What fish do you keep??
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- This topic has 46 replies, 23 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 11 months ago by
September 7, 2007 at 10:22 pm #12102
ParticipantAh yes Anabantoids… also known as the labyrinth fishes. They are awesome, I’ve thought about them… for later when I have more space. I especially like the Blue / Opaline Gourami. Also like the Giant Gourami, but again, space constraints for now.
October 9, 2007 at 11:57 am #12531cosmiccow
ParticipantI have a couple of Scarlet Badis with my CPD’s. Anyone else have any experience with these guys?
October 9, 2007 at 3:51 pm #12533ste12000
ParticipantNo but i wouldnt mind a couple. They apparently act and spawn in a similar way to the dwarf cichlids. As you might of guessed dwarf cichlids are my favourate group of fish.
October 9, 2007 at 3:57 pm #12534cosmiccow
ParticipantI’m having trouble getting them to eat. I just got some Garlic extreme to add to the food, but I’m not sure it helps with these guys. My other fish love it though. Any suggestions?
October 9, 2007 at 4:35 pm #12535L168
Participanta link for you cosmiccow http://www.aquariumfish.com/aquariumfish/printer.aspx?aid=18924&cid=4150
mine eat freshly hatched brine shrimp like theres no tomorrow
Mfg Peter
October 9, 2007 at 9:25 pm #12544ste12000
ParticipantAny kind of live food should be taken immediatly, the wiggle factor usually does the trick!
October 11, 2007 at 2:35 am #12569L777
ParticipantI see a South America / SE Asia theme (soft water constraints?) running through these posts!
Here’s my aquatic friends:
29 gallon (from the top): 5 marbled hatchets, 1M/1F praecox rainbow, 9 (5/4?) cardinal tetras, sidthimunki loach (I forget the genus – reorganized recently?), 2 “sumo” loaches (Schistura cf. balteata), gold nugget pleco (L85/L177?), 1M/2F L401 plecos, 4 king tigerish (L66/L333?) plecos. Much java fern.20 gallon: bazillion mongrel yellow guppies, bazillion bushynose plecos, 2 Sterbai corys, 2 kuhli loaches. Much java moss, hollow grapevine log that papa bushynose keeps himself confined to except the 2 days a month when he tosses out the next batch of wigglers.
10 gallon: 5 baby bushynose plecos, hundreds of Malaysian live-bearing snails, and… 6M/3F breeding CPDs (with approx 35 fry)!!!
10 gallon: 15 baby bushynose plecos, 1 subadult long-finned albino bushynose… 40 CPD fry!!!
6 gallon: 3 baby bushynose plecos (see a theme here?), 4-8 mystery fry of unknown origin — appeared a day after adding java fern from the 29g community tank above to this otherwise unpopulated tank. Only time will tell… so long as the blasted hydra keep their tendrils off the fry.
November 18, 2007 at 11:16 pm #12988shepherd_690
ParticipantAt the moment i have:
2 blue gouramis(dwarf 1 male 1 female)
2dwarf hoeny gouramis(1 male 1 female)
1 golden and 1 three spot gourami,
6 leopard danios
21 zebra danios
3 white mollies+ 50+ fry
2 black mollies+50+fry
4 sunset platies+ 20+ fry
3 guppies (1 male cant remember name)
2 red kribs( starting to breed as i type lol :wink: )
2 nigerian red kribs In front of the mirror ready to breed
1 betta splenden(fighting fish)
4 peppered corydoras
(soon to be 5 sterbai)
3 neons
1 clown loach
and 2 long finned leopards
i think thats them allthese are kept in one 150ltr tank
a 50 ltr tank
and the nigerian reds are kept in there own breeding tank( roughly 17.5 ltrs) until they breedNovember 19, 2007 at 6:12 pm #12994shepherd_690
Participantooopppppssss meant 2 zebras…cant imagine trying to count 21 lol
January 7, 2008 at 4:05 am #13297misterchengmoua
Participantwell as for me, i have:
Pseudomugil fucatus
Pseudomugil gertrudae
Pseudomugil tennellus
Pseudomugil ivantsoffiRhadinocentrus ornatus
Iriatherina werneri
Glossolepis pseudoincisus
Glossolepis wanamensisMelanotaenia lakamora
Melanotaenia kamaka
Melanotaenia lacustrus
Melanotaenia duboulayiCorydoras pygmaeus
Trigonostigma espei
Nematobrycon lacortei
Betta macrostoma
Crossocheilus siamensis
Bushynose ancistrus
Amano shrimp
Red Cherry shrimparriving soon:
Danio choprai
Celestichthys margaritatus aka Celestial pearl danioall of these live in a planted tank of some sort.
