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ParticipantJust to say that after one year, my CPD give me new babies… I see 10 tonight, the older one is about 3-4 weeks and I have new hatching every week. Sometimes they survive, sometimes not… Nothing special in my tank, just a lot of plants, PH 7.0 (CO2 monitoring) and 24~25°C.
It’s fun to see new microscopic fry with two big eyes stucked on the glass.January 2, 2012 at 11:48 pm in reply to: My 11 Gal exclusively for CPD (and red cherry shrimps). #15088JiCi
ParticipantLast update :
My CPD continue to spawn. Now I have 4~5 babies in the tank, They are 4~5 days old for the youngers and 2 weeks for the older.
The plants grow very well, I have some algae on my wood but nothing to declare the war against it. I will clean up the wood.One spawning couple of CPD who play in the Hemianthus Cuba. They’re very nice to see playing in the HC.
December 9, 2011 at 3:08 am in reply to: My 11 Gal exclusively for CPD (and red cherry shrimps). #15073JiCi
ParticipantJuste an update :
My rotala macrandra looks like bad shape. Don’t know why, all the other plants grow a lot… Maybe I should prune it.
Anyway, tonight I just see another baby CPD in my tank !!!
So, it is not linked with shrimps for food… But maybe with moss : I put some Fissendis in my tank as I did no longer keep some java moss. Less than 2 weeks and new fry…
I’m happy to see that they spawn again.
To be continued… :arrow:December 1, 2011 at 4:37 am in reply to: My 11 Gal exclusively for CPD (and red cherry shrimps). #15065JiCi
ParticipantAnother update :
I own a Boostled LED controler to simulate dawn and dusk and give a maximum power with my 10 000K LED for few hours in middle of the photoperiod.
The result is amazing each morning and night… And with a better control of the duration for each LED type, I have a better control for algae. I had few green hair algae and now for one week, just changin my photoperiod and they disapeaar…
I have no new breeding with my CPD. I’m thinking that maybe the red cherry gave them a “fresh” , rich and constant live food and gave a better chance for spawning. I have no RCS any more… linked ?Last update on November 27 :
November 20, 2011 at 3:28 am in reply to: My 11 Gal exclusively for CPD (and red cherry shrimps). #15057JiCi
ParticipantThe last update from my 10G.
I need to prune my plants today.I made a video, you can see some CPD…
November 19, 2011 at 6:49 pm in reply to: My 11 Gal exclusively for CPD (and red cherry shrimps). #15056JiCi
ParticipantYes, it is an exclusive CPD tank. I only put two otocinclus temporarely but they should go in another tank soon with their friends. I put some Red CHrry shrimp too but my population decrease dramaticaly as the CPD eat the youngs.
I built my tank in last January and wait for more than 5 weeks for cycling before introduce the CPD.November 16, 2011 at 9:14 pm in reply to: My 11 Gal exclusively for CPD (and red cherry shrimps). #15051JiCi
ParticipantFor sure…
The tank is a “boxing day” sale, I paid 29$ if I remember. The brand was Dolphin, it’s a chinese glass aquarium. I think it’s the same rimless tank you can find in other brands. I bought it in Montreal, at Aquatropicale store.
I use the ZooMed Turtle 511 canister filter with noddles+wool+ceramic media. I manage my CO2 tank (5lbs) with the Milwauke SMS122 controler to keep around pH 7.1 as my KH is around 8~9.
I use Flourish+Flourish Excel+Flourish Traces for fertilization. Sometimes, I put some Nutrafin Waste Control because it’s difficult to clean with the plants. That’s all… :wink:November 16, 2011 at 4:02 pm in reply to: My 11 Gal exclusively for CPD (and red cherry shrimps). #15049JiCi
ParticipantYes they are !!
But they are very shy and they live all 17 in the red rotalla macrandra.November 16, 2011 at 2:16 pm in reply to: My 11 Gal exclusively for CPD (and red cherry shrimps). #15046JiCi
ParticipantOh yes, they love it…
The last image was the “day 0” of a big change concerning my plants and after a big problem of cyanos.
Here is an image one month later (last week):
Sure, substrate is good for plants but with good fertilization/Co2/light, they grow very quickly.
I’m waiting for Fissidens fontanus to put on my wood and will re-introduce red shrimps.October 12, 2011 at 2:30 am in reply to: My 11 Gal exclusively for CPD (and red cherry shrimps). #15028JiCi
Participant@Tom2006 wrote:
LOVING your tank….very nice indeed!
In case you want to breed the shrimp, my CPDs eat virtually all the shrimp young.
Mine do the same… Impossible to breed red cherry…
Sometimes I think they kill some big ones too, I eventually find 1 dead every week…
Don’t know if I can put other shrimps like Japonica.:
October 12, 2011 at 2:25 am in reply to: My 11 Gal exclusively for CPD (and red cherry shrimps). #15027JiCi
ParticipantUpdate for sure.
I had problems with cyano this summer : I tried several solutions and my plants did not like it very much… I finally find the “magic product” that killed my cyano and keep my tank healthy (it is UltraLife blue green remover… Simply magic and no side effects).
I changed my lighting too. I built a new power LED lighting for the tank that increase dramatically the amount of light.
Here is a new photo of my tank yesterday :
I trim a lot of plants, make a few changes in the species of plants and try to grow up my (past) beautifull Hemianthus Cuba that did not like the cyano… Hope the HC will grow up soon.
I do not have new breeding for 3 months, corresponding the time my HC began to have problems. The CPD like the HC and breed in it, I saw them lot of time swiming between the leafs of HC.
I hope they will spawn again but I saw yesterday that my school contains 17CPD when I bought 12… :wink:JiCi
ParticipantI sold 8 young CPD to a friend and kept 3 that are adults now. I do not have breeding for 6-8 weeks now but now I keep my tank at 24°C and decrease light duration (problems with my lighting system).
The CPD born in my tank are accepted by the olders and the 8 I sold are in perfect health.JiCi
ParticipantLast news : each week I have new breeding with 2~5 survivors each time…
Now I have more than 10 small fishes in my tank. Their size depends on the week they born, from 0.5″ to 0.25″ for the last ones. They remain at the top of the tank.
The first ones that were born last april are now with the adults…
I will need to sell some in few time to keep my tank safe… :roll:JiCi
ParticipantLast feedback for my fry. The first one is now close to be an adult and begin to go with other adults.
Since April I had 2 more hatching: 2x in May and one last this week.
Normally I see 5-8 fry the first day and only 1-2 survive after a week. Don’t really know how many eggs the female lays.
I have HC Cuba and I’m pretty sure the female lays in it because I saw amazing parades with female and 2-3 males who literaly dive into the hemianthus.In summary, after 4 months I have 3 “teenagers” CPD and 2 babys growing.
ParticipantLast update : I placed this fish in hospital tank and gave Methylene blue first and increased temperature. Nothing changed after 5 days.
I change treatment for anti-worm/ich natural treatment and.. nothing…I decided to put the fish back in the regular tank. She is still alive and have difficulties to eat. I prepare food with garlic juice in case of worm.
The strange thing is that this fish is still alive and I lost 3 others in my regular tank. I found a death fish (very thin) that could be the reason of the death of two of my CPD that were healthy and had no sign of disease after microscope observation. Maybe too many NH3 after the death I didn’t see and was in advanced state of decomposition.So in summary the first ill fish is still alive after treatment when 3 others (2 healthy and one thin) died for 2 weeks now… Results, I have 5 healthy CPD and one thin still alive from 12 CPD after 6 weeks…