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ParticipantNo Mate i think its faster than usual
Mfg Peter
ParticipantHi Chris,
Try spinach, they will like that
Mfg peter
My names Peter, married with 2 teenagers and living in Germany.
At the moment ive got 18 112L aquariums and one 1800L aquarium on the go, mainly with Julidochromis species from the lake Tanganyika but 3 Aquariums of CPD`s one with the males, one with the females and one with around 100 juveniles.
Started keeping fish around 25 years ago when i lived in Hong Kong.
Mfg Peter
I set up a 12cm x 10cm x 10cm plastic tank with a mesh ca 2 cm from the bottom filled it with Horwart and put a pair of CPDs in it for 3 days, this was a test as i have 200 of these plastic tanks from my Betas days ( they were on a drip filter system) I also have around 7-8 young swimming around.
Mfg Peter
ParticipantNow i keep the socalled teacup stingray “Potamotrygon Reticulata” and its definately not a brack waterfish. Id like to hear why they are holding them in such a Aquarium.
Mfg Peter
Participanta link for you cosmiccow http://www.aquariumfish.com/aquariumfish/printer.aspx?aid=18924&cid=4150
mine eat freshly hatched brine shrimp like theres no tomorrow
Mfg Peter
ParticipantHi Lg,
Your Galaxys are still looking very pale, i keep mine in a tank with a brown gravel in it and mine are a lot darker even the females.
Mfg Peter
ParticipantApple snails are meat eaters, they will even catch young fish sleeping at night and devour them. :shock: :shock:
Mfg Peter
ParticipantHi, (nameless one
Nice set up you have there, and welcome to the Galaxy forum.
Dont forget they like freshly hatched brineshrimp too.
Just a question on the Aqua Soil or Eco, my information they reduce the PH and Harness of the water drasticly do you have an aquarium running with them in it?Mfg Peter
ParticipantMorning Ste,
What are your water perameters directly out of the tap, PH and hardness would be intresting to know. Do you use a Peat canon to soften it ?
Mfg Peter
I dont know if you have a garden but i get my daphnia from a 400L rain collecting tub, once birds bath in it, it seems to get started i also get black mosquito larveas from it, only problem is when it starts to get cold i have to empty it.
Mfg Peter
Yeah, got garden and could try that. Not sure they like sub-zero temperatures though. But thanx for that. If not now, then next spring
Are the easy to spot?
– Atlantis
ParticipantHiya, i used 3.5cm x 5,5cm wooden strutts (they come in 3 meter lengths) cut to size each aquarium has its own compartment . The side with 18 aquariums on it used 57meters which cost me around 53 pounds all together. All in all the cost for the 2016 Liter side was 18 x €30 for brand new tanks, €100 wood, €100 for filter matierial (each tank has a 35 x 38 x 10cm filter in it and €80 euro for a new airpump (4000L per hour using 35Watt)
Mfg Peter[/img]
ParticipantMiines in my celler but what i did could be applyed you a shed, i insulated the outside wall and inside wall (10cm outside 5cm inside 10cm celing) what youll have to do seeing as yours is outside also put a minimum of 10cm under your shed too (i used Sturodur, dont know what its called in english but its a very hard polystyrene). Make sure youve got an extra fuse box for your shed. Now my shelving is made from untreated wood, dont seal the wood as wood works and if its sealed and a crack and water gets in, it has no way out so will start to rot the wood from the inside.
Mfg Peter
This is a german moss online shop that has an english button
This is also a german moss online shop
Mfg Peter
ParticipantShould have some pictures of my fish room next week, a mates coming up to talk about our trip to Lake Tanganjika next august. Ad Konigs is flying over from the U.S amogst other people that will be here Heinz Büsher. Enough about that, hes bringing his camera with him
. I hope the wait will be worth it
Mfg Peter