What fish do you keep??

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    @RescuePenguin wrote:


    I have noticed that they love Java moss. I have had a few fry survive in a community tank. Remember to feed lots of protein to the parents.


    Thanks for the tips!


    discus are my 1st love
    currently only got a pair
    nice full pattern blue turq’s 1 snakeskin & 1 checkerboard
    in the same tank as them are around 12 cardinal tetra’s & 12 glowlights,with 2 corydora’s sterbai
    (iv’e also got 2 very nice l46 zebra plec’s on order for in there too )

    my community tank has 6 cpd’s a pair of blue dwarf gourami,around a dozen neon’s,9 harlequins,6 albino tiger barb’s

    and in tank 3 just a nice comon plec

    want more tamks-but wife says noo :(

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