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ParticipantOh Katkin you big tease :wink:
You certainly know the way to a mans heart.. Ill keep my eye on them but its a bit far for me to travel. I need 18..24x12x12 tanks early next year for a new rack im building..
ParticipantWhy thank you very much for your kind comments..It is set up to be as easy to maintain as possible, it gets one largish water change every week and the filters only need cleaning every three months. The Java moss and java Fern are the simplest plants to grow, so i tend to sit back and enjoy the show after working hard in my fishroom..
ParticipantThe Kribs are certainly not easy to find, in fact finding them and hunting for them is half the pleasure, There are 9 described species in the Pelvicachromis Genus, i have set myself the target of spawning them all :shock: So far i have bred the Common krib (Pelvicachromis Pulcher) and the Slender or yellow krib (Pelvicachromis Taeniatus).
I am in contact with someone on another forum who has a tank of juvinile Pelvicachromis suboccelatus Matadi (do a search on google for pics, the females are stunning), we have arranged to swap some fish so that will be another on my list next year :wink:
As regards to the discus, i read about them and understood them for years before buying, i started with angel fish as they are very similar fish to discus and a whole lot cheaper. I got two years experience with the angels before buying my discus..
The main point with discus is buy in bulk, dont think ill buy 3 and see how it go’s…It wont work, you end up with one dominant one subdominant and one that gets beaten up every time it pops its head out. I bought six which is the minimum amount to start with, You always get one dominant fish at the head of the group and it go’s down the pecking order until you get to the weakest, mine never grew much in 12 months of owning them, but with six fish this fish has a bit of a rest as others also get chased by the dominant. I sold the remainding four when two paired off as this cut down all aggression in the tank and the pair have the tank as their own personal territory. It is a very complex subject but easily understood if you study the fishes natural habitat.ste12000
ParticipantAs usual…Stunning…
ParticipantIm fine mate, im made up to be back online, posting on here. Everythings fine my end, iv been busy tonight doing water changes all round and moving a few fish, I setup a lot of spawning tanks this week so iv been watching fry break free tonight, iv got another 60-70 Celestials hatched, 100+ glowlight tetras, pencilfish(havent hatched yet and a new one for me (Danio nigrofasciatus) the dwarf danio.
They had an extremly small spawn though? i only counted 19 eggs and a few of them didnt make it?i got 10 fry tonight…oh well better than nothing.ste12000
ParticipantIm going to throw in this random pic of my Apisto Hoignei as iv only just realized how good it was…
ParticipantThanks Guys, Much appreciated!!
The floating water plants are…
water lettuce (Pistia Stratiotes)
Amazon frogbit (Limnobium Laevigatium)
and also Salvinia natansAll three are well recommended to help provide shade for your fish,help remove toxins and pollution from your water and help to beat algae problems..They all need good strong light but basically thats it and they are really easy to grow.
Heres how my tank looks now. This is my main tank which is in my living room. It is a Juwel Rio 180 and hold 180litres or 40gallons, although when the gravel and wood is in i estimate around 150 litres!!Unfortunatly when i removed the gravel for a change around this summer i scratched the glass pretty badly, i might get rid of this tank now and get a bigger one. Equipment is simple but effective, i will take some pics and show you around…
This is the Light units and external filter outlet, you can just see the CO2 ladder below. Yes i know im a tight arse for using tin foil as a reflector but hey it works…
This is the internal filter that is supplied with the tank and the intake for the external..
And this is whats stored underneath..Its not usually this tidy so your lucky a had a duster on it before taking pics :wink: I dont know whether to be embarrased about the amount of books and mags??? and this is only half of the magazines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ParticipantThats right Atlantis they dont eat bits of decaying plants. In a correctly setup tank there should not many bits of plants decaying anyway…
ParticipantI would recommend Greenline for your aquatic plants when you get your tank setup properly..
Iv bought tons of plants from these over the years and never had a problem.ste12000
ParticipantIt will fit in nicely in the big display tank there..I think one of us, You, maximumbob or me should get a picture of that massive tank and share it with the rest of the forum..Its one of the best tanks iv seen.
ParticipantRiccia fluitans is a floating plant.. Many people try and weigh it down and for a while it will grow rapidly if given excessive CO2 and strong lighting. However it is a floating plant and always finds its way to the surface. Floating plants always get the strongest light as obviously they are on the water surface, they also get more Co2 as they use it straight from the air. If you sink the plant to the bottom of your tank then they are automatically receiving less light and Co2 than when floating in the surface layers. It is then upto the aquarist to provide increased levels of light and Co2.
Richard i dont want to sound negative but creating a Planted tank costs money…At the very minimum you will need at least 2 T8 flourescent bulbs (preferably more) Good Nutritious substrate, i used API laterite covered with a 2inch layer of sand, this substrate is rich in iron which plants need to thrive. Co2 is also a good idea because without it you really wont see much growth..And last but not least a good book.. I keep saying it but the only way to get the knowledge you need to succeed in this hobby is to read read read and then read a bit more…You have been to my house and seen for yourself the amount of books and magazines in my collection, they have been essential for me to learn the skill of fishkeeping and also planted tank keeping..Look at it as though it is a school subject, if you dont do your homework and dont read the books and dont listen in class then you fail that subject…same with keeping fish and plants. You have to understand the basics. Iv got a few planted tank books you can borrow if you like.ste12000
ParticipantYeah i know Rich but we were on about Planted tanks…No-one in there right mind has a 1ft plec in a planted tank
1. They are Vegetarian
2. They would pull up all your plants with their bulky body.ste12000
ParticipantHa ha i hope you have finished the dishes now…I will pop in but i am really not sure on when it will be, i have work all week and have to be straight home to post fish on Tuesday, thursday and friday this week, wednesday my son Ben has football practice so im rushing around then, I will most probibly nip down around 8ish one night if thats ok but no promises when that would be. I also have no experiences with lymphocytosis, i would assume that it may just be a wound from fighting or a knock..See you soon.
Participant@shepherd_690 wrote:
I am defo guna use them on ma next tanks or in my fish room
Yeah until u see the price lol…
Planted tanks really should not have the substrate disturbed at all, the plants will use the nutrients produced by decaying fish waste and the bacteria in the substrate helps to break it into Nitrate’s. which is obviously removed during all the regular maintainence you should be doing..A good book and plenty of reading on the subject is a must if you want to get the best from your plants. A planted tank should really have a nutritious fine substrate, CO2, good lighting and a small biological fish load(less waste). I have had several successful planted tanks but non at the minute as i am concentrating on my fishroom/breeding. When i get time i might setup a small tank for my new fish, a tiny Microrasbora (Microrasbora erythromicron)
ParticipantCheers Simon, iv been off work since last thursday but should be back in tomorrow. Shame about Pier aquatics, its a pity they dont have a regular update for the website, it could be so much better than it is. I always feel slightly peeved when i travel up there and they dont have much that i like. They are suppost to specialize in L number catfish and corydoras but for the last six months they have not stocked what i would call a vast selection??
Im so glad to be back online, iv got a few threads to post on here tonight later on after i have done the water changes. Im mad busy today iv just had three really nice people one after the other to buy fish..
Simon do you still want any of these rams i only have about 15 left, and i think out of them there are only a few males left. Did you want a sexed pair or are you ok with two or one females, if the females are ok then there is no charge at all, you can have them with compliments. Let me know. -