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ParticipantCheers Guys… The tanks on the bottom two rows are 18x12x12 and hold about 35 litres. They come Rimless but i masked and sprayed the tanks myself.
ParticipantA good book is worth its weight in gold!!
ParticipantIf your genuine…welcome to the crew
ParticipantSad i know but i make the mops myself, do a search on google on how to make them and pinch some of your mums/nans wool.
ParticipantHi guys, heres the link to my Cpd’s spawning vid….
Participanthome sweet home
Female Apistogramma Borelli
Male Apistogramma Borelli
Borelli Fry
Glowlight Danio fryste12000
ParticipantRight deep breath…
1 breeding pair of Discus (eat their eggs)
1 breeding pair of Pelvicachromis Taeniatus (Bipindi) (No fry yet)
1 breeding pair of Nannacara Anomala
30 Juvinile Anomala’s
8 breeding Apistogramma Borelli
80+ Apisto Borelli fry
1 Female Ram (male jumped from the tank)
180 Juvinile Rams from 2 seperate spawns.
4 Featherfin Rainbows (not tryed to breed them yet)
10 Corydoras Sterbai
2 Corydoras Panda
30 Golden pencilfish (Adults and juviniles)
7 Glowlight Danios
100 Glowlight danio fry
Glowlight tetras + eggs
20 Neon tetras (home bred)
14 Rummynose Tetras
8 Columbian tetras (One of my favourites and had these for 7 years now)
1 breeding pair of Bristlenose plecs
5 Leopard danios
150 Leopard danio fry
10 Celestial pearl danios (spawned today so fingers crossed)
1 pair of cherry barbs + 100 eggs
8 Otocinclus catfish ( these are a future breeding project and are being treated nice as we speak)
1 sexed pair of Twig catfish (Farlowella sp) Another breeding project for the future
And last but not least about 150.000.000 endlers that seem to live in every tank and spread like the plague. They get in tanks that you have no plans to stock them in, i think they get caught up in nets and hey presto 1 female turns into 20 within weeks.Good job i love em….Well iv shocked myself :o i did’nt realise i had so many fish!!! I did warn everyone i was a fish geek :wink: Lol.
These are spread between….
A 180 Jewel rio discus display tank
140litre Aqua one 620t
90 litre growing on tank
30 litre planted tank
And now 10.. 18x12x12 (35 litre) Bottom and middle shelf
And also 5 16x8x8 spawning tanks on the top shelf.
I have room for 2 more tanks on the top shelf and i think i will need them soon.ste12000
ParticipantIts hard to lower it when the temperature is warm outside, Mine is at 82f today and the heater has not been on. Mine have been spawning today so 80-82f is certainly enough to get them breeding.
ParticipantAfter posting my last message iv been out to the fishroom and my celestials are spawning all over the tank
:lol: :wink: iv got it all on video and will post a link later..that blows my theory out of the water lol.
Im in Runcorn (Cheshire) Near both Liverpool and Manchester..ste12000
ParticipantIt seems strange you are losing fish when they are obviously breeding? I would try a high protein diet using microworm and baby brine shrimp. These fish have tiny mouths and a lot of what i fed at first was simply to big. Freshly hatched brineshrimp 3-4 times a day will work wonders for putting a lot of weight on your fish.
Try a lower temp, i did some research on the weather in Myanmar and where the fish were found averages 70f…. This obviously means it gets higher but also drops lower than 70f.
I think a general temperature of 70f for maintainence and raising it to 80-85f for breeding should be a good starting point…ste12000
ParticipantJimbo this same thing has been bugging me for ages. Mine were in a small quarantine tank for two weeks when i bought them. They were extremly nervous and didnt come out much even with the room light off and me sitting ten foof away.
I then placed them in a 140litre tank which is 2ft wide and 2ft deep, they were like another species altogether, bold,confident and didnt even flinch if i pressed my nose up against the glass. This tank held various tetras and pencilfish and some floating plants.
You have seen my shed (fish-house) and i have just moved the CPD’s into a tank of their own with the hope of breeding them at last.. As soon as they went in they have hid at the back and will not come out even for bloodworm or flake, they wait until the food reaches the back before eating.
I think it may be something about feeling exposed?? maybe in the wild they live in huge shoals of hundreds or even thousands? after all, they must be near the bottom of the foodchain in their natural waters, and the fish we are keeping are essentially wild or f1 generation.
I am going to experiment with large shoals against small, when or if i get any fry.ste12000
ParticipantRight here gos…. This is some pics of the fishroom start to finish..
ParticipantThanks Jimbo.. Where in cheshire r u???
ParticipantThanks Katkin. I decided to take the plunge when i had tanks in every room and bubbling baby brineshrimp everywhere. This rack of tanks only takes up a 6×4 ft space. I am still running out of room and its only been running for a week
….. I still have the other half to convert (6x6ft) :lol: :lol: Just dont tell the missus.
Ha ha, she is glad of the peace and quiet now, we have also found out that we are expecting another baby so this is my new hiding place lol. -