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ParticipantHi Therese,
I’m in Ohio and usually have some available. Mine are young, healthy, tank raised fish – not imports.
PM me if you are interested.
ParticipantI try to avoid moving fry, but if I must I use a small cup to capture them in with a bit of tank water. I’ve never had any success moving them with a net, just to fragile I imagine.
May 29, 2012 at 11:46 pm in reply to: 20 g tank setup ..could you take a look? ETA: yay! frys! #15260BallAquatics
ParticipantCongratulations Jiinx! Well done.
@Jiinx wrote:
…do you need to have a filter necessarily?
Necessarily, probably not if you closely monitor your water quality. I don’t run any tanks without one though. I like to have a small sponge filter in the breeder tanks. Works as biological filter, very gentle water movement keeps the water surface film free, and it provides a multitude of micro-fauna for the fry to feed on too!
ParticipantHi and welcome to the forum!
There are several other small Danios that would work well with your CPD’s.
The Dwarf Spotted Danio (Danio nigrofasciatus)…..
The Gold Ring Danio (Danio tinwini)…..
The Panther Danio (Danio aesculapii)…..
Participant@tlyons01 wrote:
Do you think that having hard water might have anything to do with it?
Unless your water is just “off the scale” hard, I wouldn’t think that would be the problem. They are very hardy and adaptable little fish. I always quote the report of water conditions from Mr. U Tinwin of the Hein Aquarium when he visited one of the original collection spots, “the water where these fish are found is crystal clear with a pH of 7.3 and the conductivity of 250 micro siemen”. That puts the water at the upper end of “soft” very close to “slightly hard”.
Here in Ohio, my well water is very hard. When ever possible, I try to soften it up a bit with rain water, but I have kept CPD’s in my very hard water without problems. As I ship these fish all over the country, I try to keep them in what I call neutral water conditions with the pH around 7.2-7.4 and TDS around 250. The thinking being it will make it easier for them to adapt to other water conditions with proper acclamation.
@tlyons01 wrote:
What do you suggest for feeding?
With out going into live foods, I try to feed them food that sinks to the lower levels of the tank. Algae wafers, shrimp sticks or pellets. I also feed something called Golden Pearls on a regular basis. I get mine from Kens Fish, here’s a link with more info;
PS – Thanks for the comment on the YouTube video!
ParticipantHi tlyons01, welcome to the forum!
Sorry to hear about your losses. It’s been my experience that unless you have a very large group of CPD’s they do much better in smaller tanks. Also, if you happened to get wild caught fish, they may need some special attention to feeding starting out. Have you noticed them eating? What have you been offering them to eat?
ParticipantHi Sarah,
Yes, that’s typical behavior. He is displaying for the females so to speak. It’s a courtship thing that many different animals go through.
The males will also display to each other. Many of the photos you see of CPD’s are where the males are displaying to each other.
@Jiinx wrote:
How long do I keep the fishes in there for? A week?
A week seems to work very well for me. That gives them time to settle in, and then lay some eggs.
ParticipantHey that’s cool Mingus. Thanks for the update. After 45+ years of keeping fish, a new batch of baby fish always make me smile.
ParticipantHi Chris. I’ve never had any luck trying to spawn fish in a community tank.
Good luck with your project & keep us posted.
May 17, 2012 at 9:15 pm in reply to: 20 g tank setup ..could you take a look? ETA: yay! frys! #15243BallAquatics
ParticipantI’ve never kept other fish in with breeders that I’m trying to spawn. I would find somewhere else for the guppy.
Several years ago, I kept a lot of dwarf shrimp. I never noticed the shrimp eating any CPD eggs, but the adult CPD’s where not so kind to the baby shrimp. :twisted:
Good luck & keep us posted.
May 11, 2012 at 2:31 pm in reply to: 20 g tank setup ..could you take a look? ETA: yay! frys! #15239BallAquatics
Participant@Jiinx wrote:
Would keeping them separate be of any use?
Well back in the day we used to separate the sexes to condition them, or fatten them up in preparation for spawning. Also with many egg scattering fish you want to be sure they didn’t just spawn yesterday.
CPD’s don’t spawn in typical danio fashion where eggs are scattered to and fro in one spawning event. Rather, they lay small clutches of eggs in moss or other vegetation. That said, I have never found it necessary to separate the sexes, but I can’t see where it wouldn’t do any harm either if that’s what you wanted to do.
May 10, 2012 at 1:21 pm in reply to: 20 g tank setup ..could you take a look? ETA: yay! frys! #15237BallAquatics
ParticipantI don’t use plastic canvas in my breeder set-ups so I can’t be of much help on this one…
Are they using it to separate the male from the females?
May 10, 2012 at 1:51 am in reply to: 20 g tank setup ..could you take a look? ETA: yay! frys! #15235BallAquatics
ParticipantHi Jinx, welcome to the forum. There are probably as many people spawning CPD’s as there are different ways to spawn them. I can’t speak for everyone, but here’s what works for me…
@Jiinx wrote:I have two males and seven females. Should I move two females and one male?
I normally use 1 male with 3 or 4 females.
@Jiinx wrote:
– is 20 g too big? Should I put a plastic canvas to make it smaller?
I think when in a small group, like a small breeding group, that they prefer a smaller tank. That”s one of the reasons I use 5.5 gallon tanks for breeder set-ups.
@Jiinx wrote:
– does temperature mater? Do they breed in warmer water?
With my fish it does. They spawn the best between high 60’s and mid 70’s. When it get up to 80 they don’t spawn at all. I do have some young fish that AquaGirl sent me that will spawn at warmer temps.
@Jiinx wrote:
– do they need added salt in the water? I have salt in the main aquarium.
I don’t add salt for any of my danios, they are freshwater fish.
@Jiinx wrote:
– do i need to perform often water changes? I’ve been reading ppl doing breeding in a you change the water There too?
I only leave my breeders set-up for 5 to 7 days, not long enough for me to worry about doing a water change.
@Jiinx wrote:
My one male chases the other male..should I be concerned? I don’t see any courting behavior.
That’s pretty normal behavior. I’ve heard people say the males can be very aggressive to each other, but I’ve never experienced that. They spare around but no one gets hurt, no torn fins or anything like that.
Hope that helps. Maybe someone else will chime in with their experiences too?
ParticipantHi moodycm, welcome to the forum.
I think your bucket idea sounds like a winner. I wouldn’t put all the fish in though. I put my best male & the four best females. If you put all the fish in you run the risk that half of them won’t be spawning, but they will be eating the eggs of those that do! Be sure you put in a generous portion of moss or some sort of spawning mop material.
Best of luck with your breeding project!
Participant@tress29 wrote:
So in any case, I should increase the size of their school.
They will definitely feel more at easy even if they are still shy. With all Danios it’s the more the merrier!
As a breeder I think it’s unfortunate that most hobbyists never get to see these fish for what that are. Even a tank of lowly Zebra Danio, when you put 50 of them into a planted 55 gallon tank, well it’s just magical. If you do the same with some of the more colorful Danios like the Danio choprae, it makes a truly spectacular display.
Can you tell I like Danios?