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  • in reply to: just wondering #11861

    They add the gene from a jellyfish into the embryo while it is still inside the egg casing.
    Please do not support these guys by buying these fish if you see them, if the flouresent danios do not sell then the scientists will realise there is no market and stop producing them.
    Would people buy flouresent cats or dogs?? No they would not.

    in reply to: On spam #11859

    I had one this morning but everything is sweet now :lol: :shock:

    in reply to: just wondering #11856

    Elly the glowlight tetra and the glowlight danio look nothing alike!!! The tetra originates from South America in the backwaters of the river Amazon, the glowlight danio comes from Myanamar which is also where the celestial pearl danio comes from.
    Glowlight Tetra
    Glowlight danio

    in reply to: just wondering #11855

    No way are glowlight danio’s (Danio choprai) Genetically modified, i have been breeding these lovely fish for about two years and have raised 1000’s. They are a genuine species that has not been mutilated by scientists.
    I have seen the Genetically modified glowlight for sale (leopard and zebra) In the flesh they do not glow but look slightly like a albino with a washed out colour.It is under flouresent lighting that they glow.
    In no way should we support these modified fish, nature has provided 1000’s of natural species that we can enjoy in aquaria, why we need to modify them is beyond me!

    in reply to: MY NEW FISHROOM.. #11851

    The room is heated by a largish oil filled radiator, this works out cheaper than individual heaters in each tank. The oil filled radiator is good as when it hits the preset thermostat temp it stops using electric but the oil stays warm,when the oil temp drops it then resumes using electricity.
    Top rack is stable at 82-84f, middle row at 79-80f and bottom tanks between 74-76f.
    I have plenty of spare heaters incase any tanks need extra heating.
    Filtration is by a large pond airpump and sponge bio filters, this was a cheap way of setting up but was prefered over a sump based system, that would of ment all tanks being drilled and connected to one large filter, the downside to this apart from the cost was that i would be forced to have the same water conditions in every single tank. This way i can run completly different water as and when required.

    in reply to: world’s stupidest aquarium fish #11847

    Nope totally oblivious to the fact that fish can burb.

    in reply to: feeding baby’s #11846

    I got my microworm culture from Ebay!!! The seller was in england but im sure if you sent a nice email they would post over to you. If you are interested in some i could send to you? Let me know.
    Beware if you culture them in a house you share with either family or friends…THEY CAN STINK.
    Mine are in the shed and are great at keeping the kids out of the fishroom :lol: .
    I say that but my six year old daughter loves fish and aquariums and asked for her own for christmas, she helps me with feeding and waterchanges, my son however is not interested at all, he has been into the fishroom about twice i think, both times he moaned about the heat and disappeared sharpish. :?

    in reply to: On spam #11845

    No problem but the first ten minutes of my time on this forum is now taken up with deleting stupid messages. I hope this works.

    in reply to: The big move! #11844

    Goodluck Katkin, you certainly seem to have everything in order. So from the rest of us, goodluck with the move and hope you settle into your new home quickly.

    in reply to: what other tanks do you have? #11833

    Top class yet again Glenn.. your aquascaping is second to none. Gorgeous tanks, how many tanks do you have now?

    in reply to: Looking for some Celestials…Canada… #11828

    Hey blondie how many types of fish called ashtrays do you know of… Lol Lol Lol going now before you kick my ass(or butt in American)

    in reply to: world’s stupidest aquarium fish #11827

    Ok ladies dont get upset with me!!! i just did not know fish could burp and you two put a big smile on my face :D :oops:

    in reply to: world’s stupidest aquarium fish #11820

    Are you two Blonde by any chance :lol: :lol: :wink:

    in reply to: Looking for some Celestials…Canada… #11803

    Have you actually got any yet? Are they hard to find in your area? There are small pockets of breeders all over the world now so you should be able to get them eventually. I was lucky that the first people to breed them are Pete Liptrot and Paul Dixon, they are 30 minutes drive away from me, i contacted them and they supplied me with six females. I bred them for the first time last week, i have not seen fry yet though!!!!

    in reply to: Looking for some Celestials…Canada… #11801

    hi, welcome to the gang :D

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