What fish do you keep??

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  • #10358

    Hi everyone, we have got a new section for you to describe the other species in your tanks. SO WHAT DO YOU KEEP??


    Just got a pair of Golden Wonder Panchax. Check out photos here:

    Other species :

    German Blue Rams
    Dwarf Neon Rainbows
    assorted Corydoras (Peppered, Sterba’s, Julii, Orange Laser)
    Florida Flagfish
    … and of course, not forgetting Celestial Pearl Danios


    Cool,my local shop has got some Panchax in.. I have not bought any yet due to a lack of space but i think ill get some when i free up some space. You have some nice fish.


    dwarf sunset platies
    neon tetra
    zebra danios
    panda catfish
    peppered catfish
    white clouds
    australian rainbowfish (looked very plain in store, but more beautiful by the day. It was still love at first sight though. :wink: )

    – Atlantis Child


    in my planted tank i have
    30-40 neon tetra’s (need more!)
    2 pepper cory’s
    4 kuhli loaches
    4 ottos
    3 sae
    5 amano
    5 red crystal shrimp
    5 red cherry shrimp

    other breeding tank
    11 cpd’s
    12cpd fry



    Ok here goes,

    Julidochromis Ornatus “Yellow”
    Julidochromis Ornatus “Albino”
    Julidochromis Transcriptus Gombe
    Julidochromis Transcriptus Kissi
    Julidochromis Regani “Kipilli”
    Cyphotilapia Frontosa

    Geophagus Altifrons “Xingu”
    Geophagus sp. Red Head ” Tapajos”
    Geophagus sp Bahia Red

    Potamotrygon Reticulatus

    A few undiscribed spieces of Corydoras which i got while serching the tanks of my favorite importer

    and best of all my Celestial Pearl Danios

    Mfg Peter


    Right chaps iv posted this list before but this is updated now with all my new additions..

    Right deep breath…
    1 breeding pair of Discus (eat their eggs,but getting a bit better at it)
    1 breeding pair of Pelvicachromis Taeniatus (Bipindi) (25 fry doing well)
    1 breeding pair of Nannacara Anomala
    A trio of the very rare Nannacara Adoketa (not yet sexable)
    30 Juvinile Anomala’s
    Trio of Apistogramma ‘Hongsloi’
    8 breeding Apistogramma Sp ‘Steelblue’
    40+ Apisto sp ‘steelblue’ fry
    1 Female Ram (male jumped from the tank)
    180 Juvinile Rams from 2 seperate spawns.
    4 Featherfin Rainbows (not tried to breed them yet)
    10 Corydoras Sterbai + over 200 fry and countless eggs(see my post for info)
    2 Corydoras Panda
    30 Golden pencilfish (Adults and juviniles)
    7 Glowlight Danios
    100 Glowlight danio fry
    Glowlight tetras
    20 Neon tetras (home bred)
    14 Rummynose Tetras
    8 Columbian tetras (One of my favourites and had these for 7 years now)
    1 breeding pair of Bristlenose plecs + 30 baby bristlenoses
    5 Leopard danios
    150 Leopard danio fry
    10 Celestial pearl danios
    1 pair of cherry barbs + 100 eggs
    8 Otocinclus catfish ( these are a future breeding project and are being treated nice as we speak)
    And last but not least about 150.000.000 endlers that seem to live in every tank and spread like the plague. They get in tanks that you have no plans to stock them in, i think they get caught up in nets and hey presto 1 female turns into 20 within weeks.Good job i love em….

    These are spread between….
    A 180 Jewel rio discus display tank
    140litre Aqua one 620t
    90 litre growing on tank
    30 litre planted tank
    And now 10.. 18x12x12 (35 litre) Bottom and middle shelf
    And also 5 16x8x8 spawning tanks on the top shelf.
    I have room for 2 more tanks on the top shelf and i think i will need them soon.


    you have to many fish ste

    also your cpds. do you know how many females you have?



    18ish cpd’s, they never stay still long enough to count them! (+30-40 fry)
    2 albino bristlenose plecs
    4 albino corydoras (plus three babies)
    1 zipper loach
    1 clown killies
    dwarf gouramis(all gone now)
    4 cardinal tetras
    4 ottos
    1 betta
    5 white cloud minnows



    I’m reshuffling tanks and all that so this list is goin to change a bit in a few days but as of now its…

    37 Gallon goldfish tank. 6 goldfish of different kinds. Overstocked I know but once they get big enough we put them in the pond.

    10 Gallon that has a paradise fish, a crowntail betta, a CPD, 3 feeder guppies.

    10 Gallon with 3 dwarf puffers, a bumble bee goby, and 2 otos.

    a 29 gallon with 1 yellow and 1 red glofish, 1 cory, 2 rams, 3 rainbows (praecox)

    a 5 gallon quarantine with 3 erectus seahorses

    a 1 gallon crowntail betta

    and a 90 gallon SW with a juvenile emperor angel, 2 damsels, and a black percula clown.


    Neat selection, Crazedpuffer. You have good taste!


    Haha thanks. I’m going to set up a reef tank with a frogfish/anglerfish soon too.


    @chr15_8 wrote:

    you have to many fish ste


    I know Chris i am getting treatment for fish addiction. :roll:


    Crazed Puffer that is a hell of a lot of tanks…Nice selection of fish. Have you ever bred the betta’s? Any pics??
    I want to try and breed some anabatoids, maybe next year and concentrate on them for a while. I have never bred any of these fish.


    Thanks. I haven’t bred bettas though I will eventually. I was going too but I hear they have a lot of fry and all the males will be seperated. Maybe next summer when I have more time. Right now I just want my seahorses to grow a bit so they can breed.

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