farlowella catfish/pleco (our supplier keeps alternating between the two :roll: )
It is a very long stick like fish, but this one looked like it had swallowed a marble, and yeah, the protruding scales. It was dead already, but showed my ‘apprentice’ the fish and explained about dropsy, since all we usually see is ich, sometimes fungus (mostly the bettas) and on occasion, bacterial infections.
– Atlantis
ParticipantOh I was asking for stats about the treatment tank really. Sure your water is great, but even that doesn’t keep away all the nastys.
Salt on a regular basis isn’t good unless you have fish that apprecaite a little, like my dwarf platys.
At work how I use the Melafix (I’m the fish doc there) is add the dose it says on the bottle and two rounded table spoons of aquarium salt per 10 gallons.
The fish medication is somewhat smothering, and the salt helps the fish breathe.
Forget using a filter int the “sick fish” tank. Use a gravel vacumn to take out half the water (from the botton, as that’s where the most salt is, and too much salt is not good. Replace it with declorinated water about the same temperature and and do another full treatment of medicine and salt.
Helps if both the start up and additions after are from the same tank as the one you took the fish from if possible.
I couldn’t say for sure but it might, might have been Chilodonella. Not a very common thing though, but matches them symptoms closer than others.
– Atlantis
ParticipantI used to have a panda. They’re not terribly small, but nice fish. I have had a female Peppered for a while and have never seen such a round and active cat in my life.
I have my pygmy catfish (3 corydoras hastatus, 3 corydoras pygmaeus) in with my galaxies since my 10 gallon Galaxy tank broke. ( :roll: )
They go together great. About the same size and hang out together. And as I’ve been saying over and over agian, they’re damn cute!
The pygmaeus corys look a bit like little peppered. The hastatus look kinda like a otto, having the same stripe across their sides, but cory whiskers instead of a sucker mouth.
– Atlantis
ParticipantSorry to hear.
How did you use the melafix treatment? What tank size, doses, water changes/filter, salt or not etc.?
Any additional info will help to figure out the why.
– Atlantis
ParticipantDunno about the other things but… Which kinda dwarf corys yah got?
– Atlantis
ParticipantAfter reveiwing those cory’s profile I decided to get rid of a bunch of the rocks and replace it with more gravel, or possibly something a bit finer.
Still some nice colored rocks for the kittens to perch on though.
That will be after I cash my check of course. Don’t keep much on hand… I’ve joked that my purchases should be automatically deducted… Hey, what would you do if you worked in the fish room?
Of course I have to restrain myself…. :roll:
– Atlantis
ParticipantYeah…I’m still a fan of ‘Galaxy’ though.
The latin Danio margaritatus doesn’t do the fish credit though. Such a pretty fish should have a pretty name.
– Atlantis
ParticipantI have fine rounded gravel with smooth rocks of varying rocks. Plants and cover too. I might have too many rocks, not sure the Cats like them. The ‘Kittens” love to perch of them on though.
My Peppered was in the same tank with the same gravel, with slate. She really seemed to like it.
So do corys care that they are a different species? Like a bronze like to be with more broze cats never mind what and how many other cory things are around?
I wish I could more cats, but can’t add too many fish to the tanks. I need space for growing out young platys and galaxies when they grow out of their pens.
I just fed them and they’re comeing out en masse.
ParticipantOh, late thursday and friday we got in a bunch of different beautiful catfish. As I told my boss, who is doing the ordering when the reguler fish room assitant manager girl is away,
“It’s not fair! You found my weakness but I can’t take them all home!”
*laughter* :roll:
ParticipantNeon tetra, Zebra danios, White clouds, Peppered catfish where Aquila and Bandit died. Rexy too, later (the 20 gallon)
There was no harassing going on. All was peaceful.
Now Ghost has died in the 22 gallon. :cry: Death is a total shock and mystery. No external symptoms except gills wide open. Was found sideways on bottom. Had been acting just fine recently.
He was in with Platys, Corys, big Apple snail. Peaceful too.
I don’t know what’s up. I know I’m not a bad fish keeper, and my water’s good and all, but all this makes me doubting, and really sad.
My other betta, Crimsy is being treated for fin rot (came with him), but is doing just fine.
– Atlantis