What fish do you keep??
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- This topic has 46 replies, 23 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 10 months ago by
April 11, 2008 at 11:15 pm #13584
ParticipantLet’s see:
Red Oscar
Blue Acara
2 x Firemouths
4 x Altum Angels
2 x Pim Pictus
3 x Hoplo Cats (hoplosternum thoracatum)
Kissing Gourami
2 x Opaline Gourami
3 x Torpedo Barbs (Puntiius Denisoni)
2 x Flying fox
Gibby Plec
Rusty Plec
Clown Plec
5 x Bristlenose Plec
Starlight Plec
Wild Green neons
Cardinal Tetras
Copper Harlequins
Leopard Danios
Danio Chopras
Corys (peppered, bronze, julli, schwartzi)
Khuli Loaches
4 x Clown Loaches (5-6″)
Apistogramma Cactouides
Apistogramma Agassizzi
Serpae tetras
Tiger barbs
Siamese Algae Eater
Konia Eisentrauti
Auratus Pair
5 x Acei Ngaras
2 x Pseudotropheus Elongatus
3 x Afra Cobue
8 x Yellow Lab
8 x Cobalt Zebra
3 x Synodontus Multipunctatus
30 Amano Shrimp& of course around 100 CPDs
These are spread between a 700 Litre, 440, 2 x 180, 150, 120, 100, 3 x 60 & I’ve just emptied the 3 x 20s
May 11, 2008 at 8:59 pm #13636thierry123
ParticipantI have 4CPD’s, 3 otocinclus and 3 cherry barbs in a 5 gallon tank.
May 31, 2008 at 4:21 pm #13659andrewt
ParticipantAt the moment I have the following all currently residing in 25 tanks in my Fish house.
Black bar Endlers. Only about 5 at present, but not had them long.
Tiger Endlers. 2 males, should be getting some females soon.
Gardneri Killis – About 9 but numbers increasing all the time.
Golden Wonder Killis – 5 recently purchased and waiting for them to spawn.
Glowlight Danios 5.
L. Caeruleus – 11 adults, 8 fry and a female currently holding more eggs.
Red top Hongi 5 adults.
Rainbow Cichlids – 6 adults including a pair guarding wrigglers.
Odessa barbs – 5 adults and 4 juveniles.
Julidichromis Gombi – 1 breeding pair & about 50 juvs.
Julidichromis dickfeldi – 1 breeding pair & 10 juvs.
L. Leleupi – 1 breeding pair and 30 Juvs.
2 S. Barbatus.
Danio SP. Borneo approx 50 adults from 2 spawings. New species trio picked up in an auction last year.
Pauli Asche guppies * 20 adults, 30 fry.
Ancistrus 4 adults 20 juvs.
P. Pulcher * 15.
Soon to be the owner of 10 CPD’s.I still have 3 tanks empty and will be looking for future breeding projects.
May 31, 2008 at 8:23 pm #13660atlantis_child
ParticipantI’ll update… Many new and different fish since last post.
“Planted Rocky River 20 g Tank”
– 5 celestrials
– 1 neon tetra
– 1 otto
– 2 (hastatus) pygmy catfish
– 1 white cloud
– 1 long fin zebra danio
– 1 betta“Amazon Sandy, Planted, Driftwooded Catfish 22 g Catfish tank”
– 2 buenos aires tetra
– 2 white cloulds
– 2 zebra danios
– 1 bristlenose pleco
– 1 betta– 2 (or 3. forget which :roll: ) green gold catfish
– 2 peppered catfish
– 1 elegans catfish
– 1 panda catfish
– 3 bronze catfish
– 1 melanitus catfish“Quarantine 5 g”
– female betta (currently treated for fin rot)
Going to move around the white clouds and zebras soon as I can catch ’em without ripping the tanks apart
– Atlantis
June 1, 2008 at 1:04 am #13661tedr108
ParticipantNothing too exciting, but I have a 50G planted tank with:
25 cardinal tetras
18 CPDs
6 to 8 panda cory cats
6 rummy nose tetras
5 pencil fish
2 otos
9 cherry shrimp
2 amano shrimp
20 nerite snailsI had some SAEs at one point, but they were just a little too aggressive at feeding time, so I took them back to the fish store.
June 1, 2008 at 1:16 am #13662atlantis_child
ParticipantMight not have unusual fish, tedre, but it sounds like one stunning tank!
Cardinal tetras are total beautys, runnys too.
