@Tom2006 wrote:
The problem you will have initially is that CPDs and shrimp need a mature stable tank, and a new tank is anything but that. I would make sure its mature first before adding anything else. But yes the CPDs would be much happier in a larger group, you would be fine (in a mature tank) with 6-8 fish. Shrimp also like to be in groups. Cherry shrimp are one of the easiest.
I wouldn’t add any other larger fish just yet and certainly nothing over an inch, as it would be too large for such a small tank and would probably stree the CPDs
Thanks for you opinion. I will add more CPD’s after a while. Regarding the other questions about territorial CPD’s that you answered, I think that it may have something to do with mating because the fish chasing the other around looks like a male (it has darker colors) and the fish getting changed looks like a female. Is this possible?