Best Common Plants…

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  • #13181

    Haha funny!!

    Glad that you’re now a fan of the Corydoras… I have an Orange Laser Cory, 2 Peppered, 2 Sterbai, and 2 Julii.

    There’s this site for them — check it out, the guy has cartoon icons for each of the Cory types.


    Ah yes, Neon Orange = Orange Laser cory.


    Oh one more thing. Corydoras icons galore here!

    OK… this topic was really supposed to be about plants!! Derailed once again…


    You have a Neon Orange? I’m so jealous. They’re my favorite. Well, maybe Juliis… Four Line Pictus? No, I can’t decide. They’re all awesome. I’ve only seen one type of catfish I didn’t like, Synodontis notatus. We have them at the store. They look like most of their has been eaten away at.

    – Atlantis


    @atlantis_child wrote:

    Hi, can you guys help me with some ‘homework’ for work? :D

    While talking with my boss about our aquatic plants for sale I commented there were many weird ones nobody had heard of, and few common ones.

    I get to make a list of suggestions to give. Want hardy plants too, most aquarium people wanting plants don’t know too much about them.

    So far got these:

    Corkscrew vallisneria – Vallisneria asiatica var. biwaensis
    Foxtail – Ceratophyllum demersum
    Water Lettuce – Pistia
    Blyxa japonica Japanese rush
    Java moss
    anubas nana
    Hairgrass Eleocharis acicularis
    Willow moss
    Water Wisteria – Hygrophila difformis

    Any ones to add or discourage would be great. :wink:

    – Atlantis

    I wouldn’t add Blyxa to the list unless they have good light (as in T5 with reflector good) and a fert regiment otherwise it will have growth problems.

    – Brad

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