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  • in reply to: Microgeophagus Ramirez.Wild Ram cichlid spawning #12220

    I dont want to sound like to much of a smart arse but i told you so…..
    Just after i finished the last post i went out to the fishroom to give a final feed of the night and one pair of the juviniles have spawned and finished while i typed the previous report. This makes these fish exactly 78 days old from the egg being laid to actually spawning themselves.
    It is funny because they have gone full circle and spawned in the same tank they were born in just under three months ago.

    Its been fairly warm in the fishroom today as i turned up the heat because we had a cold night on monday, temp on the top row was 85f when checked. The male is fanning the eggs and not letting the female near… YES FOLKS THIS TANK IS NOW COVERED, there is no way i am losing another breeding male. The pair are due to be shipped out on friday to their new owner and i will most probibaly leave the eggs alone and see what happens. I do not know yet if the pair are fertile or if it will take a few gos to get it right, this is the usual pattern for cichlids.

    in reply to: Dwarf Sunset Platies! #12217

    Hi Atlantis i can help with a few of your questions. Firstly for a tank divider, do you know anything about cross stitching?? (yeah i can see all the lads thinking “what the F*@k” ste’s lost the plot) :roll:
    I was looking for a spawning grid for the bottom of my tanks and stumbled upon a plastic canvas mesh used in Cross stitching. It might be useful as a divider if you want to look into it.
    Your platys should produce a brood every month but all on the same day never continuously. They can store sperm and i have been experimenting with endlers guppies, mine from one mating have produced 6 broods so far, the two females were virgin and then in contact with a male for a day before he was removed, they show no sign of slowing down and produce their brood after 31 days, i use tons of java moss to give cover for the fry.
    All livebearer fry are large from the moment they are born, because if you think about it they were born inside the female and have been feeding for about 3 weeks. Mine take crushed flake, tiny pellets and love baby brine shrimp and microworm..Let me know how you get on or if i can be any more help..

    in reply to: Microgeophagus Ramirez.Wild Ram cichlid spawning #12216

    The rams were purchased in the summer 2007 from a friend who is an importer and gets in some really nice fish, I bought a pair home and they settled imediately into my discus tank, very soft water with a PH of 6.2 and a temperature of 80-82F. They showed a few signs of spawning after only 1 week so i removed them to their own tank for some peace and quiet. The only tank avalible was small, 16x8x8 and is not recomended for inexperienced fishkeepers, i have plenty of experience with cichlids and have bred a few in these small tanks which were originaly bought to breed tetras and danios.
    The tank was decorated with a very thin dark gravel substrate, a few small smooth pieces of bogwood were added and a large clump of java moss completed the spawning tank.
    They took a couple of days to settle and soon they were showing their best colours and flirting, the females ovipositor was extended and it was obvious that breeding would comence any time now. Next day and the pair were cleaning a smooth piece of wood located amongst a bed of Java moss which provided cover. The female made a few dry runs along the wood with no eggs produced while the male waits patiently for his turn, after a few trial runs the female started laying eggs in short lines aprox 5-15 per run, she then moves to one side and the male glides over and fertilizes the eggs. This continued for around an hour until the female cannot produce anymore eggs.
    I had to go out after witnessing this spawning and left the fishroom with a smug grin :D , that was soon wiped off my face an hour later when i returned and discovered the male dead on the floor where he had jumped to his death :cry: .
    The female was left to tend her eggs and did a great job, from as far as i could witness their hatch rate was very close to 100%. She did the usual pit digging and moved the newly hatched fry about 3-4 times. Freeswimming time was an outstanding show in the small tank, around 150 fry made it to this stage and swarmed close to their mother. Newly hatched San francisco Baby brine shrimp was taken imediately and was suplimented with Very very fine ZM 0-0 fry food. Food size was increased according to growth and after a month the fish were taking frozen foods such as bloodworm, daphnia and Mysis,
    They fry are now the large young adults pictured and are truly stunning, i have advertised them for sale as the best quality in the UK and i very much doupt anyone can prove me wrong. The best 20 were selected for future breeding and have now found new homes, two pairs are seperated now awaiting postage and are showing extended ovipositor’s if they breed in the next two days it will make them 78-80 days old at the time of spawning!!!

