Forum Replies Created
ParticipantMove your current fish to the new tank. Keep the old tank running to quarantine the new tetras.
ParticipantWe’ve had bits of plants get stuck to the filter but even when I had an ailing fish, the filter was never a problem. I’d guess your fry are gonna stick closer to the cover of the plants…
ParticipantI ended up getting a female (it was the only one my lfs had.) She is a silvery color, but does get red stripes. I’m hoping to get some more and give them their own tank. She’s currently sharing with a sparkling gourami that’s almost twice her size!
ParticipantHi Jim,
I’m in Indianapolis! We have bettas, CPDs amano shrimp, a dwarf puffer and some mollies. (Not all together of course!) I also have 4 snakes, two dogs and a cat. And 13 yo twins!
Theresa in Indy
ParticipantWhen we convert the 75, I’ll have to look at schooling options. Had half a dozen black skirts in a 55 about 15 years ago! Since then we’ve done the nano thing, everything from 16 oz with a snail, to 10 gallons.
BTW, I ended up putting the white betta in the tank. He’s prowling all over the tank, just checking things out. I’m seeing the cpds because they are moving to avoid him! They are a little pale. I’m keeping an eye on them, making sure he’s not chasing them around. I’ll let you know how the experiment goes!
Participant@BallAquatics wrote:
I had a group of about 15 males in a ten gallon and they were still very shy. I added 6 or 8 Danio tinwini, (another small danio that is very out going), and they have started to venture out more now.
So in any case, I should increase the size of their school.
I think I’ll give the betta a try. He’ll look really nice with the live plants and tannin-stained water from the wood that’s in there. I always have my work tank as a fall back. I’ll just rotate the sparkling gouramis home. Hmm, just looked at temp ranges for the gouramis, both they and the betta prefer warmer temps. I’ll have to think about that one!
Theresa in Indy