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ParticipantCan’t buy, but if they’re as cute as I think they’d be, can you post a pic?
– Atlantis
ParticipantBeautiful Cats! What is the spotted loach looking guy called?
Mmm… Bloodworms. My cats go nuts everytime I put a ball of them in. They searched crazy trying to find them, then my big peppered cory found the jackpot.
Never seen such a happy cat. Her tail was waving something crazy!I have a tank of mostly cory now, with 11 (I think, might be leaving someone out)
And 4 pygmys in my “small fisk” tank
– Atlantis
ParticipantYep, definately.
I guess this counts as the 3rd opinion.
– Atlantis
Participant@altaaffe wrote:
They will tend to lay their eggs on a flat surface (have seen them on broad leaf plants, slate & even the glass. So I’d give them the option, perhaps a large leaf sword plant, some stone and a bit of wood for cover.
Seems like there are two thoughts on this cory breeding subject I’ve come across so far.
The ‘natural’ setting, and the ‘artificial’ with bare setting and spawn mops.
I’m leaning towards inbetween. I’ll put some of my plants and rock, and some mops, but not tons of stuff.
I really need to get my hands on some live worm cultures. Corys really go for them worms.
I fed my gave my cats the rest of a freeze-dried tubifix cube after the gouramis had softened it enough to sink it. I;ve never seen such happy cats. Most were just getting pieces that came off, but then Chewy (my big peppered girl found the jackpot.
Her little tail was wagging, even though she was sitting on the bottom. Way too cute!
I’ve pretty much been only adding cats to my 22 gallon after I gave my bratty many male platys to a guy at work with a tank in the office there.
Full of zebra and giant danios swarming at the top. Real dull.So now, I got:
2 peppered
1 gold green
1 bronze
1 Melnenitus
1 Julii
1 panda
1 elegensI know it’s a variety, but often they were the last one there, and we don’t get them in often. Especially the Melnenitus, Julii, panda and elegens.
Not all are cheap too, even with discount.
They don’t seem to mind though. They all hang out together, and I’m pretty sure the elegans and Melnenitus think they’re the same species…
– Atlantis
ParticipantYeah, hydras can sting and kill small fry.
– Atlantis
ParticipantYeah. Not when they were juvies, but the adults definately.
It’s good stuff. The fish seem more colorful when it’s in their regular diet.
Don’t have any right now though, and am hesitant to get more fish food considering how many different types I have already…Dry tubifix cubes are good, but need to be cut before puting it water. Once in water they float, then start to soften. Once softened they can be easily picked at, or crushed so the small pieces float off into the water.
Caution with feeding too many of the non-basic fish food, as too much feeding of the ‘goodies’ can be bad news for your water quality.
– Atlantis
ParticipantDid you use the reg. wagers, or the microwafers? I find the microwafers just right for them, or crush with my fingers regular tropical fish granules.
– Atlantis
ParticipantOK. Brought my young cichlids in last thursday. Thought I got them all, but no, there were 4 in the tank that were hiding that I found when I got home.
Sly little brats. :roll:
The ones I brought got all bought up by one of my regular cichlid customers. Don’t know what he’ll do with them, but glad all 13 of them went to a good home.
How he keeps on coming in and buying more cichlids each time mystifies me. Suspect and know to some degree his house is full of big aquariums.
And can’t pass up on $1 perky little red zebras that already got stripes and are totally gorgeous. :wink:
4 went to my sister’s and her boyfriend’s empty-of-fish 70 gallon tank. I bet they’re really happy in there. And totally lost…
Gave away all 5 of my male dwarf platys to a guy at work’s big tank in his office. Full of zebra and giant danios, so they’re adding lotsa color.
Raising the 9 babies I have right now in the cleaned out 5 gallon, and put the girls in the 22 gallon along with my new betta, Little Fury, who’s a real small but pretty and spunky guy, and my big snail. I call him Cruiser now, since he moves pretty darn fast.