    in reply to: What to do, What to do? #12213

    I observed my Celestial pearl danios spawning with 4 males in the tank and six females, each female had two male chasing her although only one pushed her into the moss and fertalised the eggs…

    in reply to: Danio pictures from Glenn – lots of pictures warning #12207

    ok ok stop rubbing it in, im going away for the weekend at the end of the month, im planning on setting up three bare tanks for three breeding pairs and see how i go…
    Watch and weep lol :wink:

    in reply to: my other fish #12206

    Well you certainly learn something new everyday, it was sold to me simply as Orange Rasbora, so not only did i not know its scientific name i even got the species wrong :oops: :oops: …
    Right, now i know its a tetra i have found a bit of info on the net, there is’nt much though and apparently not many people have spawned it.
    So to redeam myself and win back a bit of cred i will be trying to spawn my Hyphessobrycon amandae…Ill let you know how i get on.. I think numerous people have already asked you but what camera are you using?

    in reply to: Danio pictures from Glenn – lots of pictures warning #12203

    Yep definatly blonde :roll: :roll:

    in reply to: my other fish #12201

    Stunning photography, what is the rasbora called in the shot with Tateurndina ocelicauda ???? I have a small shoal that i am feeding up ready to breed and cant find a lot of info on the net…Love the Corys.Do they breed??

    in reply to: What to do, What to do? #12193

    Yep… Nothing wrong with that.. :roll: :roll:

    in reply to: Outdoor tubbin with CPD? #12192

    Well done Aqua… Can we see any pics of the tubs after they have been out all summer? i bet they are overflowing with plants. I would love to do this next year and might set 200litre water butts outside my fishroom with heaters.

    Well done again…Pics…Pics…Pics

    in reply to: What to do, What to do? #12190

    I have heard of snails eating eggs but never witnessed it to be 100%, i do know that they are safe with fry because as soon as my batches start freeswimming and eating in the bare tank i add maybe 2-3 snails to clear uneaten food.
    They spread like mad and i syphon snail eggs out daily, I wish the CPD’s bred as fast as the snails, then we would all be happy :lol:

    in reply to: Breeding programs? #12179

    I have started with wild males and tank bred females, so i should not have any inbreeding until the next generation comes along. I feel inbreeding should not be a problem for numerous generations unles bad stock is chosen..
    When choosing breeding stock from your own tank raised fish you will know which from the batch are the quickest growing(there are always some that reach maturity before others) These should be brightly coloured and free from deformitys, sunken bellies seem to be common on all CPD’s in shops ive seen. Mine are really stocky now.
    Mass bred fish in singapore and hong kong are more of a worry, they are spawned in huge pools in quantity and there is no or very little quality control.
    I think it is our , private breeders, responsibility to produce the top quality breeding stock and swap between us the best specimins for future breeding.

    I now have 50 fry from my CPD’s and am going away for two days at the end of the month, i plan to set up 4 breeding tanks and place them in to spawn the day i go, with a bit of luck and peace and quiet i expect i should return to 4 tanks of eggs. Fingers crossed.

    in reply to: DIY #12178

    That is a stunning tank atlantis i am very impressed. I am working on the pics so i can show a step by step guide to making spawning mops and large home made sponge filters..

    in reply to: DIY #12164

    Oh yeah i have,,, watch this space….

    Good idea Atlantis, The unit looks stunning aswel.

    in reply to: my planted tank Journal #12162

    Please sir i have a question!!! :wink:

    When are you going to use that new camera and post some good pics of your planted tank????

    Sounds good….. 8)

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