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  • in reply to: Swim bladder issue? #15367

    He defiantly does work alot harder to swim around.. Ill give him another week and see if he improves or not

    in reply to: Best breeding stratagey #15366

    Awesome! keep me posted. Ill let you know how my up-coming experiments go aswell.

    in reply to: Swim bladder issue? #15363

    Thanks Dennis, the little guy has been going strong (well eating and swimming around.. although in large spiral circles) but I have hopes him !

    in reply to: Shrimp tanks as grow out #15354

    Great write up.

    At what point would you consider the fry to be big enough to eat the shrimp? 3/4 adult size?

    in reply to: Shrimp tanks as grow out #15352

    Thanks for the reply. I will try it out if i end up with fry this round.

    I just took the parents out of the new attempt of a breeding tank (mesh bottom with a mop and some random stem plants) the ground is a bit dirty from pulling out them steams from other tanks so its hard to tell if their are eggs or not (they were in there foe a week so i hope so).. i put 1m/1f adult CPDs into a shrimp tank to test and see if they mate int here or not and the the other females back into the main communal tank.. so hopefully some fry pop up in a few days :)

    in reply to: Stressed fish in breeding tank? #15350

    The mesh was my form of an egg trap, there is a dark green mop in the tank. Maybe i will see if i can find a black mesh instead. I may also make a few more mops to go along with the random assortment of stems floating in the tank to help with natural filtration and an oversized Aquaclear filter turned way down.

    Do you think large marbles or some sort of a “bigger” round substrate would work better than using plastic mesh?

    Once they do a few spawns i plan on removing the parents then either letting they fry grow up for a few weeks in the tank then moving them or move them to one of the shrimp tanks to grow out.

    in reply to: how to catch in a heavily planted tank #15345

    Problem solved, cut a large gatorade bottle in half, sink it and corral some fish into it.. then scoop it up! worked like a charm!

    in reply to: moving fry to a new tank #15341

    Sounds good, ill wait a few more weeks. About how long does it take for fry to reach full size?

    in reply to: Do breeding tanks need a filter? #15340

    So i have aquired an Aquaclear 70 (which is overkill for a 10 gallon) how ever it will hold tons of beinifical bacteria once seeded (currently piggy backing on a cycling grow out tank. I cut out the stopper in the motor cover to allow it to be turned down even lower. how ever it still has about double the output as an AQ20 on low. Will this be to much flow for a breeding/bare bottom fry tank? IF i was to put some filter sponge or something to difuse the output even more would this be okay? I plan on using a 10gallon bare bottom tank. I have another 10 gallon setup that will be a grow out tank.

    in reply to: Do breeding tanks need a filter? #15338

    I will have to step it up.. I just did a 20-30% change tonight. did one maybe 3-4 days ago.

    Theres 15-19 fry in my 5.5G tank with a few shrimp and its fairly heavily planted

    in reply to: interbreeding issues? #15336

    Thanks for the PDF Dennis. It should be a good read. I was thinking of buying a few new cpd’s form differ sources once in a while but if they share the same tank there’s no way to keep track of which come from. Where!

    Ill give it a good read :).


    in reply to: Do breeding tanks need a filter? #15335

    What percentage of water and how ofent do you change the water in the fry tank. I have been doing it every 5 days and more slowly keep appearing!

    in reply to: What to feed Fry? #15332

    Ouch, shipping is up there for anywhere outside of the US. ill try to find a cdn source. thanks for the link

    in reply to: What to feed Fry? #15330

    Thanks guys!

    Well i found first bites locally ordered some bbs eggs (and started some green water). I have been putting in micro worms and first bites into the water so hopefully that is enough to get them started. I cant seem to find golden pearls around there.

    in reply to: Anybody have pics of an eggbound CPD? #15328

    If she is getting fat then she is probably full of eggs :)

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