Forum Replies Created
@celestialdude wrote:
Nope, they all have fish in it. But my focus is a little more in favor of the plants, i.e. less fish than you would expect for a tank that given size.
thats what i mean
like you said having the co2 etc
chr15_8Participant@celestialdude wrote:
Oh yeah I’m all about plants. I don’t know all their species names, but I have lots of them, and also CO2 in my tanks.
i dont know the names either to many to know!
do you have a dedicated planted tank?
chr15_8Participantcongrats on the move katkin. havent you moved down here (south) if i remeber correctly?
ste – sell the wife no more nagging etc then :wink:
chr15_8Participantlol you need to put the miss’ on a plane and convert the rest of the shed /house into your new fishroom
chr15_8Participantnice fish!
is the first one a krib? as i think i saw similair in my lfs today labled as a krib?
chr15_8Participantin my planted tank i have
30-40 neon tetra’s (need more!)
2 pepper cory’s
4 kuhli loaches
4 ottos
3 sae
5 amano
5 red crystal shrimp
5 red cherry shrimpother breeding tank
11 cpd’s
12cpd frychris
chr15_8Participantyep they were shaking there bodies while going in circles.
i carnt see any eggs but i tried to suck them up into a net so there out of the way
again sorry for the bad quaility was fully zoomed in should have got my camera
chr15_8Participantchr15_8Participantfrom others types of competitions ive enterd (mainly car photoshopping)
1 entrient per member
email the entry to the organisor
i wouldnt do much in terms of prices as not many people will enter. would be better if you where to highlight the winners name in a different coulor eg blue? (the mods are green and admin are yellow/orange)
winner is normally done by a hidden poll (not sure if you can hide the polls so no one can see who’s leading but a normall poll would work if not)
as you said only forum members can enter to increse the membership rate (hopefully)
carnt think of anything else at the moment
chr15_8Participanti normally get 7-8 from a batch max but i dont know how many have been eaten/died
chr15_8Participantlol i was but then another reply was added and had to check it out
i got back at 10:30 this morning so wernt bad at all
chr15_8Participantyep i use ebay have my own account now im 18 lol
i still need to get the fry food from there as well
chrischr15_8Participantsounds good to me make sure you stick round
and happy bday for when it arrives
chr15_8Participantalso got to go now as its 1 in the morning so bedtime as i have to be out at 6.30 in the morning!
chr15_8Participant@L168 wrote:
I dont know about this in the UK but in germany theres a website mainly for students who travel home at weekends and they advertise car space for a small some, the german fishkeepers use it to transport fish as its illegal in germany to use the postage system and only one company actully transports live fish and that GO Express. Ive used the student once and the fish where picked up by the student and dropped off at my house 6 hours later.
Mfg Peter
havent heard of one buts its a good idea but again tbh i dont think it would work in england nowadays
:o love the sound of the fish room!
have you posted any pics yet? ifso i dont know where ive been