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  • in reply to: 500litre/112gallon tank #13606

    They are going to look great – where are you getting them from though if you dont mind me asking? i presume that they are tank bred…?

    in reply to: Outdoor tubbin with CPD? #12794

    any more updates? :D what do you feed your fish on and how often?

    in reply to: Breeding corydoras Sterbai..with pics. #12161

    brilliant photos as usual ste and a superb report – great stuff!

    in reply to: Interested in Characins? #12156

    Atlantis – as I said, only the forum is working at the moment anyway, and I did say to use the link on this page :D I sent an email to people on hte forum already, saying that I had been playing about with it and have changed the address :D

    L168 – Well at least its working for someone lol, as promised there will be much more content soon :D


    in reply to: Interested in Characins? #12152

    Plase try again, it works fine – use the link above. When you say its empty – what do you see? Bearing in mind ive been able to do a whole 3 hours work on it, its coming along.

    in reply to: New fry at last! #12139

    well done! Although the babie coies maywell eat any eggs that have fallen through the plants – I was wandering why i wasnt seeing any new fry for a couple of weeks, and one day i noticed a baby peppered cory, who’s egg must have survived from when i removed its parents and made the tank a CPD tank. a few days after I removed him I saw fry again…

    be sure to put some photos up of your fry :D

    in reply to: my setup… #11988

    I would mow it but i just cant quite fit the lawn mower in the tank :D hehe. The only thing that i keep in some kind of order in there is the moss, as it quickly starts to latch on to the grass and starts to take over.

    in reply to: my setup… #11982

    to be honest i have not got a clue lol , but i have a samll fields’ worth going spare if you want i can post it to you?

    in reply to: Danio pictures from Glenn – lots of pictures warning #11831

    i think there is only a couple of things to say: VERY well done and Amazing!

    in reply to: MY NEW FISHROOM.. #11789

    my mouth is actually hanging open in amazement! what a great selection of fish!

    in reply to: MY NEW FISHROOM.. #11774

    that looks great, i think i would actually kill for a fishhouse lol What species do you have in total, apart from the ones in the film?

    in reply to: how do i keep fry alive for more than 3minutes?? #11718

    @ste12000 wrote:

    ..some of the dwarf cichlids can eat bbs from freeswimming..

    thats true – my keyhole cichlid fry were attacking the brineshrimp meant for their parents all the time

    in reply to: how do i keep fry alive for more than 3minutes?? #11715

    lol thats ok – i think my question is answered now :D i must admit ive never used other foods (microworms) for my fry – i normally start off with liquidfry, then after about 2 weeks i have a ‘special fry formula’ lol that i use. at about 4 weeks old i use crushed flake along with my formula and then at about 6 weeks plus its live food all the way :D if you want to condition your fish then live food is always the best, with frozen coming a close second – get them well fed for about 1-2 weeks – some say seperate the sexes whilst you do this so they are more than ‘up for it’ when you put them back – also it allows the females to build up a nice batch of eggs – more eggs = more fry (in theory lol) – this is the method im going to be using to attempt to breed my cardinals in a few weeks time :D

    in reply to: how do i keep fry alive for more than 3minutes?? #11713

    yeh those problems seem to be all the ones ive encountered too. although i must say that the water change problem has never affected my fish before – usually i change at least 50%-70% a day, but now i have just pput the fry into breeding net (although on that note intrrestingly – i have lost a LOT more fry doing this way, than my normal method of keeping fry in a 1 litre container and then putting them into the net at about 4 weeks old)

    As for the pencilfish, they were a bonus – i had 3 males and 6 females in a setup much like my celestial one actually – plenty of plants etc. One day i noticed a handful of fry swimming around so i saved 10 and raised them to adulthood just as a small scale project. there were probably lots more fry aroudn though, as the females were nice and plump, full of eggs allmost all the time. My best success of a single brood was easily with the zebra danios though – one female and male in a net in a tank(eggs fall through) gave me well over 400 fry! (disaster with a faulty heater did for those alas:() but i raised quite a few of those quite happily.

    With your CPDs, it took mine about 2months to get it together, but it did coincide with a week of feeding a mix of flake, live and frozen food and two waters changes of approx 20%. since then im finding fry on the sand almost daily. I am using a heavily planted tank though which is half java moss and half ‘grass’ – ill get a pic up here when i work out how too lol.

    in reply to: how do i keep fry alive for more than 3minutes?? #11693

    i only put free swimming fry, that have been hatched for days into the breeding trap – so the egg yolk has been used up. ive bred my fish for the last 5 years or so, and so far i have managed to successfully breed all that i have tried (and raised fry to adult hood i might add lol :D ) but i have to admit these little beauties are giving me some problems! Im doing the same with them as i did with pencilfish and danios – both egglayers and have very small fry..

    – species so far:

    golden pencilfish
    keyhole cichlid

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