I observed that my fish go crazy after doing a water change. They will start to dart towards the sponge filter and then ride the bubbles from the filter to the top then dive back down again.
The first time I saw this behavior I thought I had forgot to add conditioner. :roll: When I checked I had added the conditioner. I use the same exact water temperature and perimeters that is in the tank. The water is added slowly. No CO2 or chemicals are used. The PH is 7.4, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, 0 nitrates. No copper or other abnormal readings.
No one looks stressed or pale and all are eating well. It seems like a water change really excites them?????
The water perimeters are very good and I am doing a 20% change two times per week, sometimes more if my TDS reading is higher than 100ppm.
Has anyone observed this in their tanks?