I JUST GOT MY FIRST BATCH OF CPD!!! really nice! 13 wild fish!!! wish me luck!January 8, 2008 at 10:34 pm #13298shepherd_690
Participanti know have 2 3 spots (my first one was a male…i found out due to him building loads of bubble nests,lol, so today i bought the biggest female in my lfs, they are being seperated at the moment but i will let them swim freely tomorrow lol….i hope it all goes to plan(ill film it if they breed but it think it will be a while from now
January 8, 2008 at 11:12 pm #13300celestialdude
ParticipantWow misterchengmoua, you have “Pseudomugil furcatus”??!! I’ve been looking for that amazing fish, where did you get yours???
Here’s a great video of a mating pair :
January 8, 2008 at 11:26 pm #13301misterchengmoua
Participanti got mine locally. from someone in MAS(minnesota aquarium society). if you are located in the states, they are really easy to find.
January 12, 2008 at 2:25 am #13310Aquaseafoam
Participant75 Gallon
Blue Acara-Aequidens pulcher
Flag Fish – Jordanella floridae
Yoyo Loach – Botia almorhae
Siamese algae eater – Crossocheilus siamensis
Dwarf Neon Rainbow – Melanotaenia praecox75 Gallon
Honduran Red Point – Cryptoheros sp.29 Gallon
Guppy – Poecilia reticulata
GuppyxEndler hybrid – XX
SAE20 Gallon
Peppermint shrimp – Lysmata wurdemanni
Red legged hermit crab- Clibanarius digueti?
Blue legged hermit crab- Clibanarius tricolor
white mini brittle star – ??
margarita snail – Margarites pupillus
corals – ??????20 Gallon
Celestial Pearl Danio – Celestichthys margaritatus10 Gallon
Endler’s Livebearer -Poecilia wingei10 Gallon
CT Betta – Betta splendensOther
Red cherry shrimp -Neocaridina denticulata sinensis
Rainbow shrimp -Palaemon hendersoni
Amano shrimp – Caridina japonica
Ramshorn snail -Planoribis rubrum
Malaysian Trumpet snail – Melanoides tuberculataApril 11, 2008 at 7:57 am #13583dekstr
ParticipantI just started fishkeeping last year so I have a collectoritis bug still. I am at my limit in terms of # of fish so no new fish in a while. My last new fish were the CPDs.
I only remember some scientific names on the top of my head, might have spelling errors
55 gallon heavily planted
18 rummynose tetras – Hemigrammus bleheri
16 cardinal tetras – Paracheirodon axelrodi
9 emperor tetras – Nematobrycon palmeri
6 bronze cories – Corydoras anaeus
6 burmese border loaches – Botia kubotai
19 pygmy cories – Cordoras pymaeus
6 pearl gouarmies – Trichogaster leeri
1 albino bristlenose pleco – Ancistrus sp.
2 true Siamese algae eaters
11 oto cats – Otocinclus sp.
(originally only had 6 but the other ones weren’t doing well in smaller tanks so I moved them to be in a bigger shoal, so now I have to supplement with veggies).
and a few amano and red cherry shrimps.20 gallon long
40+ asian rummynose fish – Sawbwa resplendens
3 peppered cories
2 panda cories10 gallon
1 burgundy male betta fish
2 guppy fry
a few red cherry shrimps10 gallon
1 oranda goldfish (about 3″ big right now)10 gallon
30+ red cherry shrimps10 gallon
6 celestial pearl danios
12 assorted bee shrimps5.5 gallon
2 white cloud minnows.I also had red wag platies and assorted guppies for a few months before I gave them away.
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