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ParticipantHi and welcome, A tank this large would be fine to grow on the fish and keep the adults to condition them, for breeding with any kind of control over the situation then a smaller tank would be a lot better. I use a tiny 16x8x8 tank holding around 15litres, use a small air powered sponge filter and no substrate at all..You can keep this tank bottom really clean and disease free this way.
Breeding fish and getting good results is about being in control,ste12000
ParticipantAny kind of live food should be taken immediatly, the wiggle factor usually does the trick!
ParticipantNo but i wouldnt mind a couple. They apparently act and spawn in a similar way to the dwarf cichlids. As you might of guessed dwarf cichlids are my favourate group of fish.
ParticipantRight here are some pics of my new Pelvicachromis Taeniatus ‘Moliwe’
The ‘Moliwe’ stands for the place in africa the fish was found. There are over 12 different regional variants of Taeniatus, ‘Moliwe’ is one and i also own a breeding pair of ‘Bipindi’ these are now fully grown and are stunning fish when in full breeding colours.MALE AND FEMALE ‘MOLIWE’.
ParticipantOh yeah Albertros i forgot to mention. If you struggle to find rare/unusual fish up your end, i post a lot of fish through ebay and as long as i had a payment upfront i would certainly buy/post you some fish. What do you like to keep???
ParticipantI picked up the chocolate gourami from the local shop, there were only two in the tank and the young lad did not have a clue as to what they were. Can you guess how much i paid ???? £2.50 each…now in my eyes that is the bargain of the century. I would love to breed them but ill have to source some more first and get a large group, apparently they are one of the hardest fish to breed and sexing is very difficult.
I have a book by Dr Herbert axelrod that was published in 1973, in this it describes in detail the only documented spawning of that time and comes complete with pictures. They are a mouth brooding anabatoid that requires very soft acidic warm water. There are one or two breeding reports on the net but none with pictures so they cannot be taken seriously. So despite searching for breeding details it seems that these lovely fish have never been or very rarely been spawned.
I will carry on doing my research until i find some more then i will start a project with them, until then i am just enjoying them in my discus tank.ste12000
ParticipantI would guess they are either rainbows or the CPD’s.. Both the cardinals and marble hatchets are extreamly difficult to breed and cardinal fry tend to stick to the aquarium glass for weeks after hatching.
Keep us informed and if they are either hatchets or Cardinals then you have bragging rights on here for life :lol: We need photos when they get a bit bigger.ste12000
ParticipantCongrats, theres nothing like your first baby fish. Livebearers give large babys that are easy to raise.. Good luck Atlantis.
ParticipantIm quite pleased with this new rack and its been very cheap to get up and running..
7 Tanks – £52
Wood/brackets & screws ect – £25
Airpump – £20
Filters (homemade) x 6 – £ 20
lighting (secondhand) – £ 10So for 330 litres of water in 6 seperate tanks it is a grand total of…£127
Whoo that is a true bargain, and in 3 months time when they are fully stocked with juvenile Rams and corydoras they will pay for themselves 3 times over :lol: :lol:
ParticipantYep mine are fed copious amounts of bloodworm and baby brineshrimp, these foods soon get rid of that hollow belly look that so many CPD’S have.
ParticipantIm lucky with my water, it comes out of the tap soft and very slightly acidic. After a couple of days with the bogwood and general tank acids with a lack of buffering it drops to around PH 6 -6.5
I tend to make keeping softwater fish look easy but i am a great believer in keeping fish that suit your water. Mine is ideal for south american fish and certain other acidic loving fish. I have never kept Malawis or hardwater livebearers as i cannot provide the correct conditions without a great deal of messing to get the water suitable.ste12000
ParticipantI really cant remember chris, i think it is a 9 fin oil filled radiator using 800watts, It is only on for a couple of hours a day now that the whole shed is very well insulated, after spending 20 minutes in the room the sweat is pouring off you.
I’ve bought the rest of the tanks from ebay, i picked them up and installed them this afternoon. Each tank holds about 55litres, so on this rack i now have 330 litres. This is my growout area and im hoping to install some decent lights and grow some nice plants.This is the doorway into the fishroom.New tanks on the left.
All up and running, the bottom tanks look murky because the gravel was slightly dirty. It will soon clear.
Different view.
ParticipantNice fish but they are very pale, i think the white gravel might have something to do with it. A nice dark gravel and plenty of plants will really bring out the colours.
ParticipantPeople with this attitude will not be in business for long, who in there right mind would send money to these kind of people and expect a decent sort of service. The fella sounds like he is fed up running his business and is just having a rant.
I sell my home bred fish on ebay and there is no way i would ever contemplate making an add in this bitter tone, i believe you should treat customers with the respect they deserve, after all there are plenty of fish retailers who can and will post fish and with this attitude customers will go straight to these better retailers.ste12000
ParticipantHi i dont have any pics of Celestial eggs but i have some of other species if you want a look..
These are Leopard danio eggs and are very close to what CPD’s eggs look like.
Nanacara eggs..
Corydoras Sterbai eggs.. 1 day old and 3 days old.
Microgeophagus Ramirez..Blue ram cichlid…