Deciding what to theme the 22g tank as, and what fish I’m going to add.
My fish roomate left. :cry: She loved the fish, and the reptiles she looked after, but had enough of dealing with customers. Was beginning to get angry at them when they were being jerks. Not that it showed, but she’d had enough of the whole retail thing.
I’ll miss her. We had lots of fun together, and she helped me with the fish stuff I didn’t know.
Can’t blame her, but now I’m working the fish room by myself monday and tuesdays. Another lady comes in the other three days, but she doesn’t know much. I had to train her totally from scratch when she came. Still lots she needs to know.
There are other knowledgable people that know fish good, but they’re manager people too, and too busy to be in fishroom full time. Hell, usually it’s hard to grad them when I need help with someone’s fish issue since they are always running around doing everything.
Store owners are hiring people, but nobody for fishroom yet. Chances are they’ll end up getting someone that doesn’t know much, if anything. We need more than one definately too. We were understaffed as is before.
Work will be stressful this next week, and things uncertain.
So… That’s how I am.
– Atlantis
ParticipantAt least 4 of the my babies have developed a spot on their bottom tail where the adults do almost over night. :wink: Males right?
– Atlantis
ParticipantAt work we add salt when treating fish to help them breathe, since the medication is somewhat smothering.
Our method works pretty fast pn velvet and Ich, and with few deathes.
1 Turn off flow to tank (keep heating, we can’t at work beacuse a bunch of tanks are connected to the dump that heats them all)
2 Add full dose of med.s for tank gallonage (liquid is easier in my opinion)
3 Also add half a cup of aquarium or other salt without additives per 10 gallons(we use a brand of salt for melting ice. Very cheap.)
Next day:
1 Gravel syphon almost half the water out2 Replace water with that of similar chemistry and temperature
3 Add the salt and med.s in full dose again, or half or a quarter dose for delicate species
4 Repeat as for as many days till it goes away (then 3 or 4 more)
* Velvet and Ich cysts can survive in the water and gravel for about 3 days without a host
I had a regular customer come in a few days ago wondering why after all the syptoms went away, they’d reappear in a day or 2. Welll…that’s why.
Some fish, like my platies appeciate a bit of salt in their water. Others, like catfish really do not.
Anyway, that’s my thing on salt… Geez I’ll become a fish geek. :roll:
– Atlantis
ParticipantI tried cucumber, but they didn’t really go for it. Algae they like. I scoop out a handful of algaed gravel from another tank and they polish it off. Thanks guys…
They’re definately still too small to do any selling with. They’re still cozy with each other (been watching carefully). Them’s going to get lost in the 22.
Yah think they’d go for Hornwort? I got a jungle of it in the 22. :roll: Not very native habitat huh. Oh well, I can pack a bunch in elsewhere, and I gots tons of rocks around I can use.
– Atlantis
PS No way possible I can keep cichlids. No space, not allowed more tanks. One of those things possible on the great list of “when I move out and get my own place…”
ParticipantI think they’ve doubled in size already. They’ve gotten pretty too, a nice yellow color.
I’m moving them to my 22 gallon soon. I just have to juggle some of my other fish around from other tanks. :roll:
– Atlantis
ParticipantAll’s normal for my auto log-in.
– Atlantis
ParticipantWow…these guys are eating so much. I give them three or four pinches of livebearer flake a day and they eat every little bit.
They’re eaten all the algae off the algae-ed up gravel and sponge too. I’ll put hald an algae wafer in to see if they go for it.
And I swear they’re gotten bigger already too!
– Atlantis
ParticipantYeah I heard of New Life Spectrum but have never seen it around here. I’ll go with the cichlid pelets I use at work. The adults I feed it to really like it, so I’m thinking the babies will too.
For now they’re getting livebearer food and algae. Maybe I’ll get out some of the frozen brine shrimp and see if they go for it.
They’ve come out of hiding and are swimming around, checking things out.
Thanks for link.
– Atlantis