Thanks, I spent yesterday on the road to collect some more CPD’s.
They where in a mixed tank and almost transparent so I bought the lot ( 8 ) to hopefully give them a better life.
I checked this morning and they’ve all coloured up nicely enough to notice that at least three of the fish I bought yesterday aren’t CPD’s. I’m pretty sure they are Microrasbora erythromicron/Danio erythmomicron “Zebra Rasbora”.
They school together and seem to be very compatible so I’m not too worried but I think I’m going to clear out whats left of my 100l after an unfortunate few weeks for that tank (some weird tetra killing disease) and put them in once I’m sure that its cleared up.
At the mo’ it has 8 mollies, 3 guppies, 4 bronze corydoras and 1 Krib after her mate sadly passed away. I’ve got a friend that deals with cichlids who would like the krib and I can find a home for the livebearers but I’d like to keep the corys if its possible……. dependant on the general consensus of the good members of your forum.