thanks for the replies 
yeah, i read those articles as well about CPD’s being overfished and hardly any more being caught.
I have however also read an later article about several places found with CPD’s.
hope the link works!
Glowlight danio? oh that’s the choprai one isnt it?
yeah I was thinking of that one as well, one q though: how colourful are they in the tank? The reason why I thought of CPD’s was because they seem to be rather colourful, but i’ll take your advise and either go with the choprai if they are ok (or leave mid dwellers out completly)!
As to Hornworth- my lighting level isnt good enough for that at the mo.
I have a light problem at the moment. its not enough (15W)
I have ordered a T5 24W which I will install this coming weekend.
Is 24W enough for it?
Oh, and the aquatic stores around here dont sell it either 
As to betta splendens- tahts the main fish :wink:
And yeah, I am from germany. I am living in the UK though at the moment.
And yes, I researched fish and fishkeeping before i started out. I started planning and researching 2 months ahead, hehe.
thanks again for your replies, they have been very helpful!