Celestial Pearl Danios (CPDs), also known as Galaxy Rasboras, are a captivating addition to any freshwater aquarium. These tiny fish, reaching only about an inch in length, pack a big punch when it comes to personality and visual appeal. Here’s why you should consider adding a school of CPDs to your underwater world…

- Stunning Colors: CPDs are aptly named. Their bodies are a beautiful blend of orange-red and blue-green, speckled with pearly white spots that resemble a starry night sky. The males exhibit more intense coloration, especially during courtship.
- Peaceful Temperament: These fish are generally peaceful and do well in community tanks with other similarly sized and non-aggressive species. Their calm demeanor makes them ideal for beginners and experienced aquarists alike.
- Active and Engaging: CPDs are shoaling fish, meaning they thrive in groups. Watching a school of these vibrant fish dart and play amongst the plants is a mesmerizing experience.
- Nano Tank Suitability: Due to their small size, CPDs are perfect for nano aquariums. A tank of 10 gallons or more can comfortably house a small school, making them an excellent choice for those with limited space.
- Relatively Easy Care: CPDs are hardy fish and adapt well to a range of water parameters. However, they do prefer slightly acidic water and a well-planted environment.
- Breeding Potential: With the right conditions, CPDs can be bred in the home aquarium. They are egg scatterers, laying their eggs among fine-leaved plants or moss.
Interested in learning more about caring for Celestial Pearl Danios, setting up the perfect nano tank, or even breeding these captivating creatures? Dive deeper into our other articles for comprehensive guides and expert advice.