Forgot to mention, I got a hunking big apple snail almost the size of my fist in my catfish tank too. Doesn’t touch the algae on the sides of the tanks at all, just algae wafers. Catfish wafers too, I think, considering his shell changing real nice color. :wink:
– Atlantis
June 12, 2008 at 9:31 pm #13697andrewt
ParticipantA few more additions –
2 * Syno Multipunctatus.
10 * Pearl Danios.
1 pair of P. Taeniatus Nigerian red.
3 * Cory Zygatus.
Trio * Xiphophorus Xiphidium.
4 * Cory Pygmaeus.
11 * CPDs.
2 * African blockheads.
1 breeding pair albino corys.And last but not least a pair of Betta Umbra.
October 17, 2008 at 12:52 pm #13787PintoHawk
ParticipantRight now I only have livebearers, because I had been out of the hobby for many years, and I wanted to ease back in slowly. Started with one 20g, but nowadays I have 20g tall, 20g long, 30g, 10g, 10g. I have Dalmatian Sailfin Mollies & some really pretty little Platys, and of course, loads and loads of their offspring.
I am searching for the perfect CPDs and a nice breeding pair of Congo Tetras, possibly some Barbs in future (my husband’s choice).
All my tanks are planted, and I have been experimenting with C02 without success.
January 28, 2009 at 7:09 am #13880sox
Participanthello everyone! new here, but I’ve been keeping up on this site for the last couple months now since i bought my first cpd’s… you have all helped me more than you could possibly imagine. thank you!
I have:
2 gold rams
1 yellow male betta
2 female bettas
4 otos
7 neons
6 white clouds
9 cpd’s
1 kuhli loach
2 african dwarf frogs
and an infinite ammount of guppiesDecember 31, 2010 at 4:42 pm #14706In2wishin
ParticipantHi everyone! I am new here and got my first CPD’s a week ago after a couple of years wanting some.
I have a planted tank with:
6 CPD’s
2 whiteclouds
2 cory nanus
1 sumo loach
4 assorted Nerite snails
3 assassin snails
Way too many bladder snails (hence the assassins)I will soon be adding a couple of rainbows, probably Gertrudae, or some of the brand new Daisy’s Ricefish.
Just purged the tank of guppies (neighbor’s kids were getting an aquarium for Christmas so they took all of mine – except one intrepid fry that stayed hidden)
January 4, 2011 at 2:13 pm #14709BallAquatics
ParticipantHi In2wishin, welcome to the forum!
Congratulations on your new CPD’s.
January 4, 2011 at 4:13 pm #14710In2wishin
Participant@ballpc wrote:
Hi In2wishin, welcome to the forum!
Congratulations on your new CPD’s.
Thank you. Unfortunately I have had one fatal accident: I was doing a water change my usual way using an airline hose into a bucket (in case anything gets sucked up). Afterwards I only saw 5 CPD’s. One went into the airline and got stuck about 6 inches in :cry: As best as I can sex them, I still have 2 males and 3 females so I still can breed. I will definitely be reading this forum as I set up a tank.
Quick question: will they breed in a community tank (I plan to use an egg trap like you made) or should I remove them to a separate tank?
January 4, 2011 at 4:34 pm #14711BallAquatics
Participant@In2wishin wrote:
Quick question: will they breed in a community tank (I plan to use an egg trap like you made) or should I remove them to a separate tank?
Yes, they will spawn in a community tank. Be sure your egg trap provides the best spawning site in the tank or they may be tempted to deposit the eggs else where.
It also helps to place the egg trap in an out-of-the-way place in the tank so it will not collect too much uneaten food.
Best of luck with your breeding project! Please keep us posted. :wink:
January 4, 2011 at 6:06 pm #14712In2wishin
Participant@ballpc wrote:
Yes, they will spawn in a community tank. Be sure your egg trap provides the best spawning site in the tank or they may be tempted to deposit the eggs else where.
It also helps to place the egg trap in an out-of-the-way place in the tank so it will not collect too much uneaten food.
Best of luck with your breeding project! Please keep us posted. :wink:
Thanks, will do. I will do the initial spawning attempt in the fry tank, then move the fish and trap to the community tank after I (hopefully) get some eggs to start out.
This will be my first egg layer breeding attempt….have only had livebearers breed (which of course need no assistance from me).
January 4, 2011 at 6:25 pm #14713RescuePenguin
I have noticed that they love Java moss. I have had a few fry survive in a community tank. Remember to feed lots of protein to the parents.
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