Forum Replies Created
Participanti did the same mestake with my first 3 fryes, they died the first night, i dont think they can survive under 24 degrees, myne were in a box off 1L, now i have about 35 fryes in a guppy breeding box but in the same aquarium as they were born so same water same parametars, and all have been ok the last 2-3 weeks, i think that every litle change will kill them so dont try to move them too much.
ParticipantHere is what i uze for the big ones:
live baby brine shrimp
and all off those foods under this in a “spice mill”:
Tropical – Vitality & Color – flake food
Tropical – Discus Gran – granulat
Tropical – VegeTabin B – tabs, krushed
JBL – Grana – mini granulat
JBL – Novo Tab – tabs, krushedAnd for the fry:
Hobby – Protogen – live infusoria
Interpet – Liquifry 1
Sera – Micron
live baby brine shrimpMacedonianLion
ParticipantCongats, for the last 2 days i cant see eny fry, but i got 17 frys til now.
Participant@MacedonianLion wrote:
I have:
Pseudotropheus demasoni – breeding
Labidochromis sp. Hongi “red top” – breeding
Pelvicachromis pulcher – breeding
Celestial Pearl Danio’s – just started breeding
Poecilia sp. “Endlers” – breeding
Caridina cf. cantonensis “Crystal Red Shrimp” – breeding
Ancistrus sp. – finaly i got a pair but still havent done it
Ancistrus sp. “albino” – 3 pairs but too young to breed
Peckoltia vittata – cant get them to breed
Hypancistrus sp. “King Tiger Pleco” L066 – done it once and the babies died after 2 days, havent done it again , but it will come soon
and i have 2 discus and some Paracheirodon axelrodi that are going out soon coz i plan to sell my 180L aquarium and get a 700-1000L for the leaving room for wild discus and a pair of stingrays
I think thats all for now :lol: but ill get more sorts off fishes that ill breed in the future
ill have some pics here and ill update it as soon as i have time bigest pair off Ancistrus sp. “albino” spowned today i hope evrything goes ok and i get some fry.
ParticipantI have:
Pseudotropheus demasoni – breeding
Labidochromis sp. Hongi “red top” – breeding
Pelvicachromis pulcher – breeding
Celestial Pearl Danio’s – just started breeding
Poecilia sp. “Endlers” – breeding
Caridina cf. cantonensis “Crystal Red Shrimp” – breeding
Ancistrus sp. – finaly i got a pair but still havent done it
Ancistrus sp. “albino” – 3 pairs but too young to breed
Peckoltia vittata – cant get them to breed
Hypancistrus sp. “King Tiger Pleco” L066 – done it once and the babies died after 2 days, havent done it again , but it will come soon
and i have 2 discus and some Paracheirodon axelrodi that are going out soon coz i plan to sell my 180L aquarium and get a 700-1000L for the leaving room for wild discus and a pair of stingrays
I think thats all for now :lol: but ill get more sorts off fishes that ill breed in the future
ill have some pics here and ill update it as soon as i have time
ParticipantI leave in 2 rooms apartment with my wife(and a baby comming soon) and i allready have 10 aquariums and still planing for more, at first my wife wasn’t that happy about it, but it’s easy money for me, as long the fishes wants to breed. :wink:
ParticipantI got them on 8. of may and got first fryes today 21. june
ParticipantFlat Worms
One common critter is a tiny white “worm” that seems to glide around on the water surface and sides of the tank. These organisms are Planaria (commonly called flat worms). Some species of flat worm can be very tiny — almost microscopic. All Planaria glide on cilia and slide (some say like a snail or slug) along surfaces such as the glass sides. They can glide on the glass front of your tank and do in fact glide across the underneath surface of the water using the water’s surface tension. Planaria are sometimes incorrectly confused with microworms. (Microworms are an excellent food for fish fry).
The distinction between planaria and microworms is easy to see. Although microworms and the small planaria are similar in size, microworms cannot move along a flat surface under water. They flex from side to side and cannot swim or glide on a surface that is submerged.
Planaria in general are harmless, usually appearing in large numbers only when large amounts of food are present. In aquariums, food typically consists of excess fish food due to over-feeding. There are several freshwater and marine forms. Some of the marine forms can get quite large. Larger freshwater species are themselves eaten, in some cases, by certain types of fish. One of the most common of the larger freshwater species (and used frequently in Biology classes) is Dugesia. Dugesia can reach a length of slightly over a centimeter long and is further characterized by having an arrow shaped head and a grayish color, not white.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Platyhelminthes
Class: Turbellaria
Order: Order Tricladida
This is it i have it in some off my aquariums where i overfeed nothing to be afraid off they are harmles, you can reed more here
ParticipantI’m from Malmö, Sweden and i have 14 – Celestial Pearl Danio’s.