Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI’ve had several breeds from the Tateurndina occelicauda.
My apologize in front – its off topic. But can u tell me more about breeding peacock goby. I just acquire 7 off them, guess 2 r male, r they egg eaters, r they breeding in tubes or cave like apistogrammas… or if u have any advice i will be grateful.
ps. when i look in this pic’s just wondering – why i have only 7 aquariums i want more :lol: joke, there is lots off beautiful fishes, but when u looking more closer, in details like in yours pic’s, then u really see how they r fascinating.Dodode
ParticipantBeautiful tank, fish and pic’s. Like it moss wall, clean of algae. Btw. did u try 2 breed tateurndina ocellicauda?
ParticipantYup hydra is one ugly stuff. Well, not really ugly its beutifull but can hurt lil fishes. And also, like i said before few months, great forum with great people whos share expirience with this lil fishes. Also, i like it becose focus is in just one fish.
ParticipantHere in croatia we have one super store :lol: CPD r 4,71 $ – small but healthy
Other’s stores r much expansive 7,54 $.
But here was some extra breeding activity so we have ‘low cost’ CPD’s now more then ever :lol:Dodode
ParticipantHi all.
Well i got same wierd swimming CPD’s. He’s 6 month old now, smaller then other’s CPD’s from same spawn, still swimming vertically but still alive and alwas hungry. So was thinkin that is genetic weakness potentially caused by some condition’s in breeding aq. So in mine r few factors i was suspect – low oxygen level (have only sponge with air stone), there was also hydra, maybee high water level (about 25 cm) or hard, tap water i use (forgot kh and gh). Was guessing that’s not bacterial or fungal diseas becose from 16 CDP’s from same spawn just one swimming vertically. And at the end i dunno what was wrong… Now with new spawn i put RO water, low water level, dont have hydra, have good filter in breeding aq and still one CPD swimming vertically….Dodode
ParticipantWell i have hydra in my tank before so thats maybe it.
ParticipantRgr, i was also feeding with green water/infusoria who was in java moss, but didnt have microworms – so they eat sera micron and then brine shrimp.
I was looking on web and some fishes have very sensitive swimm blader. Lots of condition in tank and different feeding or genetic predisposition may couse disorder. But CPD’s r very hardy fishes so was thinkin that its not genetic. But still lots of brothers and sisters swimming in my tank and becose of that maybe fry’s dont grow like they should have.Dodode
ParticipantWell they eating brine shrimp when get big enough. So thats about 2-3 weeks old. What kind of other live food u mean.
Some ppl told me different ideas – that its maybe 2 high water level, lil oxygen in tank, hard tap water i use (17 kh – next try of breeding will be with RO water) – lots of ideas so got lil confused.
Will try with RO and oxygen tablets on next try. Got u informed what will happen.
And i almost forgot – great forum for all CPD lovers. Becose of this forum i got my first try with CDP’s breeding successful. Thx 2 all who loves this breathtaking lil fishes and its experiences shared with others. Im from croatia and becose of this great site CPD’s will be popular in one more country. -