Forum Replies Created
Participant@plymbloke wrote:
Atlantis: I think that (picking food off of plants etc) is how they are surviving to be honest – i’ll give your idea of the small bowl a go to see if it will work – how do you get the food to stay in there?
Well I give them pieces of shrimp (originally meant for human consumption). That is heavy enough to stay donw. To get it in I take out the bowl, refill, then lower the bowl it carefully and slowly. The shrimp is in pieces too big for the galaxies, but’s soft so they pick off pieces. The brine shrimp I give is frozen so I stick it in the bowl same way. It’ll melt and stay relatively down.
– Atlantis Child
ParticipantBy the way, what are your water parameters and what have you been feeding them and such?
Participant@chr15_8 wrote:
@atlantis_child wrote:
@chr15_8 wrote:
can i vote as i havent had any for a week and im starting to get worried :lol:
Yeah, yeah. You just had to say something didn’t you. :roll:
Where is a cyber smack smilie when you need it?
mm i carnt seem to find it either!
Ok, well here’s me :twisted: . Here’s the smack :arrow: :!: And here’s you :shock:
How’s that?
ParticipantI’ve have not seen mine eat while the food is coming down since they were in the community tank with fewer hiding places and plants, but they do pick things off the plants and sand. I’ve put a small ceramic bowl in the sand in my tank that while they also like to hide in I put the food in. It’s less messy and I can tell if they’ve been eating better. Maybe try something like that. Doesn’t work for live foods though…
ParticipantWell I don’t know about other lilaeopsis species but this one’s doing great. It looks like grass and sends out little baby plants with roots already that can be cut off and transplanted. Also grows very fast. The Galaxies don’t actually seem to go through it, but love darting in between .
Sorry, I can’t find the light I’ve got on the internet. It says “life glow” and “GLO” on the base of the bulb but searching from this led me nowhere, and I didn’t keep the package.
Any way, for the new 20 gallon tank I’ll be setting up I’m going with plastic. Not only because I don’t want another tank with buggers in it to make me clean the glass alot, and get vexed, and it doesn’t need UV light, and especially because I don’t want to move any plants from my “breeding” tank.
Atlantis Child
ParticipantAdding to what ste12000 said about the guppies, my galaxies were also much less shy when they were in with my white clouds. They all swam happily together.
I imagine that in larger number galaxies may feel more comfortable too.
ParticipantForgot to mention. It’s been almost 2 monthes since I set up mine in their breeding tank.
Participant@chr15_8 wrote:
can i vote as i havent had any for a week and im starting to get worried :lol:
Yeah, yeah. You just had to say something didn’t you. :roll:
Where is a cyber smack smilie when you need it?
ParticipantI’m going to start the thread “How long have you been trying to breed your galaxies?” :wink:
ParticipantCongrads for seeing them it sounds like! And, getting your first fry too.
ParticipantThanks for the info on the plant dipping.
Unfortunately I don’t know what plants I have exactly except the last one I bought “lilaeopsis novaezelandiae” which was alright, but it was that one that brought the hydras. Another I think might be fanwort, that’s the one that rotted and felll apart.
I keep a book now recording all my aquarium doings and additions, but that was after I added most of my plants.
I used to grow all these plants in gravel except the recent addition of the “lilae-“, but now I put all of them in my galaxy tank with sand. They. the plants are doing fine, but I’m finding lots and lots of buggers, and cannot clean the tank of them well without disturbing everything. Not something I really want to do in a “breeding” tank.
Anyway for light, the aquarium gets indirect light from my window and a 15 watt UV light pointed down next to it at my nectarine plants and baby snail raising jar. Pointing the light over the tank just gave me too much algae and I doubt the plants enjoyed me wiping off their leaves of it every other day or so.
The tank is 10 gallon.
Sorry I can’t be more accurate, I’ll try to post a pic if I can.
Thanks for trying to help.atlantis_child
ParticipantFunny enough my “fry tank” is going to be my biggest tank so far. A 20 gallon and I don’t even have any fry yet…
Of course, it’s just till I can get things shuffled around. But till then I’ll put my betta, 3 white clouds and 2 catfish in there.
They won’t know what to do with all the space.
Wish my room was that big compared to my body size.
ParticipantHow big is your main tank, how many galaxies, how many males, how many females, any other critters in there, what does it look like and what’s your temperature set at?
Check put the “Habitat” thread for info on what their native habitat looks like. In short: sand, thick and low plants, some high plants
ParticipantYou would have to add insulation yourself, but I know you can get small sheds at places like Home Depot. If it had to be so small think “storage shed.” Buying something more premade but that you assemble yourself rather than buying wood and stuff and building it from scratch will be much cheaper.
Good luck.
ParticipantI see this has turned into a thread about what everyone feeds their galxies. Oh well, that’s useful too.
I wish there was a “I’m still waiting for these darn fish to make babies” smilie. Guess this one’s the closest.