CPD Cost in your area…

Welcome to the website! Forums The Celestial Pearl Danio Suppliers CPD Cost in your area…

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  • #14925

    I’m doing a happy dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Today a friend called me and informed me that one of our LFS had some CPD in. I went in and hand picked 7, and got 6 females and one male. I have an excess of males already and wanted a lot more females.

    These are as skinny as all get out, newly imported. They are eating food like it is going out of style.

    Cost…..$2.96@ US :D

    Carmon in NM

    As far as I can tell, no fish stores here in New Mexico carry them at all, nor any of the other small or unusual danios. The best you can find are zebras and occasionally pearls.

    All of my CPDs came from AquaBid with the best ones coming from you!


    Thanks for the update Aquagirl. $2.96, that is a good price.



    Thanks for the update Carmon. It’s the same here as well, none of the local stores carry them. We don’t have any LFS anymore, just the big retail outlets. The girl at Petsmart said they were not even on their list of available fish.

    @Carmon in NM wrote:

    All of my CPDs came from AquaBid with the best ones coming from you!

    Thanks, you’re just too sweet!


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