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Participant@katkin wrote:
Sounds about right to me. I can’t see shops paying much more than that. I might have a ring round this week and see what the shops will offer. I’ll let you know what response I get.
Kgreat idea i might have ago as well. will be easier than going to the shop then them saying there not interested in any
ill post mine also (if i get round to it)
Participant@ste12000 wrote:
Im not sure but as i said its less than £20.. Thats cheaper than a night out at town!!!! Whatever boards you decide to use make sure that it is moisture resistant cos you dont want to redo it all in a couple of years when it rots. The polystyrene was dirt cheap about £4.50 for a 8×4.
Do your parents know what your upto lol, yesterday i walked in with 4 more breeding tanks,Massive airpump and heaters…My missus is still ignoring me now ha hahaha bet she loves you keep bringing tanks in.
i did say to them which is why we agreed behind the shed as its out of the way also said id pay more housekeep for the more electric used to keep my old man happy as he’s not liking the 5 tanks i have at the moment lol
anyway i will be buying pressure treated timber and use some sort of paint/waterproofer maybe pvc(the stuff you get in 5 litre bottles glue type stuff) incase theres any sweeting etc where the polystyrene.
im looking at about £25 a wall and a little more for the ceiling and floor so about £150 to £170ish
Participant@ste12000 wrote:
Hi Chris i too am going to be building a fish room (well its a brick shed but i still need to insulate). I work in a builders merchants and we sell 8′ x 4′ sheets of polystyrene either 1 inch thick or 2 inches, i am going to use this as it wont get damp and board it over with 12mm Water resistant MDF. I priced it up and for 1 sheet of each it came to £14 (thats with my discount but still less than £20). Let me know how you get on.. Cheers.
Ps iv got two pairs of CPD upstairs that went into the breeding tanks last night, Theres a lot of chasing this morning but no actual spawning yet…Fingers pretty surprised about your coose of wood. i was going to go with 9.5mm (i think thats the size) exterior ply on the inside and shiplap on the outside (looks the same as the shed that way)
i aslo was considering polystyrene using 2 inch sheets as the uprights for the should are going to be 2×2. after looking at the silver buble wrap im also thinking about putting that on as well so an extra measure
this wont be happening for another few weeks as i have to get my exams out the way before the parents let me loose
how much would 1 sheet of waterproof mdf and 1 sheet on 2 inch polystyrene be to the general public? if you dont mind me asking
and good luck with your fish
i will be happy to get 50p to be honest
also i think i paid £4 each but i have to say they are worth it
Participanti think i know the stuff you mean.
is it a type of bubble wrap which is reflective? if so wickes do it for £15 a roll only problem being is the room is so small would it make me go mental is such a small place with reflective paper all round?
Participantthanks however im in england the smallest ive seen is 6ftx6ft which is 1 ft bigger than the gap i have it is about £250
but being and apprentice my boss has a trade discount at a few building centre therfore can get me materials cheap
i could make one out of wood to suit the space for about £130 but i just need insulation to add to it.
thanks again
Participantas ive said before wait! lol
i havent seen any mating behavior rxcept chasing like you however i still have got 19 fry
i only feed mine live brine shrimp every day im going to try bloodworm (frozen) as im going away soonish and i dont think my aunt (who looks after my fish while away) will have enough time to feed them live
but im sure good things will come to those who wait :wink:
Participant16 fry now
Participanti have to agree
the males looks very brightly coloured
and they are all amazing to watch chasing/darting around the tank
Participantfound a website on how to make liquid fry food
i know its for cichlid’s but i assume its will be good for all fish (this was one of the first results that came from google fo me)
hope it helps
Participant@katkin wrote:
Not a bad idea chr15-8. The other option would be to put all the adult cpd’s in the same tank and use the other 15 g for the fry. Do you think 15 uk G would be okay for 17 adults, seeing as there won’t be any other fish in there?
Kyea i would think so
i now have 11 in a 14 uik gallon tank however its been drained to 1/2 for the last week so about 7 uk gallons and they seem happy doing there own thing while making more babies!
Participantwell done
however in 2 weeks i diont think they will get much bigger
ive had mine for about 1-2 weeks and they havent double in size!
its hard as you dont get anything like liquidfry (drops from a bottle that they feed on)?
good luck
Participantwell done
i would say you could leave the 5 for a month maybe 2 months in the breeder net (the net is about 4x4x4 isint it?)
if not could you not get a clearseal glass tank? my local has them for just over £10 but then you have to get an air pump/filter unless you have an air pump you can use/t off to run a air filter?
Participantmy eheim ecco pumps about 300 lph and ive turned it down to about half so it pumps about 150lph
i have to admit i dont cover my inlet at all however i have considerd using pantyhose/tights
but i do have 15 little fry swimming about in my fry that i have caught and placed in there
the filter dont seem to be very powerfull on the setting i have yet when i try to catch the fry the seem very strong swimmers
like i said i dont cover mune and have fry
Participantthere known as hang on back filters (hob filters)
i have heard alot of good reviews about these! and im sure you want have a problem with java moss as i said it also have a strainer on the inlet if i remember correctly? so it should stop it form entering the filter