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ParticipantHa ha i know the feeling well, my wife is non to pleased about all my tanks.. I wont tell her i getting 4 more small ones for breeding. With a bit of luck i will be moving them into a purpose built fishroom soon so they are all together.
I dont think seperating them makes them anymore likely to breed but there is the chance of them breeding in the community and eating all the eggs. I use a tiny 10 litre tank for spawning small fish like these (16x8x8) bare with only a small amount of moss or woolen mops for the eggs to be layed on. You can either watch them spawn and remove them or use a plastic grid on the bottom so the eggs fall through. That way if you miss the spawning you still save the maximum number of eggs.ste12000
Participant8 Is better than none.. I will have to wait a week or two to get mine spawning..They are in a community tank at the moment while i wait for a breeding tank to become empty. I have got a load of pencilfish fry that can be moved into a growout tank in a week or so, ill then put some pairs in and see how easy they spawn…Are you using a bare tank to breed or a species tank?? Would you get larger numbers if you removed the adults after spawning???
ParticipantI live in Cheshire, England. It is now our summer and temperatures have stayed at 80f all week. I have placed a 20 gallon tank outside, planted with java moss and floating water lettuce. Temp is 78 daytime and 70-73 at night.
I have placed some endlers guppys out there tonight as a experiment to see how they do. I will keep a close eye on water temp and pollution but i expect the endlers to multiply quickly once the water produces some aquatic organisms and plenty of algae.
Ill keep you posted.ste12000
ParticipantNow i am impressed, you certainly dont hang about. Excellent idea and they look great. Keep us informed on how you get on.
ParticipantYour welcome, the fish have been a couple of hours and have settled nicely, Ill take a few videos tonight and post a link on here. Anyone else got any tips or suggestions for temp, Ph ect.. give me a week and ill have some fry
.. What is everyone breeding them at?
ParticipantHi all.. Widnes in cheshire. jimbo where in cheshire r u?? Maybe we can swap between us. Iv got wild males and F1 females so there is no inbreeding in my setup.
Participant40 gallon..Amazon community Red turk Discus (including 1 pair)
8 corydoras sterbai
4 corydoras panda
2 wild rams (breeding pair)
2 Twig catfish..Farlowella vittata25 Gallon amazon community (Breeding stock)
2 breeding pairs of bristlenose plecs
1 apistgramma agassiz
8 Columbian tetra
16 rummynose tetras
18 neon,wild green and cardinal tetras
4 galaxy rasboras (celestial pearl danios)
3 golden pencilfish
10 endlers guppys
5 undescribed tetras..sold in the shop as black diamond tetras(i cannot find any photos on the net of this fish, Definatly next breeding project20 gallon grow out tank
Empty at the minute just got rid of last batch of fry.15 gallon dwarf cichlid tank
1 pair of Nannacara Anomala (not yet spawned but only been in the tank 3-4 weeks15 litre breeding tank
50 pencilfish fry two weeks old
ParticipantDon’t let your age concern you.. be confident, if they realise you know what your talking about and are producing fully coloured good specimins they should take them. I have 3 local shops one of which is a maidenhead aquatics (widnes), They only give credit for other fish, not dry goods. The other shop will pay cash but depending on species pay about a quarter of the full retail price, so if they sell for £2 each only expect 50p.
Dont get ripped off though as there wont be to many people breeding these in numbers so try and sell privately if possible for a decent price.
Iv just paid £3 each for 6 females and still think iv got a bargain.
Good luck.ste12000
ParticipantI bought mine from Maidenhead aquatics Bold heath Widnes, I paid £20 for a group of 5 wild fish 3 months ago. I only got one female which died… However i contacted a guy called Pete Liptrot and Paul Dixon (Im sure you have heard his name before) Luckily he has aquired 6 F1 females for me to pick up tomorrow. Top guy.. Ill get them breeding and post some pics and info..
ParticipantI think ‘summer tubbin’ might just work for these fish. They are believed to tolerate cooler temperatures and our summers are fairly good so i dont see why not. The combination of coloured water, moss, floating plants and copious live foods in a large water butt will do these fish the world of good. Many fish are a lot hardier than most people give them credit for, how many habitat’s in the wild are a constant 78f and given 2 feeds a day.
The water butt is slightly closer to a real enviroment than our tanks will ever be.
Just be sure to keep an eye on your temperature and please let me know how you do, I might just join you.ste12000
ParticipantTop tank Glenn… That is the healthiest java moss i have ever seen , it obviously likes the light in your tank. Well done for charting the development of the fry like you have.. an inspiration to us all.
ParticipantZZYZX yours is a top video, try and get some more on there, Lansen your tank is gorgeous what twigs do you use for the forest effect… Top efforts guys.
ParticipantI feed a variety of flake foods, tetra prima crushed up, frozen bloodworm, mysis, brineshrimp and daphnia. They are not fussy feeders and the only trouble is matching the food to there small mouths.
ParticipantNice tanks guys, This is my spawning setup
I need to get my galaxys into it but i lost the only female so im busy sourcing some more (i have been told of a local breeder who may have some)
ParticipantI keep mine in soft acidic water.. Unfortunatly i lost the only female and have 4 males which are doing fine, I have not been able to breed them yet until i source some females(im working on that). I would say they are fairly hardy and when i get to breed them i will use a bare tank with sponge filter.
Check out my tanks on youtube