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Participantkeep us posted. maybe on the breeding board though!!! any photos to follow? how many adult fish do you have?
Participantexcellent pictures! at least i know what i’m looking for now!
Participantwow! well done!!! hope someone can film the spawning one time as i’ve no idea what i’m looking for!! i’ve seen them do a juddery shaky thing before, but not quite sure what that was all about! lets hope this is the 1st of many spawnings for you!
Participant@zzyzx wrote:
Mine have just produced free-swimming fry and their tank is at 23-25 (depending on time of day).
! i’m sooooo jealous!!! how did you do it? not a single fry here in my tank!
Participantthats tough going! hope he spends more time home this next yr. how old are the kids? do they nag all the time wondering when he’ll be back?
hows the new tank arrangement doing? what fish are with the galaxies? just the danios? i’d be inclined to leave the peat out as it’ll prob cloud up the water and drop the pH too fast which will put stress on the fish and not sure how the extra minerals etc will affect the fish? it seems you may be moveing soon anyway, so if the fish dont breed where you are now, the new house may have better water for them. for me….well i’m stuck with this water!!!
i’d read a post on here about someone who had bred galaxies without a heater and it was about 22C. not sure how the danios will be with it cooler though?
Participant@zzyzx wrote:
Mine stay in a corner in the back of the tank unless:
– they are being fed
– I switch off the air-driven sponge filterI wonder if they prefer perfectly still water and the filter/bubbles/noise is also putting them off.
Has anyone tried keeping them in a tank without a pump running, or switching the pump off for periods of the day to encourage breeding?
good point! i’d not thought of this! be interesting to know if those who have bred them had air bubbles (filter or pump) stirring up a current.
Participantyeah, be good if it means moving the kids schools sept time. is it likely you’ll move far, or could be up the road to linton on ouse or something? or just pot luck?! it seems the MOD make up the rules as they go along! they seem disorganised as everytime my step dad will be due to go on leave they havent arranged anyone to cover him. why cant they plan further ahead?! at least you’ll have your hubby over summer which is nice. guess he was away over xmas though was he?
any fry yet?
A168…isnt that the old A1?
i’d hate having to move so far all the time. my sis in law’s hubby is in navy and they move about. my step dad is in rfa (auxillary ships section of navy) but he has 6months at home, then 6 months away, so it makes no odds where he lives really! it is hard. when do you find out for def if you have to move? how much notice do you get?tan
Participantwell if you want to sell your fish and tanks when you move you have a buyer!!!!
i used to go to forest moor when i was a kid as my mum used to drag me there to look at plants for hours!! they used to have a minor bird that could talk which amused me though! so will def have a look there! maidenhead aquatics are meant to be the bees knees, i didnt realise we had any round here though! york is about 30mins away, but collect my sis from college there quite often so can detour while over there! in fact i’m collecting her tomorrow. if my hubby can have the kids might have a look!
she lives near northallerton, so will ask her if she knows where that one is. my galaxy tank and 45 gal are my worse tanks as they were thrown togther on a budget. long story, but the 45 gal came afetr the 15gal. the 45 gal leaked, so got the 2 28gals instead. repaired the 45 gal, so thought i might as well use it, so got alot of tanks in short space of time…tanks were coming in faster than the cash was!!! the other tanks look loads better!
not sure how this wil work (might not show the pics, not sure)
but theres my tanks. the galaxy one has the java moss and a few plants, but needs alot of work to make it pretty. namely lots more plants! at the mo its just functional!
i started with 1 tank in january for my sons , I now have 4 too!! my hubby despairs too! are you originally from yorkshire then, or just here as your hubby’s raf? be funny if you were at same school as me!!!
take care
Participantthats good going. will keep my eyes peeled then! how many adults do you have?
Participantkatkin, as the water around boroughbridge is the hardest water i have ever come across, i’m curious to know if your galaxies have bred yet? if they breed in boroughbridge water, they’ll breed anywhere!!!
Participantwow!!! my best mate lived in norton le clay which is next to you and my cousin lives in dishforth, and my uncle in rainton!! whats the chances of that?! i used to live in marton cum grafton which is 5 mins from b’bridge. what a small world it is!!! what lfs do you use then? my sis (who lives in boroughbridge) said they used to have fish at morrisons there in the garden centre bit. is that still true? i’m gobsmacked!!
Participanttheres hope yet then!!! how long did you have yours before they spawned?
Participantwest yorkshire here just off the M62 and A1, but my dad lives in north yorkshire (boroughbridge….between york and harrogate 35 mins from me). where abouts in north yorks are you katkin? when i have some fry i’ll gladly meet and swap. dont know how long my lfs will have them for! if they stop selling them i’m stuck! i visit my dad most weekends.
Participantmine stay in their shoal all the time.
when the scissor tailed raboras and dwarf neon rainbow fish were in there with them, the scissors stayed at the back of the tank swimming lengths back and forth, so the galaxies were forced to the front. now the scissors have been moved to a diff tank to leave the galaxies to procreate they have decided to huddle in the plants at the back. dont see them much anymore!
they are great community fish though and got on well with the other fish that were in there.
they dont even fight among each other and i have a mixture of males and females.
they seem fairly hardy as i’ve only had one death and that was cos it got stuck under a stone, i released it as soon as i saw it (no idea how long he was stuck for though :cry: ), then next day it vanished. also had an ammonia spike and they seemed unharmed by it.
tan -