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Participantmaybe i am lazy or something cause i find it hard to clean in a barebttom tank and weekly takes a toll…
I just want to add a small amount of fluval stratum…( don’t have much left maybe enough for a half inch..) to it and add shrimps to help clean up leftover
So I will just need to do weekly wc and i will be fine……and hope it increase my chance of spawn/fry and get the divider out of the way in the tank.
will do this this week
Participant@BallAquatics wrote:
I try to avoid moving fry, but if I must I use a small cup to capture them in with a bit of tank water. I’ve never had any success moving them with a net, just to fragile I imagine.
ya..the fry are quite a bit fragile…
the fry usually appear on the right side of my divider, they must have squeeze under the divider…i am now seeing them appear more often on teh right side.
This is good for me cause, i don’t have to move the parent back and forth on each side.
A couple days ago, i took half of the tank water in the fry grow out tank and add the water from the breeder tank to it. the two fry seems to survive.
I guess i should wait a couple days until the fry get a bit stronger and then move it. If i should have done this earlier, i would have more baby frys.
ParticipantCPD like hiding in alot of moss…
i start out with a small amount and purchase more…
I am not sure if little moss would make a different or not.
Participant@BallAquatics wrote:
I would imagine they are eating all the eggs and/or fry and that’s why you haven’t seen anything.
When I run out of room for fry, I will often just leave the breeders in a 5 gallon breeder set-up. I vary rarely see any fry as long as the adults are in the tank. When I’m ready for more fry, the adults go into a new breeder set-up and about 90% of the time the tank that wasn’t showing any fry will have fry in a week to 10 days after the adults are removed.
Most aquarium fish, if they are well taken care of, will spawn on a regular basis. The problem is that they eat the results… so many hobbyists are not aware that their fish are reproducing.
Best of luck with your breeding project!
Thanks for the help.
My first attemp was a failure due to leaving the parent in the tank of too long.
My second attempt was a success thanks to your tips.
I left the adult on one side of the tank for 4-5 days and there was alot of activities going on in it….I also added 1 male and 1 female which give me a total fo 3 male to 2 male to increase my chance.
After moving them to the other side, I saw two fry in the evening after 4 days.
Here a video of one:hmoobthor
ParticipantSince no1 is looking to hook me up with some.
I have bought some online for 6.50 each. and it should be here by Thursday. Look forward to breed this fish.