Forum Replies Created
October 25, 2007 at 11:56 pm in reply to: Breeding Laetacara curviceps (South American dwarf cichlid) #12770
Participanta couple of more pics..
Fry in depression in gravel using up the yolksac.
Fry freeswimming 2 days.
ParticipantJust a quick update to let you know the baby cats are doing great and will soon be ready for sale,they are around 2 months old now,i lost around 30 when i painted the walls in the fishroom :oops: the fumes got to them and everyday i found 4-5 dead fish… they are acheiving adult colouration now and im now raising another two batches of young corydoras..
ParticipantHi, im glad your daughter decided to get the kribs (pelvicachromis Pulcher) the pelvicachromis family are one of my favourites and pulcher was among the first cichlids i bred.
Yes the conditions for breeding will be exactly as i described, in my fish i notice that if possible they move under cover, mine creep along the bogwood hugging it close, then they dart into a cave and check that the coast is clear.
Flowerpots are fine, i only use coconut as i find they look more natural in my tanks (its hard work draining the milk and removing the coconut flesh) thay also add tanins to the water helping create soft/acidic conditions.THIS PHOTO IS THE FRY AT 8 WEEKS.
Can you notice the differences in colouration?? the female ‘moliwe’ also has spots in the anal and dorsal fins where the ‘Bipindi’ does not, the ‘moliwe’ male is also a lot more coloured in the fins.
ParticipantI agree the tank is really a bit big for only 5 cpd’s, they will indeed struggle to find food and would appreciate the smaller tank, you will find it easier to provide shelter and decent feeding in the smaller tank..Oh yeah welcome to the site :lol:
ParticipantI know simon i keep looking at them aswell, i got talking to the assistant manager in there the other day, he recons that they may be wild caught!!!!! he came to this conclusion as someone pointed out two fish of another types of rasbora in the same shipment that originate from the same place in Myanmar.
He asked me if i knew about Celestials and was quite suprised to hear im a moderator on here (best forum around) and even more suprised that im actually breeding them, they even offered to take them off me in return for a credit note! very kind!!!!! they will offer 50p per fish then sell them for £4.50, id rather market them myself.
One good thing simon, if you get this breeding setup going then eventually we can swap fish between us and keep the bloodlines strong,i have wild males and captive bred females sourced directly from Pete Liptrot and Paul dixon.ste12000
ParticipantHi maximumbob (simon) glad you could join us, the planted tank looks gorgeous…the spawning tanks looking great and i like the size, one thing to watch with the grid and Cpd’ they are so small and thin, if the grid does not reach the glass and leave’s even a slight gap then the fish can get underneath. I lost a spawn this way, i used a very large fat female and a well conditioned male, i came home to a very thin female that had obviously spawned and a male under the grid eating the last few eggs…Also watch the water level, i used to fill mine to within an inch of the top but lost 2 females due to jumping, i now leave a gap around 4 inches from the water level to the top of the tank.
It was nice to meet you last week and you are more than welcome to pop in for a chat (if you can stand the heat!!!!!)ste12000
ParticipantYeah mate iv got a load of new stuff and sold a ton of the older fry to make space, im turning over a lot of fish in a fairly short time so i am really chuffed.. Ill post an updated thread about changes to my stock soon. Good luck with the tank, iv never kept Malawi’s before so ill leave you in the good hands of aquaholic85..If you ever keep discus with dwarf cichlids and tetras then im your man…
ParticipantCelestial i do have good tank conditions, thats why i can get my fish to breed in the first place, i agree with you on the lack of chemicals in our tanks, apart from declorinator i do not use anything else except occassional carbon filtration. I also beleive for the majority of species it is a nightmare trying to raise fry in a fully planted setup, there is no room for any degree of control, with a bare tank or very limited decor the fry can be observed better and uneaten food is easily spotted and removed. The fish dont mind the bare tanks and they are a lot easier to keep clean and in good condition.
Participant@atlantis_child wrote:
Highy, highly unlikly… Galaxy are danios. Pretty sure danios can’t breed with tetra, and definately not catfish. They are very different critters.
– Atlantis
Still blond are we atlantis :lol: :lol:
I think the catfish will eat any eggs scattered on the bottom and if a few did survive then the emporor tetra is sure to pick of any fry, mine used to chase and eat baby endlers which are a lot larger than Cpd’s fry.
ParticipantRight heres the plan Atlantis, keep the 10 gallon running and use the 5 gallon. Find a mesh to fit the bottom. Seperate the sexes and feed feed feed…baby brine shrimp is a fantastic conditioning food aswell as frozen bloodworm and a selection of dried foods.
Right you need to set up the tank in the following order, get your bare tank and clean it well with a salt solution, this sterilises the tank, rinse well and fill with fresh declorinated water, add an airpowered filter or an airstone(the filter is only really needed when the eggs hatch) set your heater to the regular temp the tanks are normally at. Add the mesh to the base(i use suckers to keep it pinned down)on top of the grid you need a spawning medium! for example a spawning mop or java moss,something that the fish can spawn on/in. The fish spawn into the mop/moss and the non sticky eggs fall under the grid out of reach from hungry parents.
You are nearly ready to add your breeders, leave the water to settle for at least 24 hours and then add the fish, i would try a pair at first and later on the trio and compare results.
Leave the fish in for a maximum of 3 days,and check under the mesh daily, if eggs are spotted remove the adult fish. If unfortunatly you dont get eggs remove the fish and condition them for a further week before trying again. Never feed the breeders when in the spawning tank, the water must never become polluted. If i think of anything more ill let you know.
Good luck Atlantis and im here if you need any help
ParticipantSuperb, are they in a cave?? how do they breed, the bumblebee goby is a cave spawner and males look after the eggs/fry. Yours must be a related species? How are they doing?? are any left?
Participant@chr15_8 wrote:
im a member on the but the few questions ive asked have had very few replys.
Stick with us Chris…. Were not ignorant like other forum users lol :wink: Did you go of the idea for the planted tank?? also have you scrapped the fishroom idea? iv not spoke to you for a while, so not sure where your upto. Good luck regardless of what project you do…
ParticipantThat sounds great, one thing i have never done is join a local fish club. I always imagine that they are full of old men in cardigans who frown upon the young generation and new ideas ? I know its not like that and it would be the best way to broaden my knowlage but i just cant get over that mental image… I wish your daughter luck with her new fish, especially the kribs they are an ideal starter cichlid and will give hours of entertainment, certainly one of my favourite fish.
ParticipantYep thats right, fungused means the eggs turn white and dies. soon after spawning, usually they have not been fertilised but there may be other factors..
In fact its happened fairly often lately with different species, i have’nt really studied why eggs fungus so i might search with google and see what i can find.The species that have had really bad batches lately are…
Rams 60-65% white (fungus)
Celestials 25-40% white
Glowlight tetras 70-80% whiteOthers have spawned and hardly had any bad eggs.. Maybe im missing something?????
Lasseter1113 sorry for hyjacking your thread with my ramblings.ste12000
ParticipantI met Paul Dixon who works in the Bolton museum with Pete Liptrot, i received my females (six) from them and had a chat when they brought them up to me. He said that certain breeder’s they know had batches upto 150…After breeding them myself i am now very doubtful about this claim!! My females are now fully grown and when well fed and in breeding condition they are extreamly large and swollen with eggs, the largest spawn i had was around 50 eggs but most fungused, i am currently raising around 20-25 fry.