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ParticipantHe is now dead. :cry: So that’s 7 losses out of 16 purchases. Great. However, i’ve just bought some Hikari Micro Pellets as the Hikari Micro Wafers i’m waiting on haven’t arrived due to a postage strike. The annoying thing is I phoned the shop I bought the Micro Pellets from asking if they had Micro Wafers and the lad told me they had them. When I asked him to check they were wafers not pellets he said “oh no sorry, they’re the pellets”. On visiting the shop after deciding to buy some pellets aswell I discovered they had wafers behind the pellets anyway, on the same rail, which would’ve saved me an ebay purchase and saved me a few quid, along with my latest CPD loss maybe. Grrrrrr. Dumbass idiot. I hate that shop! Anyway, they seem to take to them more than other foods. Tank now dosed with Flubenol. Fingers crossed I don’t lose any more.
ParticipantStill finding more fry though. It doesn’t make sense.
ParticipantOk, now i’m worried. I noticed another small male looking thin and i’ve been trying to get him and the other fish to eat different foods. Now he’s just resting all the time like the others were before they died. :cry: I don’t know what i’m doing wrong.
ParticipantGoing to purchase some of those katkin.
ParticipantHey. I checked on the thin looking female this morning and unfortunately she had passed on. :cry: So that’s 6 losses out of 16. Hmmm. 4 of which I know for definite were from the 1st batch which were very small as previously mentioned. The rest seem fine though. They’re all very alert and active plus the 3 fry are doing well in their net. I’m going to dose the tank with flubenol – http://www.flubenol.co.uk/ – just to be sure. I was planning to do this anyway with feeding them the live and frozen food. If I lose anymore, i’ll let you know. Thanks!
ParticipantJust to add, I found my 1st fry on Sunday so I can’t be doing that much wrong.
Also, I add Flourish and Flourish Excel to fertilise the plants. Very precisely dosed with a 1ml syringe. Not sure if that would have any effect.
ParticipantJust to add, I found my 1st fry on Sunday so I can’t be doing that much wrong.
ParticipantHey. I don’t use the salt anymore, it was bought for aiding stress reduction when I had a suspected whitespot outbreak in my Rio 125. I’d read it helps in stress reduction generally so thought i’d give it a try. I’ve done loads of water changes since and reckon there’s none in there now. Plus the CPD’s were moved to their own tank a few weeks later which I hadn’t bought when I got the 1st 2 batches. Their tank has never had any salt added. Anyway, water parameter:
Ammonia – 0ppm
Nitrite – 0ppm
Nitrate – 10-15ppm
pH – 7
GH – 160
KH – 80The hardness i’ve not checked for a while but i’m pretty sure it’ll be the same. I’ve been feeding them live daphnia, but run out. So, now they’re back on broken up TetraMin Crisps, Frozen Bloodworm, Baby Brine Shrimp, Freeze Dried Tubifex. I’ve been trying different things as a few had sunken in bellies and also they weren’t taking to some foods. As for plants, there’s a blanket of Java Moss and lots of floating Elodia. Temperature is 24 degrees. Poo… i’m not sure. Looking pretty normal I guess. That female I mentioned is not looking so good at all. She’s spent most of the day just resting on top of the Java Moss and not swimming around. I might even freeze her if she’s not improved by the morning as she appears to be suffering. Hey stomach is very shrunken. Any suggestions?
ParticipanteBay. http://sports.search.ebay.co.uk/_Fishing_W0QQcatrefZC12QQsacatZ14104QQsassZkangaroo180902
A great invention in my opinion!
ParticipantWorrying is a good thing, in moderation. :lol: I know how you feel though. I found my first fry yesterday. They’d been sucked into the trickle filter despite my efforts to block up the slots in the strainer inlet. Fortunately with adding more media to the filter it’s slowed the water flow through to the outlet holes and created a little pool on top of the wool pad so they could breathe and swim about. Cue completely ignoring my girlfriend all evening and dis-assembling my filter to look for fry. I’m amazed they survived the impeller to be honest. A few had died. I now have 3 swimming around in a fine mesh filter bag (similar to a breeder net, but without the frame) attached to the side of the tank, all shoaling already. I’ve solved the inlet problem as I found some circular course sponge in a shop. That’s now tied on with string stopping fry getting through. Actually, do you reckon i’m likely to get more fry from letting them be sucked up into the filter, or waiting until they appear in the tank, providing they don’t get eaten? I guess it’s cruel though given there’s a chance they could get sliced in half by the impeller. All seemed intact though. Spookily I bought some Liquifry #1 yesterday afternoon before finding them in anticipation of them breeding. How often should you feed this for? It states a few days on the instructions. I have the opposite problem with the Liquifry sinking to the bottom of the mesh bag and dissolving through the mesh into the main area of the tank as the water flow is downwards. Anyway, good luck with them!
ParticipantHey. I’ve also read various differing views on the temperature to keep CPD’s. Some people don’t even use a heater!
I keep my water at 24 degrees celsius after reading about their native habitat being between 22 and 24 degrees celsius here – http://rmbr.nus.edu.sg/rbz/biblio/55/55rbz131-140.pdf (4.63MB pdf, may take a while to download on slow connection). I’ve read this elsewhere on other forums aswell. I found my first fry yesterday.
They seem happy at this temperature but it occasionally creeps up to 25 when its hot outside so I might even drop it another degree at some point. From all the information I have gathered I can definitely say they require heated water.
ParticipantAhhh, I see your tank sizes now in your signature. :lol:
ParticipantHey. I need to do this in a few months as we are moving house. I’ve got 3 tanks to move! I suggest trying to find some 25 litre (or liter to you americans :lol: ) buckets with lids. My lfs said try a home brew shop but I couldn’t find one locally so bought 2 off ebay. 1 was sold as a live bait bucket for sea fishing and has a battery powered air pump with it which attaches to the side. I’d suggest maybe investing in one of these as they come in very handy, the air pump especially for power cuts etc. You can then keep the fish in one, with the air pump and then more water and ornaments etc in the other. How big is your tank by the way? Try and save as much water as you can as you already mentioned the new water at the college may have different parameters. Also, I read to completely empty the tank, including gravel to avoid strain on the glass joints. Very time consuming and tiring though admittedly, I don’t know whether to do this yet. Good luck with the move!
ParticipantHey. I’m from near Chester. So not far from you. No breeding yet but it’s looking promising, lots of chasing going on.
ParticipantIt was a major clean though. The tank had sunlight where it was originally placed and I had a lot of algae growth over everything. With it being a small tank aswell, there was nowhere for the fish to hide as i’d taken all the ornaments out. I also had to fit the background, so it was the best option to empty it. Anyway, i’ve bought some frozen baby brine shrimp in jelly. I fed them a cube this morning but none of the fish seem interested in those! Also, I do have a gravel vac on the end of my syphon I use. I’m going to buy some more Elodia in the meantime and leave it free-floating so there is more cover.