Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHappy birthday!
Good luck on the fishroom tooAquaseafoam
ParticipantI’m sure the manager would be most upset that he threatened to not sell you fish b/c of an incident like that. I’ve said something in fish stores before- one time when a little girl was getting ready to pick out a “sparkly” goldfish- it was actually covered in ich. Unfortunately the unknowing buyers will usually believe the employee over you just because they work there and “should” be knowledgeable. Other times, the buyer doesn’t want to hear that the bala shark that they really really want doesn’t belong in a 10 gallon and will get it anyway.
Sadly, I usually don’t speak up anymore, instead I just walk away when I feel my face getting red!
But bravo to you- if nothing else- take the customer aside and tell them they should do their own research in a book or the internet before picking out fish because the employees are human and don’t know everything. Plus, remind them that they are a business and if your fish die- they get to sell you more!
Not all LFS are like this thank goodness, but unfortunately good ones are less common than bad ones IME.Aquaseafoam
ParticipantTHose are the best two fish in the world!
I’ve bought a white dishpan (never been used) to put the plants in before I pitch them- hopefully i’ll be able to see the fry that way.[/i]Aquaseafoam
ParticipantIt is a 20 gallon tub. No water changes, no filtration, just plants. I don’t feed them, there are lots of little bugs and larvae that get in the water- especially mosquito larva!
Empty on top, CPD on bottom Both have rotala growing in pots inside, and a now huge clump of moss filling at least 1/3 of the space.
Rainbows and swordtails you can see the water sprite got burned up by the heat- it did look really nice!
Swordtail tub with hygro, watersprite, duckweed salvinia, and rotala?
This tub looks disgusting, but i guess all that algae is good for fry, I promise those plants aren’t dead either- just turned reddish brown with all the sun they get.
Lots of Endlers livebearers in here, and I still need to take a closer look to see if I have any bluefin killi fry, or darters.
Oh, and the guardians of the pool
ParticipantIts been cooler this week, in the 50’s at night and 70’s during the day, but the water is still pretty warm to the touch (don’t know exact temp) I think it has to do with the water volume, but also the thick layer of duckweed insulating it. Mind you, it was in the 90’s all last month too!
Perhaps next summer you can try setting a tub in a shallower, but wider tub to catch the overflow, then you can check it for fish before emptying it.Aquaseafoam
ParticipantI am 23
I have CPD fry, and small adults! They must have been reproducing for a while because there are some almost full grown fish in there. I have no Idea how many, or how I’m going to get them all out! I just did a sweep with a net and caught these guys and fry
I also have large praecox rainbos and fry, and some beautiful endlers. Not sure what else!Aquaseafoam
ParticipantWell the rainbows are still going strong, however I can’t see into the others, and the other fish are so small!
I hope to find something when I start cleaning them out later this season.Aquaseafoam
ParticipantHey chr15_8
where are you going to in the US? Just for vacation? Hope you like it, i’ve only been to the airport in London, passing through. I think you will like the currency conversion much better than I didAquaseafoam
ParticipantI’ve made a java moss carpet before by just sprinkling gravel on top of the moss until it takes hold. Worked pretty well, at least since I didn’t have fish actively ripping the moss up.
ParticipantAww, I’m sorry to hear that!
Don’t fret though- now that they are breeding I’m sure they will give you lots more fry. And now you have a new tank to worry about!What a lucky betta!
ParticipantWe are having the opposite problem here, we are having a “severe” drought! Hasn’t rained much at all in months. Voluntary water restrictions are not good for my garden (but i’m watering my plants)- don’t care about the grass- its got yellow dog pee spots anyway
I actually need to go fill up the tubs for several inches! This lack of rain is making us unseasonably hot too. Bah, I can’t even walk the dogs.
Still haven’t given the CPD a thorough check- must do that today
Maybe you folks in the UK can set up a tub under a nice big window? I’m sure the family won’t mind
ParticipantSo heres a little update on my tubs.
I have tons of praecox rainbow fry! I can’t count them all b/c there are so many and there are too many floating plants. I spotted my adult swordtails, but again- too much plant cover to see much else. As for the CPD, I can see the adults if i sneak up on them, but haven’t noticed any fry. I’ll have to take a closer look, and maybe do a sweep with a net to see if i have anything.
I got a new puppy two weeks ago and he is taking up all my time so i don’t have as much to devote to my fishies right now. I can’t just stare endlessly into the tubs anymore.. lol. I can’t see into the kiddie pool very well anymore b/c the plants are rapidly covering the top, again haven’t peeked in there yet.Anyone else set up some tubs yet? Ste how is yours?
ParticipantCheck out they have a list of low light plants.
Some good ones are
java moss
java fern
rotala indica
some sword plants
various crypt species
dwarf sag
lots more!You do not need to buy special lights for your plants. I buy regular “daylight” bulbs from Lowes, probably have them at some mega department stores too.
If you have low/med light you do not need to dose ferts or use CO2. Having low light means plants grow slower, use less nutrients (probably just whats in the tank) and don’t NEED CO2. I don’t use CO2 in any of my tanks, and only dose when i remember (rarely!)
Check out aquabid, and place want ads on forums to buy plants from fellow hobbyists. You will most likely get better quality plants for less $ than if you buy in the LFS. I would send you some, but it seems you are in Canada, and sending across the border is a major hassle!
Good luck!Aquaseafoam
ParticipantI think they will be fine. We are having highs of 90 on some days (not this week thank goodness) and lows of upper 50s this week. I think the amount of water keeps the temp fairly stable.
good luck! -