Forum Replies Created
ParticipantAnd welcome again! Any luck breeding yet?
ParticipantA belated welcome! Any success yet?
ParticipantHow’s your breeding coming along? The plants in your tank look like they could hide some fry, but even more important might be to keep the adults fattened. I find that when I am able to give the adults frequent (meaning 3-6 times a day!) live microworm feedings for a week or two, the fry suddenly start appearing — I think being spawned the whole time, but immediately consumed when the adults aren’t stuffed with other food. My best successed were with a really dense pile of java moss — so dense the adults had to fight their way down into it.
ParticipantI’m still around here in MN (the other guy armageddon was talking about) — but haven’t checked in for awhile. Just got a pile more fry (50 maybe?) when I pulled all the adults out of the breeding tank and put them into a community tank. Was going to tear down the breeder, but guess it’s up for another bunch of weeks now!!
I managed to disperse a few groups of F1 adults at our last local fish club auction, so maybe more breeders coming out of the middle of the continent…
Fishmode, is that a M. erythromicron in your avatar? How many other danionins have you got?
ParticipantHoly Cats, it’s been a long time since I checked in. Glad to see you got all signed up Al. Welcome! And congrats on the fry. You’ve got a gorgeous setup. Keep us posted on your successes!
ParticipantWelcome! Keep us updated with your successes. Re: leaving the adults in, I just removed the adults from my breeding tank back out to a community tank. Two days later, approx 50 fry swarming the breeding tank! Parents had been eating fry continuously for weeks, apparently. No changes in any tank parameters, weather, or feeding, other than taking them out.
thanks for the refresh on the post.Four questions for you:
1) When you spawn danios in the plastic livebearer breeding traps, do you use the v-shaped tray in the bottom to funnel the eggs down, or just let them drop through the slots in the bottom?2) When you use the tub of marbles, does it work to leave the marbles in, or do the fry have a hard time getting back up and out? How many layers of marbles do you usually use?
3) My LFS told me that their Glofish(TM) supplier mentioned a possible return to sterilizing them before selling (allegedly the two wholesalers did this at first, then stopped), based on the obvious breeding happening outside the tanks of the patent holders. I got some of each recently, and am curious if you have any experience with the fertility of recent Glofish(TM). (I hope this doesn’t set off moral preaching posts on the ethics of the existence of GM danios :roll: .) Will I be wasting my time to try to breed them? Finally, what does interbreeding the three colors give?
4) I’ve also recently gotten a Danio pantheri (TW-03 or heiroglyph) — the salesman swore it was just a pearl danio, so I didn’t complain about the price! — and two Danio choprae’s. Any experience with these yet?
Fellow danio enthusiast,
– DeanL777
ParticipantWelcome to the forum!!
Sounds like a great tank to watch! Some of those fish have big enough mouths to make raising CPD fry a concern. Ditto to the strong current concern for the hillstream loaches. What type of hs loaches are you thinking about (there are so many!)? My favorite is Sewellia lineolata. These spend less time in the power filter bucket than some of the long linear ones.L777
sounds to me like it could be water quality, parasites, or old age — sort of hard to tell from those symptoms. What has changed recently in the tank of the sick one?My wild-caught breeding group started producing again a few weeks ago. The only change in their tank since they stopped earlier was my ramping up again the number of live feedings per day. The water quality in the tank when the second batch started arriving was actually a bit worse than when they had stopped after the first big spawn.
ParticipantAt least they didn’t try to add another common name!
ParticipantGot it. Thanks for all the info. Looking forward to the pictures!
ParticipantI agree — sounds like a fun tank! I’d expect the kuhli’s to root around and scavenge any CPD eggs though, so maybe not a successful breeding setup?
I have to admit I’m a little skeptical, but your experience sounds convincing. You said the recipe was coffee grounds and a little beer, but I’m not sure whether the grounds need to be dried then re-wet. Here’s what I think I’ll try (tell me if I get something wrong):1. put moist coffee grounds from coffee maker in a shallow plastic tub with lid
2. add a ml or so of beer and mix together
3. skim a few teaspoons of my old microworm culture (will contain some of the “dry cereal flake + brewer’s yeast + active yeast + tap water” medium I’m using now) off the surface and add to the coffee/beer mix(4. as necessary to keep moist, add a few drops of beer to the culture)
Do you keep your culture thick or runny?
ParticipantHaving just rinsed out a tray of 6-week old microworm culture — growing fur and strong enough to make a yak puke! — this culture sounds very interesting. Have you used it long enough to know how long it lasts until it need to be changed out? Whether you get as many worms from it?
ParticipantThat’s an amazing setup! The spawning bed is perfect for taking pictures. And short enough to scoop out the adults after they spawn for the fry to grow out without upending the whole tank to shake out the adults.