Best Common Plants…

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  • #10483

    Hi, can you guys help me with some ‘homework’ for work? :D

    While talking with my boss about our aquatic plants for sale I commented there were many weird ones nobody had heard of, and few common ones.

    I get to make a list of suggestions to give. Want hardy plants too, most aquarium people wanting plants don’t know too much about them.

    So far got these:

    Corkscrew vallisneria – Vallisneria asiatica var. biwaensis
    Foxtail – Ceratophyllum demersum
    Water Lettuce – Pistia
    Blyxa japonica Japanese rush
    Java moss
    anubas nana
    Hairgrass Eleocharis acicularis
    Willow moss
    Water Wisteria – Hygrophila difformis

    Any ones to add or discourage would be great. :wink:

    – Atlantis


    For easy low light plants, what about the java ferns and windelov fern. I think the another plant I have is cryptocryne something or other, sorry not sure I’ve spelt that right. Don’t forget the straight vallis too. Amazon sword, not hard but heavy root feeder so needs root tabs or decent substrate to thrive. Christmas moss if you can get hold of it, is slow growing but looks fantastic once it’s filled out. Can’t think of anything else offhand.
    I will try and get some photos up when I can figure out my husbands camara!


    Tropica of Denmark ( has an awesome and comprehensive aquatic plant catalog.

    I did an Advanced Search, selected “Very Easy” difficulty, and got this list. If you do the search yourself you’ll get links that you can click on for the corresponding plant picture. Here’s the list anyways :

    Anubias barteri ”coffeefolia”

    Anubias barteri var. caladiifolia ”1705”

    Anubias barteri var. nana

    Bacopa australis

    Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Mi Oya’

    Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Tropica’

    Echinodorus ‘Ozelot’

    Echinodorus ‘Red Special’

    Echinodorus cordifolius ssp. fluitans

    Hygrophila polysperma

    Hygrophila polysperma ‘Big leaf’

    Ludwigia repens ‘Rubin’

    Microsorum pteropus ‘Narrow’

    Microsorum pteropus

    Microsorum pteropus ‘Philippine’

    Microsorum pteropus ‘Windeløv’

    Shinnersia rivularis ‘Weiss-Grün’

    Taxiphyllum barbieri (Vesicularia)

    Vallisneria americana (gigantea)

    Vallisneria spiralis ‘Tiger’


    Ditto to the java fern! Tough to kill, not that you’d want to. And they propagate themselves — new complete plants, roots and all, grow out of the tips of older leaves.

    Another hardy favorite of mine has always been Aponogeton crispus. Sort of a “poor-man’s swordplant,” and great for beginners. About 20 years ago I had a 30 gallon tank with several bulbs of these that sent up flower stalks. They pollinated each other and dropped seeds that germinated in the gravel! Great fun! And this was under a cheap kitchen under-cabinet fluorescent tube, with no supplemental CO2 or fertilizer (other than what the arowana produced), and dark black gravel.


    Aponogeton crispus…. that’s a pretty plant!


    We actually do have java fern. Common ones we actually do have are polysperma, hornwort and cambomba. Microsorum pteropus too That’s it if I recall right.

    We ‘might’ have Sagittaria subulata. If not I want to get some it. People like carpet stuff. Anything else like that?

    Is Salvinia common and easy? It looks awesome!

    – Atlantis


    Oh, and what about good floating plants? Pretty ones, not hornwort or cabomba. People just buy them for fry and goldfish food here.

    – Atlantis


    A popular carpet / foreground plant is Glossostigma elatinoides. Takashi Amano uses this in many of his works.

    Have a look, it’s real pretty :


    Riccia fluitans makes a nice floating plant actually. It’s originally a floating plant but many people tie it down (there’s another thread on this forum about it). I think it looks great floating, but needs some removal from time to time. For me it’s too much hassle trying to maintain it as a submerged plant.


    That Glossostigma elatinoides (or some kind of glossotigma thing that looks sort of like it) we have, but it always looks 90% dead on arrival. :roll:

    Is the riccia common enough to get and easy enough to grow?

    – Atlantis


    Hmm… 90% dead = 10% alive… so it’s alive!!! Maybe some gentle nurture will bring it back to life.

    As for Riccia fluitans, here are the specs :

    I’m not sure about its availability… I’ve only seen it in one LFS here, sold as a submerged plant, sandwiched between two pieces of plastic mesh and weighted with a flat rock on the bottom. It grows upward through the mesh and so hides the mesh.


    @atlantis_child wrote:

    That Glossostigma elatinoides (or some kind of glossotigma thing that looks sort of like it) we have, but it always looks 90% dead on arrival. :roll:
    – Atlantis

    Oooh… I get to quote myself! :D

    Never mind the above… Good news in. We got a suprise batch of plants in, the usual weirdos, the glosssotigma thing included. Looks nice and green. Short too.

    Didn’t get any. We also got those big apple snails in, so I snagged one of six of them before they’ll be sold out again.

    And I get enough hassle bringing my “work home with me” as it is. :roll: So I have to be careful how much I buy and how often. And believe me, that’s hard, working in a fishroom and all. The staff discount helps too. ;)

    Still need plants for the ‘other’ plant tank. The one where we actually choose which ones, not just get a set number and species of…

    – Atlantis


    Must be nice working at a fish store! Wish I could do that too… hmm or maybe run my own fish store… just dreaming aloud here.


    Blyxa Japonica, as stated in your original plant list is a wonderful plant, but I wouldn’t consider it for begginers. I find, and many other aquarist have found this too, that it needs Co2 injection to fully flourish.


    Welcome to the forum SearunSimpson! :wink:

    Must be nice working at a fish store! Wish I could do that too… hmm or maybe run my own fish store… just dreaming aloud here.

    I don’t know about running one, but working in one is so hard when you see all these awesome fish coming in and can’t take them home. :( Friday’s when they all come in and we float them then let them out for sale.

    Catfish are a problem for me especially. I want a Neon Orange, an Agazzi, a Julii, an emerald green, an albino, a channel, a pictis, and those darn cute little ‘leopard’ ones that swim all over the sides of the tanks and is about $24.

    I did “bring home a friend” though. We got in Gold Green catfish today and they are so beautiful, and the little guy I bought, so cute. :D. He went in with the juvi galaxies.

    The way it is in my aquariums is one catifish for every 10 gallons. Well…I count my 3 pygmy catfish as the same as 1.

    I have a Panda and a Peppered in my 20 gallon community.

    A bronze (read, green ;) catfish on the male and unpregnant female side of my 22 gallon, which also has a recently bought apple snail that I’ll cycle through the tanks to clean my algae.

    3 pygmys on the pregnant platy side of the 22 gallon.

    And now…a gold green in my 10 gallon where my galaxies are maturing. :P

    See what you did Celestial? You turned a plant topic into a Catfish topic. Oh well, good job.

    When humanity declines, Catfish shall run the known universe!!!

    He he he…

    – Atlantis

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