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ParticipantThe day after I posted that I had two fry, two more hatched out.
They are so much smaller than the first two that I spotted. I now have a total of four.
The parents are trying to get under the moss in the worst way so I think that there might be some eggs/fry in the moss on their side of the tank. I am thinking of trying the egg trap again that Dennis posted on one side of the tank.
ParticipantThat’s a shame for the fish and I hate when I pick the fish and it is damaged.
I am a pacifist and try to save everything so I would try to save it.
With that said it is not always an option for a keeper to give specialized care and even with specialized care it might not make it. :cry:
I would try feeding it something real small like Micro/Walter or banana worms or some First Bites. If that is not an option for you euthanizing the fish is kinder that letting it starve.
Participant@AquaGirl wrote:
In the summer I put buckets of water with dead leaves outside. I harvest tons of mosquito larvae for my fish.
@ballpc wrote:
You’re my kind of girl AquaGirl
Carmon, I’m with you too! I feed quite a few daphnia, the tiny ones moina. I like it that I can dump in a bunch and they will swim around until eaten – no problems with fouling the water.
For worms, the biggest I feed are grindal worms. They get to be around 1/2″ long. I’ve always been afraid that I couldn’t keep white worms cool enough in the summer.
As for mosquito larvae, I’ve been trying for the past couple of months to get my Ocelot Danios to spawn… no such luck. I’m hoping mosquito larvae will be what pushes them over the edge, I just need the weather to warm up a bit more.
@ballpc wrote:
You’re my kind of girl AquaGirl
:lol: I always prefer feeding live food and free live food is the best. It also takes thousands of mosquitoes out of breeding circulation. Since I am real sensitive to mosquito bites I don’t mind collecting them at all for live food use. :lol: The temperatures have been bad here as well but on a bright note I did have a common house fly in the house over the weekend. It might be OK to set those buckets up now.
Hopefully, that will do it for the Ocelot Danios Dennis! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. If you can think of any other live food that might help and you can’t find it send me an email. I have access to all kind of neat live foods.
It is great that the daphnia stay alive and in the tank unlike the mosquito larvae that can hatch out in the house. :shock:
Been there and done that!
Dennis……I had a thought…..imagine that! :roll: You know the Shirakura baby food that we feed the shrimp. What do you think about trying that for the CPD babies as an additional food source?
Lucky for me that my fish/shrimp room is in the basement and there is no carpet along the wall (I only have an indoor/outdoor carpet in the center of the floor.) so I set them single file along the cement floor/wall. They seem to have done good last summer using that space hopefully, they will do well again this year.
ParticipantThanks for all of your help Dennis! You are, in part, responsible for my success and without your help I would just own some very pretty fish!.
I am very excited and I watch the fry every chance that I get. My goal is to get some F1 for genetic diversity and then share the fry with others in the hobby. I realize that I am far from that dream but that’s why we call them dreams!
I remember reading your post about the horizontally divider, thank you for sharing your idea. Please keep us updated about your progress. I am open to trying anything that helps saving the eggs and fry.
ParticipantI believe that feeding fish live food is essential for their well being, IMHO. They would be eating live food in the wild, not flake. I do realize that not everyone has live food available or wants to feed live food.
In the summer I put buckets of water with dead leaves outside. I harvest tons of mosquito larvae for my fish. Only problem is that you have to be diligent about collecting every day or risk making the neighbors mad because you are hatching mosquito’s.
I agree with you, they are entertaining to watch when they hunt down live food.
They hunt down every one and never seem to miss any.
I have one friend that goes to stagnant water and harvests daphnia and glass worms. He will often find stagnant water and seed it with daphnia for collection. He is know all over our state as “the bug collector.” :lol: He makes a fortune by selling the live food to club members.
ParticipantI just discovered that mine love white worms.
ParticipantHow old was your newly set up tank before putting the fish in? It could be that the tank was not aged enough?? Just a thought.
ParticipantThanks for the replies!
Nothing much is going on and I haven’t seen the baby or any others since. :cry:
A friend of mine has a 20g long that has a divider down the middle of the tank. He puts the breeders on one side and then moves them to the other side after a few days. when the fry are a little older he moves the fry to their own tank and starts the process all over again. He has over 100 fry so far with this method.
He says that the advantage to this method is that you only move the adults to the other side of the tank and that this will help prevent the adults stress from possible differences in temperature, moving and water perimeters. He now has the adults breeding on both sides of the divider, lol. He removes any babies that he sees from the adult side over to the baby side.
Just thought I would share this and see if anyone has any comments on this method.
March 10, 2011 at 1:20 am in reply to: My 11 Gal exclusively for CPD (and red cherry shrimps). #14838AquaGirl
ParticipantVery nice looking tank and fish! I agree that the fish will pick off the baby shrimp.
Lots of luck with the new critters! Thank you for sharing you pictures with us.
Participant@ballpc wrote:
@In2wishin wrote:
Can you see the eggs with the naked eye? What common item can you compare them to? I am not sure what I should be seeing.
I just set-up some traps today and got this photo of some eggs. If you zoom in where the red ^^^^ are you can see the eggs.
There are lots of other eggs in the trap too, this was just an easy group to point out.
Wow, they are hard to see and you are showing us where to look for them. Can’t imagine seeing them without knowing what they look like. I somehow thought that they were white, not clear. Great picture Dennis, thanks for showing us what they look like!
ParticipantI’ll remember that for this year. :wink:
ParticipantA even later Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I hope that everyone had wonderful holidays.
The dude in the red suit bought NOTHING tank related. :cry:
Participant@Tom2006 wrote:
Good point….simply because this site has some much detailed information prevents the need for repeat postings.
A big factor is that these beautiful fish look dreadful in the shop so many people just walk past. Plus, locally the prices are going up and up, they are about £6-8 each over here now…which is very expensive for what looks to be a very very tiny pale grey fish in the shop tank….little do people know what they are missing. :lol:
Hello Tom2006,
Here in the US, if you can find them, they cost approximately $6.00 US dollars. I wish people here wouldn’t know what they were and leave them in the shop for me to find. :lol:
I agree that many do not know what they are missing. It is a shame because once they color up they are fantastic little fish and have very sassy personalities.
ParticipantThank you both for the replies. I had a fear that I was doing something wrong even though the fish always look fine after the water changes.
It’s funny to watch them do this, they almost look like they are surfing.
Still waiting to see eggs. :roll:
ParticipantCongratulations and best of luck with the new fry.