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ParticipantThought you guys (and girls) would be interested in this clip i found
ParticipantHi Chris..l asume you are talking about the ZM feeds. I get them from ebay but they have their own website.
On ebay they sell a sample pack for 99p with a sample of 4 different sizes. The ZM fry foods are tiny granular fry food. i feed by simply sprinkling a small amount on the surface, it floats at first and then sinks..I feed this once a day and feed baby brine shrimp twice a day..ste12000
ParticipantI feed liquifry the same as chris, with a syringe..i use slightly less though and feed 2 drops in a 15 litre breeding tank twice a day. After the first couple of days try a few Baby brine shrimp, if they take it use this for two feeds and use powdered ZM 100 for the third.
I breed tons of different fish and all fry are different.It may take 2-3 spawns before you really learn what the ideal feeding and water change routine is for that species.. For example i have recently bred Golden pencilfish and Ram cichlids within two days of each other. The pencils did not eat bbs for over 1 week while the rams took it after the first day freeswimming.after a month the rams are twice the size and i have increased the size of food and quantity of food to match the type and size of fish.
Just use common sense and you will be fine.ste12000
ParticipantNo problem..if you need any more advice im sure there are plenty of people on here who will help you… just give us a shout.
ParticipantInfertile eggs are completly white. So you may have a good one. Use liquid fry food for a couple of days and try to crush some flake into a powder. I bought a cheap mortice and pestle for this and it works a treat. If you are looking for top quality fry foods go to ebay and type in ZM fry food. The 100 size is excellent for first feeds after liqui fry and before Baby brine shrimp. Good luck
ParticipantSymmo i use this stuff for a spawning grid, you know where the eggs fall through and the fish cant eat them. It can also be used as a tank divider in larger sizes. I dont know about the moss carpet though cos the holes are only small and i dont think much light would get through to get it started. Worth a try though.
Chris.. Lol whys the lad selling that on ebay??? hes just told us what we need and where to get it, he’s also been thoughtful enough to leave full instructions for us to do it ourselves. Ha ha how he makes any money is beyond me. Class idea though.ste12000
ParticipantA lot of UK guppies come from mass producers in singapore and the Czech republic. There are concerns over here that they are being criticaly inbred and are producing fish that do do stand upto traveling well and are not very disease resistant. I keep endlers myself as i prefer the more subtle colouration, i have never had any quality problems with these.
ParticipantJust wondering!!, in the US what are feeder/wild guppies? In the UK we get the obvious fancy strains and also the endler species,
Are these the wild guppies that you are talking about? If so this is interesting because over here Endlers/wild guppies are a expensive fish to buy and fancy guppies are very very commonplace and very cheap.
Does the US suffer from poor quality mass produced fancy guppies like we do in the UK.ste12000
ParticipantHi Elly, i would bag each type of fish individually and only put 25%water and make the rest of the bag oxygen. This is more important on long journeys as the oxygen inside the bag can be used up quickly. Wrap each bag inside a towel or clothing to keep a bit of heat in and then place all the fish bags inside a cardboard box and pad it with newspaper or clothes to stop the bags rolling around. Tape up the top and enjoy your journey…Your fish will be fine and should settle in their new home quickly, they are all hardy species kept in all types of water worldwide.
Goodluck with college.ste12000
Participantwhere r u off to Chris?? Have you found anyone to mind the remaining fish?
ParticipantThe males will have a lot of bright red in the fins and be a nice dark blue colour. The picture at the top of the forum shows the male. The females in comparison will look slightly washed out, less bright colours and you should see a small black pigment near to her vent.
ParticipantSeems like a daft question but have you sexed the fish?? Try to cram as many plants as possible and maybe enlarge the shoal, These can be very nervous and shy in small tanks. Mine were until i placed them in my 140litre community tank, since then the are always out and about. I put two pairs in two 15litre breeding tanks last week and they just sat under the filter for two days (no eggs) When i try again i am going to cram the tank with java moss from top to bottom and see if that helps.. Good luck, they really are lovely fish.
ParticipantMine certainly would….. see my post on ‘Are you a fish geek’ …….I would get kicked out lol.
ParticipantProject abandoned im afraid. We had one week of nice weather last month so i put the endlers outside, Since then we have had the wettest june since records began and temp is struggling to get above 50-60f…. I brought them back in before i was accused of fish genocide…… If only i lived in the states or Australia, i would have the garden full.
ParticipantIv got a 180 litre in the living room with a breeding pair of discus and corydoras sterbai,panda and two twig catfish which i hope to breed in the future.
Then in my bedroom i have a 140litre deep, which houses a pair of bristlenose cats and tons of various tetras, rummynose, neon, cardinal, columbian, emperor and a couple of species of undiscribed tetras. This tank also holds the cpd’s and endlers. Also in this room i have a 110litre grow out tank for juviniles.Into the kids room and i have 4 small 15litre breeding tanks and 1 30litre. These are set up on a couple of shelves in a small alcove (poor kids). These are currently holding 35 golden pencilfish(4 week fry)..Breeding pair of wild rams in one and 40-50 Ram fry in another (freeswimming today).. Breeding pair of nannacara anomala in the 30litre and 15 fry in the last tank……..