Forum Replies Created
Participantdennis, what are “golden pearls”
Participantnice! whats that “leaf” to the right in most photos? the fake looking one that has little slices in it
Participantit only happened after ward.
im thinking maybe sudden movement in the room, and them seeing vague shapes threw the glass maybe? i doubt there spooked by the tanks to either side.
i never saw them jump, only found them in the next tank over, and below.
the only real difference is the food. before i was feeding them standard flake food, but recently got bring shrimp flakes.
drives me nuts kuz i figured id have jumping guppies, not the oddball fish
as a side note, i moved them all, fuk the middle row, these guys got put on the bottom row in a 10gal. its set back a bit so its “hidden” from room movement and from everything else hopefully.
Participanti moved the crayfish out a month or so ago.
Participantwell after catching them all, i seem to have lost 2 due to jumping, maybe the crayfish, but the cray was only in with them a week or two, so i doubt she was the cause. im assuming they jumped to there deaths, and theres no way to check behind the rack. theres also a slim chance 1 is still in with the purple moscow females, but i doubt it.
Participantwell i got problems. ive caught 3 in 2 different tanks. 2x in the tank to the left, once in the tank below it… id hate to think have many jumped out the back. im mad, i had 7 to start, i see about 4 now…. well 5, the ones still in with the guppies. thats just a rough guess
Participantso, my friend gave me some brine shrimp flakes, the cpd’s seem to like it. has any1 else tried it?
Participanthas any1 tried brine shrimp flakes?
June 13, 2010 at 4:58 pm in reply to: Breeding Laetacara curviceps (South American dwarf cichlid) #14457theemon
Participanti know how old it is.
im trying to live’n up things around here, im kinda limited on stuff to comment on though.
June 7, 2010 at 11:50 pm in reply to: Breeding Laetacara curviceps (South American dwarf cichlid) #14450theemon
Participantwhat water params are they in?
Participantwheres ur shrimps? and i know what u breed
and do u got photos of your fish? there prolly around huh? i just havent saw um.
Participantttheres a sucba diver on the bottom…
Participanthow long were they at your house b4 they died?
Participanti stab the eye/head with a barb-b-q squew (long bamboo stick) then the fish becomes food
Participantmaybe baby shrimp? they are tiny and also serve as live food for the cpd’s
maybe toss a few preggo rcs in there, then catch the adult rcs after they give birth.